The Celebration

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(The picture above, is the dress Emarilia is wearing for the celebration)

Emarilia was helping out in the kitchen, frantically helping the several cooks prepare a feast. Meanwhile, Legolas was helping with decorations. Thranduil and Elrond were figuring out who to invite, but it was useless, because all the elves of Middle Earth were invited, so they focused on choosing the perfect wine to serve during the feast. This was alot to pull off in a few hours, but somehow, they made it work. Everyone began to prepare for the party at about 7 a.m. and it is supposed to begin at 6 p.m. It was now 5 p.m. and They were almost finished. Legolas and several others were finishing putting up the last of the decorations, such as ribbons, and banners. Emarilia on the other hand was carrying out food, and putting it on the tables, with the help of several others. Just as everyone finished, They all stood in silence, admiring their work, appreciating it while it lasted, because with a party like this, several were bound to get drunk. Emarilia gasped and shouted "Oh No!" Thranduil became worried and asked "What's wrong?!" Emarilia sighed and replied sadly "I have nothing to wear" Thranduil sighed in releif, and said "Emarilia, what you have on is fine. Plus you brought several other dresses with you." Emarilia became even more upset and said "Yes, but they're not the 'right' dress for this celebration. This is going to be HUGE and I want to have on the perfect dress Ada." Thranduil was about to say something, but he was cut off by Elrond. He had heard everything Emarilia said to her father. "I think I have the perfect dress for you" Elrond said grinning widely. Emarilia filled with hope and said "Really?!" Elrond nodded, then held her hand and said "Follow me..." Emarilia nodded, and followed him, filling with joy after every step she took. She walked down the hall eagerly, following Elrond. Elrond stopped in front of his room, and opened the door. "After you..." He said Allowing Emarilia to enter his room first. Emarilia smiled and said "Thank you" as she entered his room. He closed the door behind him, then went rummaging through his closet. Emarilia was watching Elrond, but then she noticed how beautiful his room actually was. The walls were covered in gold paint, and his bed covers were a green, velvety color. There were also two large doors, leading to his balcony, where you could see the breathtaking view of Rivendell. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Elrond say "Here it is!" Emarilia turned to look at him, but her eyes gazed at the dress, It was beautiful. Emarilia gasped, and covered her mouth in shock. "Elrond..It's..It's Beautiful!" she said. Elrond chuckled and said "Well, I'm glad you like it. It belongs to my daughter" Emarilia said "Oh, well, If it's your daughters, then I shouldn't wear it. It would be wrong." Elrond chuckled and said "Don't be silly! She never wore it anyways, and she didn't even like it." Emarilia was still unsure on whether or not to take it, and said "Oh..." Elrond held it out to her and said "Please Emarilia, take it, as a gift." Emarilia became nervous and asked "Are you sure?" Elrond sighed, approached her, and pulled her into a hug. As they released their hug, he began to caress her cheek and said "I'm sure" Emarilia smiled and said "Thank you Elrond". Elrond kissed her forehead and replied "You're Welcome, Now go, try it on." Emarilia gladly took the dress from his hands, and went to the nearest bathroom to change. She found a bathroom near the end of the hall, and entered it to change. She quickly changed, and braided her hair, then wrapped the braid up into a bun. She left a few strands of her hair out, to hang freely. The dress was absolutely beautiful, and it fit her perfectly. Emarilia stared at the dress on her body in awe. The top portion of the dress was light blue, with specks of gold, and it hung tightly to her chest. The rest of the dress was soft, white silk that flowed around her body, and to the ground. The sleeves of the dress were low, and only covered some skin below her shoulder, exposing all skin above her breasts, and showed her collar bones. There was more silk hanging from the sleeves, which flowed to the ground. The top portion of the dress was laced at the back, with gold ribbon, which took quite some time to lace up. Once she finished, She exited the bathroom, to find Elrond waiting for her down the hall. Once he saw her, he opened his mouth in shock, and his eyes widened. He slowly approached her and said " look Amazing." Emarilia began to blush and said "Thank you Elrond" then hugged him. Elrond hugged her tightly and said "Come, The guests should be arriving soon" Emarilia nodded, and followed him outside. As they walked outside, every eye in Rivendell