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"Okay this is so fancy what the hell", Bright said as he entered the cruise with Dew and Nani. Mew and Gulf had already reached much earlier with Tu and were waiting for them. Bright had noticed that Dew's father was there as well. They then went to a hall which was filled with pretty decorations.

"Why are there so many seats?", Bright asked as he looked around. Right on cue the lights went off and Bright heard a lot of footsteps which honestly freaked him out because the first thing that came to his mind was he was about to get kidnapped or something. But before he could process what was going on he heard a group singing 'Happy Birthday' and a beam of light was shun on the door of the hall which opened making Bright teary eyed as he saw Win walking through that door with a cake in his hand.

The lights slowly came back on and he saw that there were a lot more people in the hall now. And his friends were right behind him cheering as Win reached in front of Bright with that cake.

"Did you actually think I would miss your birthday?"

"What about that shoot?"

"It was all an act. Special thanks to Love", Win said and he looked over to his side where Love was standing and recording the whole thing.

"Wait so did you guys know about this?", Bright asked turning to his friends now.

"Yep! This was all a plan"

"So this is like two celebrations together! Get it! Soon to be three", Dew said and nudged Tu.

"What do you mean?", Tu asked while Dew and Win grinned at each other.

"Love!", Win called out and the mentioned girl came towards him. "The floor is yours now", he said and placed the cake on the table. Only Dew and Win knew what was about to happen.

"It's been a while right?", Love said, her face getting red and not making eye contact with Tu who was doing the same. Seeing this, Bright and Nani started to get what was going on. Tu had mentioned earlier in class. The girl who she liked! It was Love! They took now waited to see what was about to happen.

"Wait a minute", Tu suddenly said out of the blue that caught everyone off guard. "If this is related to what I said earlier. Is this what I think it is?", She asked.

"Maybe", Win said and shrugged while Love giggled.

"I like you Tu", Love finally said and Gulf tried so hard not to squeal with happiness while Tu was still speechless. Her first crush. This was her dream come true.

"Looks like I'm not single now", Tu said proudly and went over to hug Love who was a blushing mess.

"That was the quickest proposal I have ever seen in my life", Mew said.

"Well they had liked each other for a while. Maybe that's why", Gulf replied.

"Oh and I have convinced my manager and parents to let me study for the next three years. So I hope I can hang around with you guys", Love said as she pulled away from the hug.

"OF COURSE YOU CAN!", Tu said enthusiastically making the boys chuckle. She showed no signs of being shy unlike Love and it was adorable how different the two are but somehow seem perfect for each other.

"Oh and here", Dew said as he pulled out the lens Bright wanted from behind the table that was kept in the hall. "Win got this"

"Wait no way!"

"I had asked him to keep it from you so that I could buy it for you instead. Dew you're the real MVP", Win said and hugged his best friend.

"Well hey. You guys made my highschool life amazing and Bright, you helped me realise my love for Nani and taught me your ways. I owed you guys big time"

Photograph 3||BrightWinWhere stories live. Discover now