Chapter 1: Yusuke Urameshi

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I also want to give thanks to Yoshihiro Togashi.

In this story, A young man by the name of Yusuke Urameshi is supposed to be the hero this story, but he has died.

"Woah! What the hell? How am I up here and down there on the ground?" Let see, if I remember correctly I was going to school and I went up to the roof of the school. I was about to eat one of my vitamins but keiko comes to the roof.

"I went up to the roof of the school and spotted Yusuke." Yusuke said "Nice skirt." I said "All the girls have to wear uniforms like this." Yusuke ignores and tries to pop a vitamin in his mouth. I said "Like all the boys are supposed to wear blue Jumpsuits, which I notice you aren't wearing!" As I snatched the vitamin.

"Give me a break keiko, I look better in green." Keiko said "Maybe, I would less angry if I could see in school more than once every ten days!" Keiko continues "Because of you, our class has a horrible Attendance average." She said "with this going, you'll be lucky if you make it high school." "Sometimes I don't think you can take of yourself and you can't even do that right. Are you listening?"

"Nice skirt, and it's lacey." Next thing I know I got slapped. Keiko said "Yusuke, you perv." Chuckling as I walked away. Then as I was walking around the school, I overheard two boys talking about me.

"Hey look what I got." The first guy told the other boy. The boy asked "Woah, how did you get that?" The first guy said "All I did was tell him I was Urameshi's cousin and he ran off scared." The second guy said "What if Urameshi found out? Wouldn't you be afraid?" The first guy said "Why? Urameshi so stupid he might believe it." He chuckled. The second guy started laughing, until he looked up and saw Urameshi. The second guy's face turned pale, the first guy asked him "Hey, what's your problem?" The first guy looks the direction as his friend and exclaimed "About that cousin thing, it was a joke. Here take the money."

"You think I want your stupid money?" Mr. Iwamoto said "Urameshi, put that fist down right now!" One of the boys said "It's Iwamoto."

"I see, he was trying to shake you boys down for your money." Yusuke said "What?" Iwamoto said "I will handle this, you boys head to class." Iwamoto continues "Good for nothing weeds like you should have been plucked a long time ago!" Yusuke said "You shouldn't talk, it makes you sounds dumb." Iwamoto grits his teeth as Yusuke walks away.

"Everytime I am around, he always has something to say." Then I feel someone hit me in the back of my head. "Alright, who wants to die?!" Mr. Takenaka was standing behind him. "Oh sorry old man." "That's Mr. Takenaka to you, I've been calling your name on the loudspeaker all morning!" I said "Didn't hear it, must not be that loud." Mr. Takenaka gave me a noogie and said "I couldn't notice you were leaving us?" I said "Yeah, I got kicked out!"

Mr. Takenaka said as he dragged Yusuke by the ear "Is that a fact? I wonder why, perhaps we should talk about this in my office then. We'll have tea." Mr. Takenaka heard a pop sound and he saw he was holding an ear, he jumps back and fell on his back.

"Relax, it's just a toy old man, Thanks for the visit now leave me alone!" Mr. Takenaka said "Wait Yusuke, we can talk."
"It figures the one day I want to go to school, everyone wants to push on me and give their stupid lectures, I hate this town and that school."

I walk home and come in and see my mom sitting in front of the T.V. "Oh look it's the mother of the year." Atsuko said "Get me Coffee." Yusuke whispered "I can't believe she's still in bed." Atsuko asked Yusuke "Why aren't you in school?" I said "They kicked me out, don't tell me your going to preach to me too while you are in your pajamas!"

Yu Yu Hakusho: Ayame Urameshi Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt