Gang Wars

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~With Finley; Wednesday~

Kevin, Ridge, Danny, Io, and I are in the ring as Kevin was going to speak for me.

Kevin: Yes. I'm back, but I'm not here for any of you idiots here at Full Sail! I'm here for a friend that I knew for so long and claimed that I was the only person that he can trust and that is The Bad Rabbit, Finley Flanigan.

There were a ton of boos and that got me smiling and fired up.

Kevin: Don't even think about standing up to us because The Killjoy Gang is going to destroy every person in NXT! Finley is one bad, bad rabbit, and everyone else are his hitmen *looking* and his aerial assassin while I am his consigliere!

There were more boos until a theme played.

Three men in suits and ties are coming to the ring and they went inside the ring. I recognized the guy in front. His name was El Hijo Del Fantasma, but he changed his name to Santos Escobar, while his other hitmen are Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde. Together, they're called Legado Del Fantasma.

Santos: You think we give a shite about your gang? Us? We want to bring Lucha Libre back into wrestling! You five are just an obstacle.

Kevin: Excuse me? We're not an obsticale! You're one so why don't you get the hell out of our ring and go back to Mexico!

Santos was livid, but kept to himself pretty well. Kevin was about to speak, but I grabbed the microphone out of his hand and said something that would get me in trouble, but I don't really care.

Me: If you wanna fight, how about we get three of you eses and we do a tag team deathmatch, senor!

There were a ton of ohs from the crowd as we got engaged into a brawl. Danny took down Wilde as Ridge fought Mendoza on the outside. Kevin can't fight because of his injury so all he could do was watch until Santos and I were face to face.

Santos: Call me "Ese" one more time man. I dare you.

I smiled and proceeded to move my mouth until Io came from behind and kicked his balls from behind. That got him on his knees as I locked him in Total Humiliation.

Me: You want me to call you "ese", Ese? I just did!

I held on for 45 more seconds before letting go and heading to the ramp, with a cocky smirk.

Me: Lucha Libre my arse! You're on ESE!

There were more boos when Io and I started making out in front of the crowd and I was loving every moment of it.

When we got through the back, I could see Hunter in a real bad mood.

Hunter: You with me! No Kevin! No Io! No Killjoy Gang! You and I, one on one! Come on!

He led me into his office and he was angry.

Hunter: Do you realize what you've done out there, young man! You were being racist out there! We can't have that here in NXT!

Me: I've never been racist and I had to come up with something on the spot!

Hunter: And you had to come up with something that could get us a lot of PR backlash! Go home! I'll figure out what to do with you!

I left his office and before I went to Io and the others, Santos came up with a pissed off look.

Santos: So, you think you're really something, don't you, dude? You really think just because you're a bad rabbit, it means you can disrespect my people?

Me: Listen, I just wanted to apologize.

Santos: Apologize nothing! If you disrespect me, you're disrespecting my people of Mexico!

He then swung and started beating me to the point I couldn't fight back. Santos threw me to a crate and was landing his shots at me until security and Io grabbed me and helped me to another crate, but I couldn't believe what he said.

Santos: Hey, señorita! Señorita Shirai! How about you come hang with us! He doesn't deserve you!

Me: You want to talk about her? Say it to my face, you wanker!

I charged at him and I attacked him until not only security and all of the male wrestlers tried to break us up, but I still wanted to fight.

Danny and Ridge attacked him from behind with steel chairs. That was until Wilde and Mendoza attacked them from behind.


We eventually did and on the way home with Io, she was pissed, but happy that I stood up for her.

Io: Finley, you don't come to NXT and talk to a 20 year veteran like that!

Me: Io, you're my girlfriend, and I love you, but I don't want to hear something like that again, especially when he tried to talk about you.

I was silent as I could be before saying...

Me: Ever.

We were silent the whole time until we got home.

What just happened is the brilliant angle we could possibly have, but there would be controversy around this.

And the Latino fans would want to attack us.


Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now