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"We can sleep in my room or your room, why here?" Wonwoo complained while crouching down on the comforter.

Seungkwan gave him a pillow and one for his own before sitting beside Wonwoo. They are now both settled in front of the balcony with the  sliding door wide open so they can gain the fresh air that's lacking inside. Seungkwan chose to sleep near the balcony so he can have enough source of light throughout the darkness.

"I don't want to use any room. They're too dark.. and hey! You would probably just tease me and we'll end up with sex." Seungkwan pouted.

"Who said that? I'm not a pervert who wants to get laid every day?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say." Seungkwan made a face that annoyed Wonwoo.

"One of the rules. No forcing." the older smirked. "We will eventually end up fucking if you give in with the teasing every damn time."

Seungkwan gets flushed. He furrowed his eyebrows, fully aware of how his cheeks heated up.

"You can't resist me, I see." Wonwoo chuckled.

"Y-you're so full of yourself!" Seungkwan hit the guy with his pillow and all he gained was Wonwoo's laugh while shielding himself with his own pillow.

Seungkwan stopped and crossed his arms. He's cocky. I hate him.

Wonwoo stared at Seungkwan while laughing. He thought Seungkwan would hit him again but he didn't. Instead, he remained silent with creased forehead, lower lip sticking out. He looked defeated and annoyed.

A smile formed on Wonwoo's lips as he took a final glance on Seungkwan before turning his head to see the view from their spot.

"I thought you're mad at me."

Seungkwan turned his head to face Wonwoo beside him. The guy remained unmoved, his eyes admiring the dark sky filled with the little stars. "What? Why would I be?" he asked, a bit confused.

"With what happened this morning. I didn't know that you're friends with them."

"With Jihoon and Seungcheol hyung?" Seungkwan asked and Wonwoo nodded. "Well, yes. I've met them a long time ago. We're pretty good friends."

"I see.."

"What? You thought just because they are mad at you, I will eventually hate you?"

Wonwoo remained silent while Seungkwan stared at him. The silence was ruined when Seungkwan laughed.

"I don't know the story behind you and my friends so I'm not really here to judge you. They didn't tell me what happened so I let it be. It's not like I had to get myself with your issues-"

"Seungcheol hyung got fired because of me."

Seungkwan blinked with Wonwoo's sudden confession.

"We are his responsibility and I got in that shitty scandal while he's handling us. After I left, he got fired." Wonwoo explained. "I was mad that time, I'm not really in the right mind to think. I rattled how unfair it is for me when Hoshi and Jihoon were dating secretly and I'm just the one to blame for my dating scandal."

Seungkwan watched Wonwoo tell his side. He looked so calm for someone telling that kind of story.

"The company forced them to break up, eventually. And it's my fault too." Wonwoo laughed.

Seungkwan can see the remorse in between his laughs.

"I bring a lot of trouble with people around me, don't you think?" Wonwoo stated as he finally turned his head to meet Seungkwan's eyes. He smiled.

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