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Seungkwan will be alone for lunch since Wonwoo and his friends have their own stuff to manage for the meantime. He carries his tray of food and sits on one of the empty tables in the cafeteria.

He plops his tray on the table and eats silently but someone occupies the seat across him.

It was Hyesun.

"Oh hi, Seungkwan. Would you mind sharing a table with me?" She asks.

Seungkwan nods without replying a single word to her. He feels uncomfortable with Hyesun's presence in front him.

"So.." Hyesun starts, sounding like she wants to initiate a talk. "I saw Chan's post on his sns. You had a vacation with them? I mean, with Teen, Age?"

Seungkwan continues eating, not really in his mind to answer Hyesun. He doesn't like where the conversation is going.

"I see.. so you met them again, finally." She chuckles. "Good for you."

"What do you want?" Seungkwan finally utters a sentence.

Hyesun shrugs. She wears a smug smile and stares at Seungkwan straight in the eyes. "You're dating Wonwoo. You're finally seeing your friends again. You're now studying at a well-known university. What a good life huh?"

Seungkwan purses his lips. His eyebrow knits while staring back at the lady.

"I think you're enjoying your life now, right? Do you want to make it more exciting?"

"Stop it. Whatever you're thinking. Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Oh honey, I don't think so. Just seeing you pisses me off for no reason at all." Hyesun's smile turns into a flat line. "Anyways, I'm here to tell you that I have a little surprise for you."

Seungkwan's forehead creases as he watches Hyesun stands up from her seat. "Enjoy your day, Boo."

Hyesun walks away and Seungkwan follows him with his eyes. His phone suddenly vibrated and there's an unknown number flash on his screen. He opens the message and he freezes on his position and he felt like his heart skip a beat. His hands start trembling as he turns off his phone.

Seungkwan rushes out of the cafeteria, gripping on his phone. He felt everyone's eyes set on him. They were all holding their phone as they glance at him.

Seungkwan felt small. All of them has judgement in their eyes.

Did she spread it..?

He bites his tongue from anger but he can't keep the tears from his eyes. Everyone in the hallway he passes through is staring at him. Judging him.

Seungkwan reaches the end of the hallway and saw Hyesun taking up the stairs. He immediately runs at her and grips on her wrist.

"W-why are you doing this!?" Seungkwan snaps. His grip tightens, eyes raging at Hyesun.

Hyesun grins at him and pulls her hand from his grasp. She crosses her arms and faces Seungkwan with a cocky smile. "What? It's fun! Why? Don't you want to get popular on the whole campus?" She fishes out her phone from her pocket and scrolls through it. When she finally saw what she's looking for, he faces the phone screen to Seungkwan. It was an image of a younger Seungkwan, naked in a bathroom.

Seungkwan's eyes widen. He immediately grabs the phone from Hyesun and tries to delete it with his trembling hands but before he can even do it, Hyesun takes it away from him and hid the phone back into her pocket.

"It's no use. I spread it already."

Seungkwan bit his lower lip as tears streams down from his eyes. "W-why are you doing this..?"

"You're really asking me that?" Hyesun leans on him. He points a finger on Seungkwan's chest and pushes him. "First, you take away Vernon from me." She then hit Seungkwan's forehead with her finger as well. "Everyone back then was in favour of you. It was always like "be like Seungkwan" "sing like Seungkwan" "be better than Seungkwan"! I fucking hate it!" He crosses her arms, still leaning closer on him. "And now.. you take Wonwoo away from me? You really like messing me up, don't you-"

Seungkwan slaps her in the face. It took her seconds to recover but he grasps on Seungkwan's hair and pulls it from annoyance.

Seungkwan is still a man after all, he pushes Hyesun away making him take a step backwards but she misses a step. She rolls on the stairs and lands on the concrete ground.

Seungkwan trembles again. There were s already students around them.


"Hyesun fell!"

"Seungkwan pushes Hyesun off the stairs!"

"Call someone from the infirmary!"

Almost all of them were yelling but Seungkwan couldn't hear a thing. He's just standing there, frozen on his position, tears won't stop falling.

And then he saw Wonwoo in the middle of the students. He's staring at him with disbelief written all over his face.

He saw it.

He probably saw it too.

Does he despise me now?

Wonwoo watches Hyesun being held up by the nurses and glances back to Seungkwan, confused.

No. I didn't intend to push her..

Seungkwan felt small again. He clenches his fist as he wipes his tears with it.

And then he runs.

Escaping from the crowd.


It was already past ten o'clock and Seungkwan's been crouching behind his room's door for hours. Tears already drain out from his eyes.

His phone on the floor beside him continues to lit up. He was flooded by messages and calls from Chan, even from Jun and Minghao.

He was hugging his knees and another set of tears stream down his cheeks as he saw the recent message. He was too tired to cry and he was also too tired to wipe his tears.

From: Wonu

I don't think I can face you right now.

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