Chapter 5 - A Dealer's graduation

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Dedicated to shesbeno

Peyton Griffin's POV

"FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING BLACK, WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?" I cry out as I make my way into the shabby living room.

"Someone missed a pill." Charlie smirks at me as she tips her finger to increase the volume.

The song in the air is as nauseating as the ones they've been playing all morning. And by them, I mean Charlie and Lola.

Since our high school years, these girls have had an unhealthy liking to the author of the music. He goes by the name Caleb Parks and if you ask me, I've heard better.

Still, I remain unfazed by Charlie's comment, but to clarify; I don't do drugs. No matter how much my father and my stupid stepbrother pissed me off, drugs looked like a sure way to end it, and I don't plan on ending anything until I complete my bucket list.

I'm still recovering from the fight Lola and I had with Aunt Nicole. Have I mentioned we Griffins are stubborn? We never know when to quit, so you can imagine a hundred-and-something-year-old woman fighting off a Rapunzel and a Gal Gadot with yellow highlights in her hair.

I locked away Aunt Nicole in her bedroom with enough darts to numb an elephant, and a bump at the back of her head.

It's been four years since I ran away from my father and moved in with Lola. So far, we were supposed to graduate from our online college courses today. Lola is officially an artist, while I'm a paediatrician. Don't worry, I don't plan on entering a hospital.

Since it's an online thing. We don't get a party, but I wouldn't put that past, Charlie.

Dressed in a hot pink bikini, she lies on the couch, waiting for Lola to drag me out of bed and change. Simultaneously, killing me with the excuse of music echoing around the house.

"If you turn that down, I can promise you I'll let you live long enough for me to operate on your kids," I say.

"But if I do, your brain cells won't recognise a great song when they hear one." She replies as she gets up from the couch, her fight-or-flight senses kicking in.

Before Charlie could act on it, Lola walks in wearing a black two-piece.

"Before you kill each other, can we at least get to the beach first? There are so many hot guys I want to sculpt." She pouts.

"With your mouth, I presume." I snort.

"Don't be such a downer, Penny." Our attention shifts to the Greek-like God figure standing in the hallway right after the front door.

The gym did wonders on Danny, increasing his prominent packs on display thanks to his white Adidas shorts.

I will never compliment Danny outwardly, but I can't say the same to Charlie.

"Go on now, change up while I keep our couch from getting christened."

I snort a laugh from Lola's comment and begin going back to our room. Sure, Danny is a man-whore with a degree in pharmacy and business, but he is incredibly oblivious to the suggestive glances my best friend throws at him every once in a while.

As my supposed future husband, I wouldn't even mind if they hooked up because their love tension is suffocating.

I get into the shower and strip. Washing off the dry blood, I caress the bruises adorning every part of my body. I run my hand through my long dark brown hair with yellow highlights and sigh.

It makes it easier to lose the press when Lola and I go out. She has her hats and wigs, but I got my hair colour changed. The press is one thing from my old life; that I wish I could remove.

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