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Seungkwan shook his head and stared at Wonwoo with crossed arms. Wonwoo is laying on the bed with his blanket covering his body, face flushing and nose way redder.

"Do you even take vitamins? We haven't stayed in that rain for too long yet you catch a fever." Seungkwan said and sat on the edge of Wonwoo's bed. He stretched his arms and laid his forearm on Wonwoo's forehead. "Not that high. Rest and medicine will do."

Seungkwan stood up and Wonwoo sneezed once again. The younger headed towards the door and stopped right before he opened it. "I'll go out for a bit to buy you some medicine. I'll ask Jun hyung to look out for you while I'm away."

"Seungkwan, I can handle myself. No need to bother Jun-"

Seungkwan ignored him and shut the door close.

Wonwoo sighed. He laid at his own bed for minutes when he felt the boredom. He's been laying almost all day and when he checked the clock it was already five in the afternoon.

He sat up from laying and threw the blanket aside. He still feels dizzy but he managed to get up and walk.

He proceeded to the kitchen to grab some water when he noticed the television is on and a familiar guy is sitting prettily on the couch. The guy noticed his presence and he immediately wore a smile seeing Wonwoo.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Jeon." Junhui greeted him.

"I told Seungkwan not to bother you." Wonwoo said with a cough. He grabbed a glass and pour enough water for him on it.

"It's fine. I live next door so it's not a nuisance." Jun explained. "Seungkwan is that friend who takes care of us most of the time so it's pretty normal. Though he looked really worried before he left. I mean, there's nothing wrong since I know there's something between you two."

"There's nothing between us." Wonwoo said.

Jun shrugged his shoulder. "If you say so."


"You don't have to finish the porridge, hyung. Don't force yourself." Seungkwan said. His elbow propped on the table while his chin was resting on his palm. He stared at Wonwoo with a worried face. "Take the medicine and rest."

Wonwoo coughed the nodded. He took the medicine from Seungkwan and consumed it with water.

"I'll go head now." Wonwoo said before leaving the kitchen.

Wonwoo got inside his room and immediately threw himself on the bed. He can still feel hot and he's still dizzy. For some reason, he felt sorry for Seungkwan who have to look out for him. He does look worried.

Eventually, a smile slowly crept on his face but he slapped himself in an instant. He's worried as a roommate, what else could that be? Don't be such an idiot.

He covered himself with his blanket and shut his eyes close. He really feels cold but he's too lazy to get another sheet of a blanket.


Wonwoo opened his eyes to see Seungkwan staring down at him.

"Wait." Seungkwan headed to one of the cabinets and took out another blanket. He offered it to Wonwoo who grabbed it in an instant. "I thought so, you're cold."

"I really am." Wonwoo answered. To his surprise, Seungkwan hopped on his bed and lay beside him. The younger crawled under the blanket so they could share. "I'll sleep with you tonight."

Wonwoo moves a bit to spare space between them. "No. You'll catch my cold."

Seungkwan chuckled. "No? As long as you don't cough right in front of my face." he said with a grin.


Seungkwan ignored him and snaked his arm on Wonwoo's waist for a hug. He arranged the blanket well before he snuggled on Wonwoo's shoulder.

Wonwoo felt his cheek burn up. Not just because of the fever. It would be insane to admit but it was because of Seungkwan. He blinked several times when Seungkwan tightened the hug.

"Hugs are way warmer than blankets." Seungkwan giggled. "I did this once with Jun hyung. It's quite effective."

Wonwoo's forehead creased suddenly. With Jun?

All of a sudden, his mood went off.

"Seungkwan, I can't really sleep if you're here clinging on me." Wonwoo said with his lowest tone.

Seungkwan looked up at him. His heart sank when he saw how Wonwoo's face scream annoyance. He slowly pulled his arm away from Wonwoo and move backwards to give him some space.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you hate cuddles." Seungkwan mumbled.

"Yes, so can you please?" Wonwoo said as he shot a glance at Seungkwan. He felt a sudden pinch of pain on his chest when he saw how Seungkwan looked offended and sad at the same time.

Seungkwan left the bed and stood up. He tried to wear a smile while gazing down at Wonwoo. He scratched his nape, a bit embarrassed.

"I'll head out now." Seungkwan said and head towards the door. Before he left he gave Wonwoo a final glance. "I won't lock my door. If you need anything, you can wake me up." He smiled at him before leaving.

Wonwoo was left alone again. He released a deep sigh and covered himself with the blanket. Ugh. He looked upset again.

Seungkwan is upset, no doubt. He walked inside his own room and closed the door without locking it. He laid on his own bed and stared up to his ceiling, looking at a void. I probably crossed a line. I should stop acting like we're in a damn relationship.

With a sigh, he hugged one of his pillows and shut his eyes close.

Seungkwan was off to dreamland when a voice called out his name.


"Ahhh-" He covered his own mouth before he let out a scandalous scream. He blinked several times and noticed that it was just Wonwoo. "H-hyung, you scared me. What are you doing here-"

Wonwoo hopped on Seungkwan's bed and crawled under the blanket. This time, he hugged Seungkwan.

"W-wonwoo hyung.. why are you here..?"

"Can't sleep." He answered and snuggled on the younger's neck.


"Just let me sleep or I'll kiss you? You won't like it if we both end up sick."

Seungkwan nodded, his mind floating.

Wonwoo chuckled. "Good." he gripped on Seungkwan tight and buried his face on Seungkwan's neck.

Seungkwan can feel Wonwoo's hot breaths on his neck and it sends warm sensation in the pit of his stomach. "Hyung can you move a bit..?"


"I can't move.."

"Nah. I like it better like this." Wonwoo said and purposely brushed his lips on Seungkwan's neck, making him flinch.


Wonwoo laughed. "Fine. No teasing. Let's sleep now."

Seungkwan released a sigh of relief when Wonwoo stopped but still, he's too close, making Seungkwan's heartbeat raise.

Wonwoo finally shut his eyes close. It's wrong but why does it feel right?

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