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Win left the house before Bright had gotten up because of his workshop again. He only had two more days and then it was time for their shoot.

"Good morning", He greeted the people who had already reached the company building including Love and her manager. Since they were waiting for few more people to come they were still scattered around doing their thing while Love and Win were talking about random series that they had watched. Another fun fact, Love really liked BTS as well so that just gave Win much more topics to talk about. They had become so close that no one would believe that they had only met two times before.

"If you were at my university you would definitely get along with my friends"

"Haha I wish I could. Sometimes I hoped that I didn't join this industry because I want a normal life. Not that I want to study and all that. But you know what I mean"

"I understand. But it's alright. For someone like you, I'm sure you will have fun no matter where you are. Like, you definitely get to meet a lot of people while doing your shoots right?"

"Yeah but it's not like I get to be friends with them. Most of the people are usually much older than me or if by chance I get to do a shoot with someone my age, we never stay in touch after we've parted ways. It's all business you know"

Win could only nod in response as he couldn't relate to her but he definitely felt sad. He wasn't sure on how to console her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ranted so much", Love chuckled awkwardly and looked away.

"Hey no it's totally fine and you know what. I'm gonna be your friend! Even after we're done with this shoot. And I promise you that you'll get much more friends soon"

"How so?"

"You'll see", Win said and grinned at the girl.

"Okay everyone let's begin"

"Hey I don't think he's that mad don't worry. Just keep talking to him okay. He must have been really tired last night and so didn't talk it out", Dew said trying to console Bright who was still devastated about what had happened.

"But I don't want him to think that I had even considered doubting him for even a second"

"I'm sure Win will understand. Things like this happen. Win is a strong boy", Gulf said now and patted his back. Just then Bright got a message from someone and so he fished out for his phone from his pocket and saw that it was from Win. That name brought some life back into him and he immediately clicked on it to see what he had sent.

Having dinner with the company people. May be late, don't stay up alright...

"What's going on?", Dew asked Win over the phone when everyone parted ways to go back home.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you that mad at him?"

"What no I'm not. Why what's wrong?"

"He told us that you're not gonna be home for dinner and he thinks you're doing that to avoid him"

"What?! I swear Love's manager arranged dinner for all of us here that's why I won't be able to make it. Ugh I gotta tell Bright"

"This is a mess"

"And you guys say that I overthink too much"

"Both of you are perfect for each other"

"Don't make me punch you"

"Cheers", Love's manager said raising his glass and the older staff members raised theirs as well at the dinner while Win and Love felt awkward. Not with each other, but with the fact that their table was getting a lot of attention with the amount of noise they were making. They talked in between and Love shared a lot of stories about her different projects around Asia which Win was intrigued about. He was stunned by how much she has achieved at such a young age. No wonder she was considered as one of the top models of Thailand. They were interrupted once again when Love's manager started laughing loudly with the other staff members and now the two wished that they could magically disappear from the place.

"Let's get outta here", Love whispered.

"Okay", Win said and cleared his throat to garb the attention of the people at their table. "I'll be heading back now, I'm super tired. I'll drop Love as well"

"Oh cool. Thank you so much! See you two tomorrow", Love's manager said, slightly slurring his words because he was a little tipsy now and the two used their opportunity and left the restaurant immediately.

"So what should we do?"

"What do you want to do?", Win asked. He wanted to go back home to Bright but at the same time he didn't want to leave Love alone especially after hearing what she said earlier that day. He wanted her to have some fun apart from the modelling world.

"I heard Asiatique is a fun place to go. I have never been there"


"Nope. I never got the time"

"That's where we are going!", Win said and the two got a cab and headed to the said destination which was the prettiest at night and full of life. Various stalls, lights and music welcomed them as they reached.

"This looks so much fun"

"It definitely is! Let's go", Win said again and dragged her by her hand.

"It definitely is! Let's go", Win said again and dragged her by her hand

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