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"Hey Win! Mind if I sit with you?", a boy asked Win when he went back to the Law department.

"Of course"

"I'm Gulf by the way. You're already pretty famous in our department huh?", the boy introduced himself.

"No no nothing like that

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"No no nothing like that. I just like making friends I guess. So how did you join this place?"

"Well my boyfriend and I decided to come here together. He's in the Engineering department and I decided to take Law obviously"

"Wow that's the same thing with my boyfriend and I as well. He's in the Media department though"

"Bright, right?"

"Whoa how did you know?"

"You guys are models? Remember? Everyone ships you two and you guys are not keeping it low-key as well so I just guessed"

Win didn't know how to feel about that. Did people actually ship them? Win never reads up about himself online since he never thought he was that popular.

"So did you make any other friends around here?", Win asked Gulf, changing the subject.

"Not really. Everyone has already seemed to make their own groups. I couldn't attend the opening ceremony since I had actually come back from a trip so I was late and all that"

"Oh don't worry about it then. We can be friends. You should hang out with us. Bright, Dew, Nani and I. Bring your boyfriend as well. We'd love to meet him!"

"Really? Like are you actually sure about that?"

"Of course. This can be our group"

"Wow you're really sweet!"

Win giggled at the compliment by the other but they had to stop when their teacher walked in. Unlike the Media Department, the Law Department had all of their classes together so it was common teachers for all the students.

"I heard the other departments were playing games since it's the first day and we as Law students should be better than them! So why don't we head to the school grounds to play!", Khao announced which surprised the students at first but they all cheered together to agree with the suggestion. They knew this will only last at the beginning stages. They will be drowning with work later on so why not have fun now.

Khao led the way for the students to the school grounds where they were free to do whatever they wanted.

"Hey guys, let's play football? We can divide the boys into two groups!", one of the boys suggested and Win was the first to agree. Of course he was, that was all he wanted to do. One of the students went to get a ball while the others divided themselves to two teams.

"We should be on the same team!", Gulf told Win and they were finally done. "Let's go!"

The boys were having a blast, playing on the first day. Win's team seemed to have more experienced players since they were scoring goals easily.

Photograph 3||BrightWinWhere stories live. Discover now