The Boss

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Credit to Artist BlackLimes

After the whole Water Park day, Dana lend the keys of the Music Shop to Karamatsu. Being the drama KING, he cried and hugged Dana as if it was the last good-bye. Dana felt awkward but hugged him anyway. She said he could do whatever he wanted, except for selling the shop or letting someone else the manager role.

Which happens to be the most confusing things of all: Kara decides to hire his brothers.



"Now we have to work for this dude?" Todomatsu bluntly said.

"Be nice. And besides, he's the one on charge of the shop while Dana is gone. And we should respect her decision on choosing Kara. I'm sure she knows what he is capable of. After all, she hired him out all the other people." You defended him. Karamatsu shed a tear of joy and appreciation.

"Thank you honey~"

"So what are we suppose to do? We never worked before. We are inexperienced." Osomatsu explains.

"Ah! It's very simple, bruzza. All I want you all to do is get yourself ready for an interview."

"Hold on! Didn't you just said we are hired?!" Choromatsu asks

"Yes, but I want you to tell me what you can do. About yourself and what you wish."

"Do you not know us anymore?" Todomatsu asks with a disturbed face.

"Well, he certainly is absent at home. He's not around in the daytime." Ichimatsu said.

"Aw, dear bruzzas. I know you all miss me. But please know that all this time was I working for all of you."

"We didn't miss you." Osomatsu bluntly says.

"Well I did!" Jyushimatsu and you said.

"Fine! If this is what I need to do to get a job, then I'll do it!" Choromatsu yells in glee. He starts running up the stairs to the bedroom in a rush. The rest of the brothers just walk, following Choro. You decided to go to Yumi's room, where she was sleeping for a while. You thought of taking Yumi with us. She barely hangs out with her daddy in a playful way. Kara is always working. And now that everyone will be working (I think), Yumi is going to need all the time wioth him before she starts getting babysit by you alone.

"Love. I see you are packing Yumi's comfy Huggs diapers." He jokes at the sight of you packing some diapers. You look up, only to see such a handsome man in a suit. He had his sunglasses on his head, a toothpick in his mouth, and a watch on his wrist. Who is this man, you thought. It was out of place for Kara to wear anything other than his usual tanktop and boots.


"Surprised love~"

"I'm just memorized by the way you look. Why don't you dress like this everyday?"

"Because I wanted to surprise you love~"

"Well you did a pretty good job at that. Gosh dang it, you look so handsome!" You shouted. You were so red, blushing cheeks felt so warm upon the palms of your hands. You tried to cover your face to control yourself. That cheeky smile Kara has made you want to kiss him already! But your scream woke up Yumi by mistake. She opens her eyes to see a man with a totally different look. Her first expression was quite hilarious. She squished her eyebrows together in concern, big eyes wide open, with a frown across her face. Her lips begin to tremble. She let's out an emotional cry. So slow rhythm to her cries it filled the room. Her sobs so soft and small. Kara, being the best father in the world, grabs Yumi from her crib and hugs her.

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)Where stories live. Discover now