Rap Battle

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~With Finley; Wednesday~

Now that we have a rap battle tonight, I have to come up with lines that could spark some fuel into my rivalry with that Daniel Bryan knockoff.

Holland and Burch were there already waiting for me, same with Io. We want our relationship a secret, but with our rap battle, it'll get exposed at any moment. But before we went out there in the middle of the show, I had to meet with Wale about my lyrics.

Me: Hi Wale.

Wale: Finley! What's going on baby?

I could only do a handshake but a fist bump is fine. He seemed really energetic, but he seemed like a nice guy.

Wale: You know your lyrics?

Me: I do.

I gave him a piece of paper and he was laughing at one lyric in particular.

Wale: Oh my God! That is savage! You're going after his wife?!

Me: Yes. Don't say anything about this.

Wale: I got ya, Dawg.

We fist bumped again and I went to my locker room.

~Middle of The Show; Rap Battle~

Johnny went first with his wife Candice, along with Cameron Grimes and Timothy Thatcher in case things get out of hand.

I went out second with Ridge and Danny as I looking forward to destroy Johnny. Wale was already in the ring and I can't wait to hear him.

Wale: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a rap battle between "The Bad Rabbit" Finley Flanigan and Johnny Gargano!

The crowd was cheering and applauding for us and I couldn't wait to beat Gargano this battle.

Wale: Here are the rules: there are no rules! Say whatever you want and whoever has the most damaging bars wins.

Me: Seems fair to me, and that's enough for me to wipe your face all over this ring.

Johnny: What'd you say!

I got in his face and was about to hit him, but I kept myself under control and waited to go first.

Wale: To make this battle fair, let's flip the quarter. Finley, you accepted the challenge, what do you call?

Me: Heads.

Wale: Heads?

Wale flipped the coin and it landed on Tails, so Johnny gets to choose who goes first.

Wale: So, Johnny, who do you choose to go first?

Johnny: Let this mother go first.

Wale: Woah! We got ourselves a battle. Let's get it started! Fin, you go first!

Me: Alright! Be ready to lose because I don't! Ever!

There was no beatboxing so it was great for me.

Me: In NXT, I'm the real McCoy not another playboy,
racking up win rates, heads roll. I am the fucking centerfold!
I'll lead an army and Imma hit you with it head first,
your in my game like an episode of West World.
Sure I got goons doing my dirty work, half assed for what it's worth,
I am a circus with its deadly perks.
Double down and take a hit,
a beat down is what you get,
I am a lucky little rabbit and I'm only here to WIN!!!

That got a ton of ohs from the crowd and Wale. Johnny's up next, so what does he got in store?

Johnny: Finley, you costed me my opportunity to get the North American Title,
But since you came to NXT, you haven't been in the fucking championship game in a while
I'm the heart of NXT but no soul
I'm the one who's kept this brand whole
NXT is the life and I plan on staying here until it has nothing more to offer
Whereas you, you're gonna be buried on the goddamn main roster!

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now