Last July

894 17 0

Emily's POV

I unbuckle myself and open the car door. I step out onto this greenland, pouring with roses and flowers of every sort.

It almost looks imaginary, like those scenes from the story books, but somehow, it all looks so familiar.

He puts his hand over my shoulder, "Remember here?"

I frown, it all looks familiar, but I really don't remember at all.

We walk for a little bit down a hidden road, trees cowering over our heads. We walk all in silence, appreciating the sudden sounds of birds chirping and the sound of bushes moving, probably of small animals hidden in there. Luke then stops suddenly, right in front of me and looks up.

I come up behind him and try to look over his shoulder and I see a waterfall.

That's when it hit me. That moment, running through the grass playing tag with Luke, jumping in that water with my mom and my dad, my dad picking me up and throwing me in the air and catching me. That moment sitting down eating my sandwich, when a butterfly landed on my leg.

It all comes back to me,

"Now do you remember?" He smiles.

I look around a little longer, then smile and nod.

I run to the waterfall with crystal blue water, staring down, I can see my reflection in it. I decide to jump in, since, you know, you only live once. I splash the water and throw some up to Luke. He shivers as the cool water splashes against his face, he smiles and throws some back to me, before we knew it, it was a full on war.

We splash and run around in the water carelessly, having too much fun to realize the sun was starting to set. We get out of the water, not bothering to grab a towel since the sun would dry us off. We walk out to the hill, and sit on it, watching the sun set.

After a fun day, all I could feel is sadness. I felt sad but hopeful, if that makes any sense at all. Hopeful that I would experience what I had experienced these past few months again.

I lean and place my head on Luke's shoulder, "Thanks." I say quietly.

Without turning to look at me, "For what?"

"This, experience, the trip, taking me here, for everything. I can't repay you enough."

"You don't need to," He says, "I have everything I need right here."

I play with the grass on the floor, "And Luke?"

"Mmm" he says quietly.

"Can we do it again sometime?"

He chuckles, "Of Course Em." I smile still while looking out at the sunset.

Out of nowhere, Ashton gets up off the floor and stands in front of us,

"Move Ashton I can't see the sunset man!" Michael whines.

"I have to do something really important, hold on, " he shoots back, "Thea?"

He walks over to where she was sitting and grabs her by the hand. She stands up and walk to the middle of the sunset, forming a perfect silohuette.

"I know, we just met this year, but over the past few months, I feel as if i've known you forever, and I just have to say, you're the most beautiful, talented, smartest, most incredible girl I know, and I just wanted to ask you," he gets down on his knee, "Will You Go to Paris with me?"

By then, Thea had her left hand covering her mouth, while the right one stays in Ashton's. He gets a ring out of the box he had, it was quite small but it's not like their getting married, yet.

Thea, with tears in her eyes, nods yes as he puts the ring on her finger.

We nod and whistle loudly as she jumps onto Ashton wrapping her legs around him. He didn't seem to mind as he hugged her tightly.

I lean against Luke and smile, "You know, this is the perfect ending,"

"Ending? You mean beginning. "

I furrow my eyebrows, "Beginning of what?"

"Our adventure." He states.

I give a confused smile, "Adventure where?"

"Who knows? Wherever life takes us."

I smile, "and remember how it all started out? How we were so nervous to leave to America?"

"You weren't that nervous, you were okay." He says.

I chuckle, "It was Last July."

The End

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