Retirement and A Day With A Genius?

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~With Finley~

Me: Are you okay, mate?

KO: Fin, I have some sad news, man.

Me: What is it, my friend?

KO: I just got injured with a neck injury.

Me: Oh, I'm so sorry, mate. I'm sure you're going to be back in no time!

KO: Actually, it's nothing like that. The WWE medical staff had told me there's no way I can compete anymore.

Me: No! That mustn't be the case.

KO: It is. I'm sorry man.

Me: What happened, mate?

KO: On Raw this week, I was in a match with Randy Orton. On one spot, I accidentally landed on my head while doing a Senton Bomb. Randy then took advantage and punted me until I lost. I was grabbing my head in pain until the medical staff took me to the trainer's room.

I was stunned. Randy Orton ended Kevin's career?!

KO: After an MRI yesterday, it was obvious, I can't do what I love anymore.

Me: Oh, Mate. I'm so sorry.

KO: I have to announce it next week on Monday.

He was getting watery. I had to get my handkerchief out and let him cry it out.

KO: I want you to not take this personal, Fin. Wrestling's my life.

Me: I'll let you take as long as you need, Kevin.

Before I walked away, I had an idea.

Me: How would you feel about returning to NXT?

KO: I just told you, I can't compete anymore.

Me: No, not as a wrestler, but a bodyguard?

KO: Fin, I don't think you understand. My neck is broken. I can't take anymore bumps. If I do, I'll die.

Me: You don't have to take bumps in this position. You just have to glare and be a heel again.

KO: I can be a heel, but are you sure about me as a bodyguard?

Me: I'm sure. I'll talk to Hunter about it, but sometime soon, I'm hanging out with Io.

KO: Wait, you and Io are?

Me: No. At least not yet. I'm still shy about being around that lass.

KO: Hey, at least treat her with respect. Women, they're like a flower. You have to let them bloom.

Me: Thank you Kevin. I'll be sure to remember that.

Just as I said that, I got a text from IO saying that our hangout date was tomorrow for lunch. I'm interested, as long as I can talk to her without any problems with my shyness.

~Next Morning~

I showered, dressed, and got ready to hang out with Io Shirai, who she thinks I'm her love interest, but I just don't feel the same. I'm not sure.

I put her address in my phone and before I even pushed directions, she called me and I had to pick up.

Me: Hello?

Io: Hey, Fin.

Me: Hello, lass.

Io: Are you on your way?

Me: I am, why do you ask?

Then, I couldn't believe what I heard. I thought I heard her CRYING. Something is wrong.

Me: Are you crying, Io?

Io: No. Just come over here as soon as you can.

Me: Okay. I just put in the directions and I'm on my way now.

Io: See you then.

I hung up and drove to her house. When I got there 30 minutes later, I went up and knocked her door.

Io: It's open.

I opened to see her sitting on her couch in tears. I had to come up to her.

Me: Io. Io, what's the matter, love?

Io: It's my fiancé.

Me: Fiancé?

Io: Yes.

Me: What's happened?

Io: We had to break up.

That broke my heart hearing that. She was still in tears and I had no choice but to give her my handkerchief and Io smiled while wiping her tears.

Io: Thank you.

Me: Absolutely. Tell what happened.

Io: We just couldn't work with the long distance relationship. Fin, I loved him.

Me: I know it's not my business, but, who was your fiancé?

Io: It's no problem. His name is Evil. He works for New Japan Pro Wrestling. He is a member of Bullet Club and he is now my former fiancé.

She kept crying and I had to hold her. I knew long distance relationships don't work, but I never had one since my shyness takes over every single time. I don't know, somehow, I feel this connect with Io. I feel like she gets me.

Io: Is it too much trouble if we don't hang out today? I think I need some time.

Me: Of course. It's not trouble at all. Take as long as you want. If you need anything, I want you to call me, okay?

Io: Thank-you.

Me: Absolutely, love.

I kissed her hand and went out.

~With Io~

He kissed my hand?! Oh my God, I'm blushing right now. But it is true, Evil and I are finished. The long distance relationship status just claimed another victim.

Evil, I love you, you will always be a part of me, but I think Finley is the one for me. He's so cute, I just wanna pinch his cheeks and kiss him on those adorable lips of his!

Okay, I'm going too far. I think I need some time to myself since my breakup with evil.

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now