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Win was immersed in the music that was playing in the kitchen while making his boyfriend's special lunch for the night. He kept dancing around while stirred the curry in between, making sure everything was perfect and he lost track of time and completely missed the clicking of the front door and now his boyfriend was right there watching him having fun.

"Seems like you're having a lot of fun", Bright finally said which caught Win off guard and he widened his eyes with his face flushed with embarrassment.

"When did you get here?"

"From the moment you started dancing to Dynamite?", Bright said and he dropped his bag on the floor and without wasting any time he picked Win up and placed him on the counter.

The two now staring at each other, scanning each other's faces and wondering how they managed to stay apart for a whole month

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The two now staring at each other, scanning each other's faces and wondering how they managed to stay apart for a whole month. Win pulled Bright's face and kissed him softly for a brief moment before pulling away because he still had to finish off with his cooking.

"I missed that. Kinda wished it lasted longer though", Bright pouted and hugged Win from his back, sniffing his neck while Win added more salt to the curry and was finishing up.

"Well I didn't want our food to get burnt. I'm sorry"

"I'll forgive you if you let me punish you in our room tonight", Bright smirked. Win now turned around to face him and placed both his hands behind Bright's neck, their faces only few inches apart.

"Oh you can punish me all night"

"Wow, turtlenecks for both of you. Wonder what happened last night", Dew said teasing the two and immediately got a punch on his shoulder from Bright.

"How was the trip?", Mew asked hugging Bright. All of them decided to meet up early in the morning before class so that they could talk for a while. Everyone was there except Nani. Bright had noticed that and even saw how Dew was feeling a bit down even though he was joking around occasionally. They were in the same class anyway, he could ask them then.

They spent about 15 minutes talking and catching up on everything before their first bell went off and they had to split up.

"What's up with you and Nani?", Bright asked Dew when they were walking towards their department.

"Ahh. Both of us went for a movie. We talked a lot. He kissed me and ran off. He didn't show up to class for a whole week", Dew said with a straight face and Bright had never seen him like that. It felt weird. The one person who was always cheerful was now hurt?

"He ran off? And you guys kissed? Huh"

"I don't know. Let's not talk about it"

The two immediately stopped when they saw Nani sitting in his usual seat, looking at the desk quietly. Dew didn't know if he was angry, upset or kinda relieved that he finally got to see him again.

"Don't say anything yet. I'll sit in the middle today alright", Bright said and walked over to Nani and sat next to him.

"You're finally back", Nani said smiling at Bright.

"Yeah. How have you been?"

"I've had better days I guess"

Dew was listening to their conversation but didn't look at Nani. Nani did the same. He was only focused on Bright and hoped that his teacher would come in as soon as possible so that nothing would be complicated.

"So how was last night? Scratch that. The turtleneck explains it", Gulf teased Win when they went towards their lunch table.

"Don't tease my boyfriend", Bright interrupted the two. "I don't want y'all to see his flustered face. That's for my eyes only"

"Oh god. So we're back to this huh", Dew said, dramatically rolling his eyes at the couple. Nani joined them as well but he was still not talking to Dew. But that won't last too long since Bright had a plan.

"Dew, Nani. Can you guys come with me to the Audio Visual room for a second. I need to get something real quick", Bright asked and the two agreed and they followed him. As they got closer to the room, Bright slowed down his pace so that the two was now in front of them. Dew opened the door and before they could do anything else Bright pushed the two boys inside the tiny room and locked the door from outside.

"I'll give you guys 20 minutes to sort your issue. Talk it out if you guys want your lunch. Okay bye", Bright yelled from the other side of their door and went to join the others who were confused with the whole situation.

Bright is back

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Bright is back. Why do you think Nani ran away the other day? Will things get solved? Heheh. Thanks for reading. Hope you're liking it so far.

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