was on her. Emarilia was extremely uncomfortable, but avoided their gaze, and kept walking. Once they made it to the entrance, where everyone was standing, waiting for guests to arrive, Thranduil and Legolas stared at her, with wide eyes. "Wow..." The two of them said at the same time, making Emarilia smile. Thranduil approached her, and said "You look beautiful", "Thank you Ada" Emarilia replied smiling. Thranduil caressed her cheek and added "I almost didn't recognize you....You look just like your mother." Emarilia smiled, letting a tear fall. Thranduil pulled her into a hug and said "Don't cry my love, It's alright" Emarilia held her father tightly and replied "I know, I...I just wish she was here." Thranduil leaned close to her, and kissed her forehead. Then he laid his forehead against hers and said "Me too Emarilia, Me too....But she is with us, and she always will here" He said putting a hand over his heart. Emarilia did the same and said "I love you Ada and Nana" Thranduil kissed her cheek and said "We both love you more than you could ever imagine" Emarilia kissed her fathers cheek, and hugged him again. Thranduil wiped her tears with his thumbs and said "Today is a day to be happy, not to shed tears my love, now cheer up." Emarilia nodded and said "Thank you Ada" once again, and walked off to help out with any last minute preparations. Thankfully they finished everything just in time, and the guests would be arriving any minute now. Elrond, Thranduil, Legolas, and Emarilia stood at the front gates to greet the hundreds of guests, that would be arriving very soon. Minutes later, the hundreds of elves began to arrive, packing Rivendell. If you took a guess, there were almost 250 elves in Rivendell that evening. They were arriving fast, and in groups. After about half an hour, most of the guests had arrived, but occasionally a few elves entered Rivendell, fashionably late. It was now about 6:40 p.m. and the celebration began! Several Elves went for the wine first, and got drunk within the next few minutes, But the majority of the elves chose to sing and dance with their loved ones, enjoying the evening. In about an hour, the feast would begin, but for now, everyone was singing and dancing. It looked like so much fun, but Emarilia was too shy, and stood off to the side, watching everyone rejoice with a smile on her face. Thranduil was watching happily too. Suddenly, a grown elleth grabbed Emarilia's hand and pulled her in. Emarilia tried to pull away, but her grip was too strong. Emarilia gave up, and let the elleth drag her in. For the dance, everyone stood in a circle clapping their hands and stomping their feet while singing. And in the middle, elves in pairs of two, danced and swung each other around, hand in hand or arm locked with arm. And while you danced, every few miniutes, you would switch with a new partener from the circle, or you could drag someone in, like the elleth did to Emarilia. Emarilia and the elleth danced together, laughing and smiling. After a few minutes it was time to switch, and Emarilia was frantically looking for a partner. Her eyes were scanning the crowd, and when they landed on her father 'Perfect!' she thought to herself, and ran to pull him in. She grabbed his hand laughing and pulled him in. Thranduil tried to pull away, but Emarilia simply shook her head, refusing to let go of him. Thranduil began to laugh and allowed his daughter to pull him into the dancing circle. Thranduil and Emarilia were in the middle of the circle, swinging each other, and dancing. As they were dancing Thranduil shouted to Emarilia over the singing "What was that for?!" Emarilia began to laugh and answered "You pulled me in to dance last time, so this time I did it to you!" Thranduil began to laugh and replied "Oh, alright, I guess we're even!" They both smiled lovingly at each other, and continued to dance. About 20 minutes later, they were still dancing, but they were exhausted, gasping for air and decided to stop. Once they stopped, everyone began cheering and clapping for them. The two of them smiled and walked out of the circle hand in hand and plopped down into their seats. Once they caught their breath, Thranduil turned to Emarilia and said "That was fun!" Emarilia began to laugh and said "Ada! You had fun?! I didn't think that was possible!" Thranduil began to laugh and said "Oh, be quiet you're just jealous of how good of a dancer I am!" Emarilia tried to protest, but she was laughing so hard, that she couldn't. Thranduil rolled his eyes and turned to watch everyone dance. Emarilia caught her breath and wiped her tears from laughing so hard. Suddenly Emarilia felt a tug at her dress, and looked to see who it was. "Mira!" Emarilia squealed wrapping her arms around Mira, giving her a hug. Mira giggled and said "I missed you Emarilia!" Emarilia kissed Mira's