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"WAKE UP BRIGHT! ITS OUR FIRST DAYYYY", An energetic Win screamed at 7:30 am, nudging his boyfriend who was sleeping next to him.

"Jesus. I shouldn't have asked you to move in with me ugh", Bright groaned and threw a pillow at Win and even tried to push him off the bed just to get some sleep. "We only have to get there by 8:30, why are we getting up a whole hour before that! The university is really close by"

"I was thinking we could maybe get there early and shower together before we go", Win said, emphasising on the last bit knowing how Bright would readily agree to do anything nasty with him. And as expected Bright slowly rose up from his head and rubbed his eyes. Seeing him in that state was the best part of every morning for Win. Though they have had numerous sleepovers when they were younger and even recently after they moved in together, Win had always seen Bright's morning face. But he never got over it. "I'm so glad you're mine", Win said and ruffled Bright's hair who backed away making Win chuckle.

"Come let's take a shower", Bright said and pulled Win towards their bathroom. They were used to all of this now.

It had been 8 months from the night the two families had their dinner after Win's big game and their Vogue shoot which instantly made them popular on social media. A lot had happened in those 8 months. Their high-school graduation, first commercial project for Win where again Bright was in charge of the camera work. They had a small trip to Pattaya with their friends Off, Luke and Dew. Win finally went for a BTS concert that was held in Bangkok with Bright and Dew. Win had successfully managed to get Bright listen to Kpop now. And as for their relationship, they had their first time after they moved in to the apartment in the main city 2 months ago. They started to feel more comfortable in showing affection in public. Not too much though, just the basics like holding hands, hugging all of that. And now here they are, finally going to one of the best universities in Bangkok together.

Bright had taken up the Media course and Win had taken the Law course. Luckily the university had both of them. Though Win and Bright would be in different classes, they were happy that they would be in the same campus anyways. They could meet up during the lunch breaks or other events and even go to the university and come back together. It was perfect. Dew had also applied for their same university and he had taken the same course as Bright, so they had each other's company which was good. Bright wasn't a very social person so having someone he knew was good enough. As for Win, though he didn't know anyone before hand, he was sure that he could manage since he was really good at making new friends.

"Are you excited? I am!", Win said as they got out of their apartment and Bright double checked the door to see if it was locked properly. Win had been going on and on about how he wanted their classes to begin, he never expected to get accepted in the university since there was high demand for it. Bright was a really studious person so it was pretty much sure that he would get in anyway. Win had gotten in because of his football scholarship and Dew's father being one of top managers in the entertainment industry now. He had given all three boys recommendations at the university which helped them get their positions.

It wasn't like he misusing his power though since he had some connections with the heads of the university and the boys had planned to continue their modelling-photography work for Dew's father's company. So they are expecting to miss some classes incase any high profile project comes up which will definitely happen with their popularity now. Any normal university wouldn't accept that which was why Dew's father had helped them with this one.

Bright and Win walked to their university and saw the 'Welcome' banner put up at the entrance. They had visited the university before during their admission time, but it looked a little different now since there were a lot of students this time and decorations hung around the campus. The two were slightly overwhelmed with the whole situation but they were excited as well. It was a new chapter in their lives.

"Hey you guys! It's been so long!", A familiar voice called out to them. It was Dew. The tall boy walked towards the two and gave them a hug. The last time they met was almost a month ago since Dew had to travel to Singapore for an advertisement project.

"Did you get us anything from Singapore?", Win asked Dew who laughed to himself since he expected that. Win never failed to remind him to bring something from his trip so he took a bag of chocolates from his bag and box, and handed it to Win.

"What's in the box?", Bright asked Dew taking it from Win's hand.

"Check it out when you guys go home", Dew said and just then they heard an announcement go off for the whole campus to hear.

"Attention all students. Please assemble in the main auditorium for the opening ceremony right away. Volunteers will be around the campus to guide you to the location"

A sea of students started moving to the same direction now and it was getting noisy with all of their excitement.

"We should start moving as well", Bright told the two and they followed the crowd to the said Main Auditorium.

Okay I can't believe I'm finally doing this🥺 I love writing this series the most because for some reason this theme is more fun

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Okay I can't believe I'm finally doing this🥺 I love writing this series the most because for some reason this theme is more fun. I don't know how long this book is going to be, but yeah this is the final one. I don't want to drag it too much. I hope you liked this chapter! More chapters coming soon!

Photograph 3||BrightWinWhere stories live. Discover now