Yandere hc #2

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You wanted more yandere's? Here ya go! I might do their ages next since someone asked me about em.

Fanart by one of you guys! I can't remember who made it tho.

Anyway, who needs a oneshot next?


Amour giggles, tapping his scissors against the desk of Cupid's office. You sat across from him nervously.

"I see you wanted more. You know the drill.~ Have fun darling!"


Romeo: Bitchy yandere.

Romeo as a yandere would be petty, bitchy and possessive. Every time you both go out somewhere Romeo glares at everyone around you.

His arm will be tight around your waist in public, he'll even hit on you even more than usual.

"Call my girl again and imma f**k you up!" Romeo hisses, tail getting sharper at the end.

A man had bought you a drink once, and even had the nerve to hit on you!?

Romeo lunged across the bar and scratched their eyes out with his sharp painted claws.

"Oh you want to take this outside bitch!? Fine by me!" Romeo growls dragging a girl by the hair for staring at you too long.

It's probably best not to go out anywhere with him, unless you want to get punished.~

Fun fact: Romeo is naturally possessive.

Song: Wtf HUGEL, Crazy possessive  Kaci Battaglia.


Amour: Yuno Gasai level yandere.

"Don't let that man try to get inside your head my love, I'll kill him of he does."

Amour is obsessive and possessive, dangerous enough that he has to restrained at all times.

Its best not to take him with you anywhere, even if his arms are tied down, he's got blades at the ends of his boots. Kicking one leg up to slit a throat.

He would never hurt you, or kidnap you believe it or not. He'll act all sweet around you to make you fall for him. Then his possessive nature is only revealed if you sleep with him.

"Aww, its cute when you try to run!" He giggles, eye lights shrinking in his insanity.

"Y/n, don't worry, Amour is here to protect you.~" He cups your face with his bloody hands, pressing soft kisses all over your cheeks.

Amour's obsession only gets worse If you have sex with him, if not, he's only a little crazy.

Most of the time, he's really cuddly and basically a wife.

Song: My Crazy Yandere Girlfriend, the Yuno gasai remix.


Cyrus: Secretive yandere.

Cyrus is very good at acting normal, he'll hide his possessive behavior behind a poker face.

He was built for you and only you, to protect you and your small self.

He'll buy you things online using the neighbors bank account, he refuses to let you do any housework.

You barely lift a finger, he'll get anything you want. Just name it, it doesn't matter how many limbs need broken, he'll get it for you.

If anyone tries to break in to hurt you, he'll smash their skull with one boot. Then clean up the mess to make it look like nothing happened.

In public, He stalks behind you, his massive stature scaring off anyone who dares to come near.

Oh, so someone tried to hurt you in that ally by your work? Cyrus grits his teeth and breaks their neck with his thighs.

Its strange how he always comes home with stains on his face. You clean them without a second thought.

He loves to watch you sleep, being an android, he doesn't need sleep at all.

Song: If I killed someone for you,  Alec Benjamin.


Mari: Sweet yandere.

Mari is good at hiding his obsession. He always comes to that flower shop you own, always ordering the same amount of yellow roses.

Its weird how you always find yellow petals on your bed and love notes.

He's sweet to you in person, but he glares daggers at the other customers who try to sweet talk you.

At night, Mari sneaks his way into your room and sleeps next to you. You cuddle him thinking he's one of your stuffed animals.

Oh, someone asked you on a date? Mari is there the whole time. Hiding as a customer behind one of the menus.

After the date, he follows you home then once you're safe inside your house, the possessive hornet stalks after the male.

On the news, a man had been viciously stung to death by hornets.

Mari comforts you the next day after finding you with tears in your eyes. You're unaware of his smirk.

Song: You are my sunshine, by The phantoms.


Jasper: Stalker yandere.

Your house is haunted, you just don't know about it.

Jasper keeps an eye on you, in admiration. You're so pretty, what did he do to get you? This beautiful angel in his home.

He knew he had to protect you the instant he saw you. It was a bad world out there and he knew you would be crushed.

So, he left out his pocket watch for you to find. Now you carry it around your waist all the time! Now he can follow you.

Everyone started to avoid you, more than normal. They looked as if they seen a ghost? It was strange.

During one of your bad days, he made you tea and left it out for you.

Ever since you moved in, its always weirdly cold in the house and it always smells like lavender and vanilla spice.

Your blankets don't seem to help.

He nuzzles his face into your neck as you sleep soundly beside him. His smoke giving you good dreams as he pulls you closer to him.

If anyone lays a finger on you, he's still got the knife that slit his throat, and he's not afraid to use it.

Song: Sweet serial killer, Lana del rey.


Amour giggles as you shake in terror. "Any one else Darling? Oh, how about those elemental boys you care so much for? Wouldn't that be fun~?"

You quickly bolt out of the small office, leaving him to laugh and plan.

Creator giggles to herself, a large grin on her face as she pulls Amour into her lap. "Who's next?"

Outcast oneshots #2 Where stories live. Discover now