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"You don't look okay, Seungkwan. Is there something that's bothering you?" Jun asked while sipping on his milkshake.

Seungkwan smiles a bit and gazes at the streets from the window of the café.

"Yeah. We've been hanging around for the whole day and you're obviously spacing out." Minghao added.

Seungkwan sighs and faces the two across the table. "I'm in a mess right now.."

Minghao and Jun exchange glances and brings back their eyes on Seungkwan.

"School stuff? It has been just weeks since we started so I doubt that." Minghao said while tilting his head. "Family problem, perhaps?"


Jun and Minghao were shut silent after hearing the name. Both of them doesn't know what to ask or where to start. They decided to let Seungkwan tell them what's the matter.

Seungkwan fiddles with his own fingers. He pauses for a moment before speaking again. "I.. I like him."

"Well, about that thing. I knew already." Jun said and Seungkwan shot as surprise stare at him. "What? You two don't have a thing? I thought you were dating-"

"No!" Seungkwan scoffed. "We're not.."

Jun shrugs and continue consuming his milkshake while nudging Minghao beside him. The latter just remained silent.

"So what's bothering you about that?" Minghao asked this time. "Because of the girl?"

"That's the one thing." Seungkwan said.

"So what's the other thing?"

Should I tell them? I mean, they're my friends.. They won't judge me, right?

Jun and Minghao stayed staring at Seungkwan while Seungkwan is still having his head in chaos whether he'll tell about it or not.

"Please. Please don't hate me for this." Seungkwan frowns.

"Just tell us already." Jun gestures Seungkwan to go on.

"I had this deal with Wonwoo hyung..."

"Seungkwan are you nuts?" Minghao said in disbelief. "How gullible are you to agree with that kind of deal?"

Seungkwan felt bad. He felt small. Minghao was right. He knew from the very start that the deal will make him regret it but he still did. Now that his feelings are getting involved, there's no way he won't get hurt in the following days.

"Look, Seungkwan. I know you don't do relationships but whatever deal you have with Wonwoo is pretty dumb. I know you're not stupid but you agreeing with that kind of set up is a bit reckless." Jun said, trying to sound calm.

"Yes, I know. What I did was pretty dumb and now I'm regretting it.." Seungkwan looks down. "I wish this was just a simple attachment but I doubt that.."

"Seungkwan, do you think you have a chance with him?" Jun raised a question.

Seungkwan smiles bitterly and shakes his head. "I don't think so. He told me last night that he will ask Hyesun out after the Talent Show."

"Asshole." Minghao rolls his eyes.

"No. It's my fault why I'm having I hard time right now. Everything is clear from the very start that no strings attached.. so he's not really in the wrong." Seungkwan explained.

"But Boo, if you continue with this you'll just hurt yourself."

Seungkwan nods. "I know."

"So drop it. Cut the deal."


"Where were you all day?" Wonwoo asked, eyes squinting from his nap. He sits up from the couch and watches Seungkwan takes off his shoes before walking in.

"Hanged with Jun and Minghao."

Wonwoo nods. He notices the seriousness in Seungkwan's aura.

"My brother called me earlier after dropping the kid at his place. He was asking about you, telling me to visit there this weekend with you because Hyunwoo's mentioning your name." Wonwoo said, trying to open a topic.

"I don't think I can come with you but I'll try." Seungkwan answered and gave Wonwoo a small smile.

"Is there something wrong?" Wonwoo asked.

Seungkwan went silent. He stares at Wonwoo for a moment then proceeds to walk towards him. He sits on the couch beside Wonwoo with a sigh.

"What?" Wonwoo asked once again, he laughs trying to avoid the heavy atmosphere. "Do you want to continue what we're supposed to do last night-"

"Hyung. Let's end it."

Woonwoo's forehead creases. He looks at Seungkwan, confused.

"The deal. Let's end it."

"What? Why? All of a sudden?"

"After the Talent Show. Let's end it. I'm pretty sure you'll agree with that." Seungkwan smiles again. "Am I right? Since you'll be getting back with Hyesun, this deal is total nonsense."

Wonwoo didn't utter a word. He doesn't know what to respond or what to tell Seungkwan. For honesty, he doesn't like the idea of their deal ending soon. But Seungkwan's right, continuing the deal while dating someone would be ridiculous.


Seungkwan smiles again with Wonwoo's remark but he flinches when the older grips on his waist and pulls him closer. An inch of space between their faces.

"Wanna do it tonight?" Wonwoo said in his low voice. "We still have a week before the talent show.." He leans closer but Seungkwan pushes him a bit and avoids his lips.

"I.. I'm tired. Not today, hyung.." Seungkwan mumbles and stands up already. He faces his back on Wonwoo and starts walking, heading to his room. "I already ate dinner so you don't have to wake me up. I will go to bed early.."

After that Seungkwan gets inside his room and shut his door close.

Wonwoo felt something was off with Seungkwan and for some reason, he's frustrated. He can't explain why but he hates it. He started thinking that after the deal.. what will happen next between them?

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