cheek and said "I missed you more!". Emarilia lifted Mira into her arms, making Mira squeal with joy. Mira looked Emarilia in the eyes and said "Did you hear the good news?!" Emarilia chuckled and nodded, then said "I sure did!" Thranduil was watching the two of them in awe, with a smile on his face. Mira held onto Emarilia even tighter and said "You're my bestest friend in the whole wide world!" Emarilia smiled and tickled Mira, making her squeal with delight and replied "And your're my best friend Mira!" Mira's mother was looking for her, calling her name, and she looked worried. Emarilia noticed, and walked Mira over to her mother. "I think I found who you're looking for" Emarilia said handing Mira over to her mother. Mira's mother sighed in releif and said while bowing "Oh, Thank you, You're majesty" Emarilia frowned and said "Please, call me Emarilia, There is no need to call me 'Your Majesty' " Mira's mom nodded and said "As you wish, Thank you Emarilia, I'm sure Mira disturbed you, and I'm very sorry" Emarilia smiled and replied "Oh No it was no trouble at all! I love having Mira with me, She is very kind, You have a wonderful daughter" Mira's mom was grinning from ear to ear and said "Thank you...Really" Emarilia hugged Mira's mother and said "No need to thank me Love, We are all family here" Mira's mother shed a tear, and said "May you live forever, and May Mirkwood know your name, and cherish you for millions of years to come" Emarilia hugged her even tighter and said "Thank you" Emarilia turned to leave, but Mira's mother stopped her by saying "Emarilia....." Emarilia turned around and kindly asked "Yes?" Mira's mother smiled and said "You are just like your mother Emarilia, You look like her, and you act exactly like her, you're beyond beautiful and you have the kindest heart in Middle Earth." Emarilia smiled, trying to hold back her tears and said "Thank you" hugging her one last time. Emarilia said goodbye, and walked back to her seat, next to her father. Thranduil noticed that she was upset and said "Emarilia, are you alright?" Emarilia nodded and said "Yes, I'm fine Ada." Thranduil sat closer to her, wrapped his arm around her, planted a kiss on her cheek, and said "You know, You're going to be a wonderful mother one day..." Emarilia turned to look at him and said full of hope "Really?" Thranduil nodded and said "Really...I saw how sweet you were with Mira, and I can only imagine how sweet you will be to your little one." Emarilia smiled, and layed her head on her father's shoulder then said "Thanks Ada". They both sat in silence for the next ten minutes, leaning against each other watching everyone socialize. Then Elrond shouted loud enough for everyone to hear "IT IS TIME FOR THE FEAST!" Everyone cheered with joy, and made their way to the table. Thranduil and Emarilia stood up, and followed everyone to the table. Since there were so much people, There were three tables piled with food. Once everyone was seated, and filled their glasses with wine, Elrond stood and said "I'D LIKE TO MAKE A TOAST" Everyone got quiet and directed their attention towards Elrond. He continued "I'D LIKE TO MAKE THIS TOAST, TO NO MORE ORCS!!" The silence erupted into cheers, and everyone repeated after Elrond, saying "NO MORE ORCS!" Then they clinked their glasses, and drank only the finest wine in Middle Earth. Legolas joined them shortly, and they all began to eat. After a few hours, Emarilia grew very tired and decided that it was time to go to bed. She turned to her father and said "Ada, I'm going to bed now...goodnight" She kissed his cheek, and began to walk to her bedroom. She began to walk away, but Thranduil followed after her and said "Emarilia...are you alright?" Emarilia nodded, and said "I'm fine Ada, I'm just tired, and I feel a little dizzy." Thranduil pressed his hand to her forehead, to check if she had a fever, but she didn't have one. Thranduil smirked then asked her "Have you been drinking wine?" Emarilia shoved him lightly on his shoulder and said "Ada! No! I haven't!" Thranduil began to chuckle and said "I was just kidding, now, come on, let me walk you to your room." Emarilia nodded, and leaned on her father as they were walking to her room, and he wrapped his arm around her. While they were walking, Thranduil realized how exhausted she actually was, because of her slow pace, so he lifted her into his arms, and walked down the hall to her room. Emarilia was too tired to question his sudden gesture, so she wrapped her arms around his neck, and fell asleep against his chest. Thranduil chuckled and entered her room, laying her down on her bed, and tucked her in. He kissed her forehead and said "Rest well, my love" Then left to go join the party, and was probably going to get drunk.

What do you think of Emarilia's dress?
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