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~With Finley~

There was nothing for us to do today so Io and I decided to just go out and do something, but there's been something on my mind that I wanted to ask her. She loves me too much for me to know that there's no point in waiting in a couple years.

This is where I have to ask her. It's been almost 6 months since we've been together as boyfriend and girlfriend, but I feel it's time to take it to the next level, although I feel it's very rushed.

She walked down the stairs in her jean short shorts, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket as I dressed in skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a denim jacket with a dog tag with my country's flag on one side and an English cross on the other.

We drove to the beach where we had everything planned the day before, but I didn't tell her about the surprise I have in store.

We ate at a beach restaurant where I heard had the best food. Io was beautiful with and without her jacket and we talked about next week on Wednesday on NXT, but what she would say would be a little shocking.

Io: May I ask you something, Finley?

Me: Of course.

Io: Do you feel we're rushing into things in our relationship?

I didn't think she'd ask that question. I do feel like it's rushed, but I feel it's so right.

Me: I don't think it is, to be quite frank. I mean, our relationship is rushed, but that can mean a good thing. I mean I asked you to move in with me because it would make it easier for me.

Io was shocked that I would mention that.

Io: Did you just say that?

Me: If I were to be honest with you, lass, I had to do that out of love. Io, I love you. I wouldn't say anything to hurt you because our relationship is something that I cherish deeply.

Io: Oh Finley.

She hugged me with a kiss.

Io: I love you so much.

Me: Io, please. You gotta give me some air from all those kisses!

She had the most adorable laugh as I joked with her. If Io could continue to help me with my social life and I can improve, it would be endless help.

Me: Thank you Io.

Io: For what?

Me: For helping me improve on my social life.

Io: You're my shy boyfriend, I will always help you.

We ordered our food and as we ate, I kept thinking about how I want to ask her the question. I have the ring with me in a black box, but I don't want to do it here, I want to ask her on the beach when there's no one and the sunset is beautiful.

I paid for our meals and we went on a walk on the beach and it was five o'clock.

We're almost there.

We kept walking and holding hands as we took in the view of the Floridan ocean. It was beautiful, but Io is more beautiful than a sunset.

Me: How do you like it, Io?

Io: It's so lovely. I've never seen something like this in Japan.

Me: You will get to someday. I promise, I'll pay for the flights and everything.

It was time as the sun was halfway down and I was standing in front of her.

Me: Io, you and I are different, but we always shown our love in many ways. You helped me through everything in my social life and I'll never thank you enough.

Lucky Wittle Wabbit (Io Shirai X British OC)Where stories live. Discover now