Phone call.

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Summary: Peter gets a call from his boyfriend while in class and has to answer it on speaker.
Warning: threats.

Peter sat in class half asleep as he waited for the bell to ring. Except that wasn't the first thing to ring.

His phone vibrated as 'Another one bites the dust' rung through the class interrupting the teacher.

If your phone rung you would have to answer it on speaker. It was a stupid rule but they had a really strict teacher.

"You know the rules," the teacher said as the class laughed at him.

He pulled out his phone and after checking the caller ID he felt even worse, if that was possible. He answered the phone and his boyfriend's voice was the first thing he heard.

"Hey babe. Quick question. I know you won't let me into you're lab. But I'm in serious trouble. I might have been playing truth or dare and stolen Bucky's arm...again. Now he's trying to kill me and the only place he can't find me is your lab. Please I need you pass code. If you tell me I'll let you be big spoon. Please?" Pietro begged.

Forgetting his class he replied, "One, I have no problem being small spoon. Two, I told you to stop stealing his arm, one day you might get killed. Three, hide yourself, I'm not helping you. Sorry babe."

Before his boyfriend could complain he cut the call. Though a certain someone had to curse him before that *cough cough Flash cough cough*. Peter blushed upon noticing his class looking at him.

"Peter Parker. First you lie about having an internship but then you pretend to be dating an Avenger. To the principle's office NOW!" the teacher. I despise the most, yelled.

Peter sighed, "After what he said," he said pointing at Flash, "He should be here in"

As he finished the countdown a flash of silver sped through the room and stopped behind him. He looked around the room menacingly, courtesy of black widow.

"Who has been bullying MY Peter?" he asked.

Everybody pointed at Flash. In a flash, Pietro was beside him.

"Ever talk to or even touch him again and you won't be alive to see the next sunrise," Pietro threatened his accent coming strong and making him sound scarier.

And just like that he was gone. The bell rung and Peter got up leaving the stunned class behind.

382: words.

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