Chapter Fourty-Four

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A/N: Right when you guys thought I would be gone for another month, I hit you with a new chapter, even though it is a little short. I don't know, there was just something about once I got out the ending of that last chapter it gave me a better sight to pin point the trail of the story. I mean, there's a lot going on, but now the path is more narrowed down. As it's not officially decided, I'm happy to take suggestions of when (and how) Gen would tell Dylan, or even if you wanted to see someone else break the news first. -Melissa xx



"Genny, I'm already on my way home. I made a stop and grabbed dinner." Marabelle Venita halfly glanced to the Chinese take out from Golden City, the best in Bury. "Give or take ten, can it wait?"

Genesis replied in fluent Dutch, matching her mother. "I'll do anything for Golden City. I'll see you in a few."

Marabelle pressed the button on her steering wheel, the call cutting out. She tapped her thumb along to the mix playing off of BBC Radio 1, only to have the Sugababes snapped off by her ringtone running through the system. Pressing her finger on the call button, she picked up. "This is Marabelle."

"Mara, hey."

Taken aback but nicely surprised, a soft smile came across her lips. "Daniel, darling. How are you?"

"I'm good, just in between interviews." He sounded beside himself, something off.

Daniel, who was once such like a son to her, tended called at random, and when he did, it was to check up on Gen.

"How's Teen Wolf faring you?"

"It's great, yeah. I get to sound as American as possible, so that's something." He laughed, but only lightly. "How's work been?"

"Good, good. Not as interesting as the old days since I retired, but it's a job." Marabelle watched the bigger roads of Bury diminish to residential. "I know, as much as you like asking about me working in retail, that it wasn't why you called."

"I, uh," Mara could practically see him doing to quirk he had when he searched for words, biting his bottom lip. "How is she?"

"She's...quiet. Writing a lot." Marabelle replied, "She's been looking at going somewhere overseas for her upcoming year of uni. Since she's the prize student in English at Oxford, anyone and everyone is willing to take her last minute."

"I'm not surprised. Even though she missed a year and a half, she must've been able to make it up."

"She still thinks she shouldn't have taken it off. I heard her say that T wouldn't have wanted it."

"Maybe not, but she needed it."

"I don't know, Danny. She's really gone into herself. She's been home since uni got out, but she hasn't met up with anyone or even spoken on the phone to anyone but me."

"Like she was after the crash?"

"It's much worse than that. It's worrying me. It's like she doesn't exist anymore."

"I, uh, I think I may have an idea."


"Gen, love?" Marabelle poked her head into her daughter's room within the week from her call with Daniel, a plan thought out.

Genesis pulled down her headphones so they rested around her neck, "Yeah, Mum?"

"I ran to the store earlier. They said they couldn't fix my mobile so I got a new one."

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