Chapter 58

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My eyes fleetingly followed the movement of the door as it opened, and I smiled brightly up at the man who stood behind it; Yanneek. His expression was grim as he looked upon me, Willow and then Jeremiah.

Yanneek sighed heavily before stepping aside, gesturing with his head that we enter his home.

Immediately I took notice of the strong scent of soup, and my eyes landed on several steaming bowls on a kitchen table, which Helda stood beside.

"Good day," She called to me, lifting a small spoon and dipping it into one of the bowls. My gaze went to Yanneek who stood stiffly and almost awkwardly in his living room, his eyes darting between Willow and Jeremiah, who stood close by me.

"Good day to you too," I greeted Helda, walking to her and peering down at the bowls. Brown liquid filled them to the brim and I saw several small potatoes and sliced carrots resting in it. Helda immediately dropped her spoon and pushed one of the bowls towards me.

"Yanneek made soup for everyone. Would you like a bowl?"

My eyes drifted back to Yanneek, who sat down in an armchair with a huff, eyes trained on his fireplace as he attempted to appear as if he wasn't listening in to our conversation. I placed a hand against my stomach and gave Helda an apologetic smile.

"I'm going to have to decline. I had something to eat before I left my home."

I turned to face Yanneek, noticing the tension near the corners of his lip as he frowned. He was silent as I approached him, and didn't look at me until I stood before him. His eyes travelled up the dark attire I'd chosen to wear, before resting on my face. His lips twitched when I spoke quietly,

"Hello, Yanneek."

Yanneek grunted, "Olivia."

My eyes travelled around the living room, to the bare walls before settling on a sofa opposite Yanneek. I sat down on it, and the man before me held my gaze until Jeremiah crossed between us, walking to stand on one end of the sofa whilst Willow stood at the other.

Yanneek's hand pulled at his beard, and he watched as Helda too joined us in the living room, her bowl of soup in hand. She sat beside me, and her and I exchanged a smile. 

Since talking to me at the gun range, Helda had visited my home twice throughout the days that had followed, staying for dinner that I'd prepared or watching television.

I'd been over by her house once, and she'd asked if I'd like to travel with her to a nearby supermarket, the one which I had gone to with Athena. Helda and I planned to go there shortly after having a discussion with Yanneek, who currently partially behaved as if he didn't want to speak with us at all.

"Helda explained to me about why you've been so...distant." I said, deciding not to beat around the bush or make small talk. Yanneek pulled at his beard with several fingers, his blank eyes resting on Helda and then myself, saying nothing. I sighed through my teeth in frustration, but forced myself to smile as I pushed on,

"She basically said that you have become disappointed in me not spending more time with you and her, and that you've come to the conclusion that I want nothing to do with either of you." I tilted my head when Yanneek straightened in his chair, eyes still remaining on me. He leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees as he watched me.

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