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Seungkwan hugs his knees, lips shut close. His eyes focused on the television screen but his mind's floating. He finishes his corndogs out of nervousness and he doesn't know how to start a conversation nor excuse himself from Wonwoo.


"Y-yes?" He flinches and faces Wonwoo in an instant, making the older laugh.

Wonwoo sighs. "I hate the awkward atmosphere, we're not like this before."

Seungkwan pouts. "I hate it too.. but I don't know what to say.. and you! You're silent too!"

"Oh, well.." Wonwoo avoids Seungkwan's gaze.

"Hyung. I know you told me to know you better but act normal. Don't be nice- I mean, you're nice! But.. please be yourself? I want to know you more and what I want is the real you."

"I know. But it's not that easy-" Wonwoo scratches his nape. "Well, I always acted normal ever since I lived with you so.."

Seungkwan giggles while hugging back his knees. "I thought so. You were rude and cocky most of the time I don't even understand why I like you."



Wonwoo purses his lips, eyebrows furrowed.

Seungkwan laughs at him before rolling his eyes. Wonwoo can be childish sometimes. "They said that there's no explanation on why you fall for someone. That explains it, don't you think?"

"You sure? I mean, isn't it because of my dick- Ouch!"

Seungkwan hit Wonwoo continuously with the pillow on the couch.

"Stop! Stop!"

Seungkwan did stop and glared at Wonwoo. It just made him laugh but then stops after when Seungkwan stands up. "Where are you going?"

"My room. I'm going to sleep."

"Hey, I'm sorry."

"No. It's already late and I still have classes for tomorrow." Seungkwan crosses his arms while raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, right. I forgot."

Seungkwan pauses for a moment before awkwardly smiling at Wonwoo. "Uhm. Goodnight."

He immediately runs to his room and shut the door. He throws himself on the bed and spread his arms wide. His heartbeat is still fast and what happened for the rest of the day still won't sink in his head. It felt unreal for him.

A knock on the door made him flinch. Of course, it's Wonwoo.

Seungkwan stands up and opens his door. He sees Wonwoo standing behind it.

"What? Do you need something-"


Seungkwan's eyes widen. It wasn't their first and it's just a simple peck but he felt like he will burst in any second.

"I forgot to say goodnight so.. Goodnight, Seungkwan." Wonwoo said with a smile before walking to his own room.

Seungkwan remains on his spot for a few seconds, unmoved. As soon as he gets a hold of it, he shut his door close and rest his back on it. He places his palm on his chest and he can feel the fast thumping. What's happening?


Seungkwan didn't have a proper sleep that night and the breakfast with Wonwoo is still awkward as last night. He doesn't know how to start a conversation with him and Wonwoo seems like he's lack of sleep too because he keeps on yawning.

They'll be going to the university together as Wonwoo told him. He doesn't want to say no and argue because Wonwoo might think that he's avoiding him.

They left their apartment and ride the elevator. Seungkwan was behind Wonwoo but Wonwoo take a step backwards. Seungkwan's body went stiff when he felt Wonwoo's warm hand hold his. He watches how their fingers intertwined and he can't help but get flushed.

He glances at Wonwoo and he can see the grin on the corner of his lips.

Seungkwan was about to open his mouth when the elevator opens and Wonwoo drags him outside. They reach the parking lot and immediately saw Wonwoo's car. The older guy opens the door to the driver's seat when Seungkwan calls his name.

"Wonwoo hyung.."


"My hand.."

Wonwoo's eyes lands on their hand, still clasped together. "Oh.." he let go after and Seungkwan walks on the other side of the car to get in.

As soon as they get inside, Wonwoo drives off while Seungkwan was shut silent.

"Boo Seungkwan, are you aware that you're blushing hard?"

Seungkwan covers his face with his hands. "Hyung, shut up!"

Wonwoo replied with a laugh. "Don't worry, you're still cute anyway."



"For real?!" Chan gasped and then burst into laughter after.

"Lee Chan, I hate you so much." Seungkwan groans. "Can you lower down your voice?!"

"Alright. Alright." Chan nods, still laughing. "You should thank me, it wouldn't happen if Jun hyung and I didn't tell Wonwoo."

"No." Seungkwan massages his temple. They are at the cafeteria for lunch that's why he can't choke Chan to death as he wanted. "I don't know if I like the outcome but it's really awkward in the apartment."

Chan felt the frustration in Seungkwan's voice and face but he can't help but still laugh at his friend. "Seungkwan, I think you're the only one who's awkward. You told me that Wonwoo hyung's been clinging with you since this morning. He looks extra bright today. Look."

Chan gestures behind Seungkwan and before Seungkwan can take a look around, Wonwoo came and sits beside him. He places a strawberry and banana milk on their table and offers it to Seungkwan.

"I don't know what you prefer so I bought them both. Give the other one to Chan." Wonwoo said while propping his elbow on the table and rest his chin on his palms while staring at Seungkwan.

Seungkwan slowly grab the banana one and Chan takes the strawberry.

"See? Marry Wonwoo hyung already. He's giving you the benefits while mine is the leftover. I'm not complaining though." Chan said while chugging the milk.

"Chan likes me too. He's right-"

"Then go bother him not me!"

"But I like you."

Seungkwan was shut silent, he can already feel the heat rushing up to his face. They both stare at each other's eyes. Seungkwan is blushing while Wonwoo's smiling wide.

Chan made a single clap and carries his tray of food. "I'll go now alright? I don't want to third wheel."

Seungkwan avoids Wonwoo's gaze and focuses back on his tray. He stuffs his mouth with food and chokes after.

Wonwoo rubs his back. "Hey, slow down. I know you can do better than that."

Seungkwan's eyes widen, now embarrassed. He shot a glance at Wonwoo who's wearing a grin. His stares went into a glare and starts hitting the older with punches.

"Aw- Ouch! Seungkwan that's hard- Hey! Stop!"

Wonwoo stands up and starts running but Seungkwan's coming after him.

"Pervert. Come back here!"

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