When Faced With Death, What Can Anyone Do?

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Legolas looked at his sister, eyes wide with fear. "Did you hear that?!" he exclaimed looking at Emarilia. Emarilia gulped, and only managed to nod. The noise was starting to get louder, and closer. Legolas and Emarilia were getting even more scared, Then Emarilia said "Come on, Let's go! Run!" They both began to run as fast as they could, but they immediately stopped, because an Orc riding a Warg jumped in front of them, It was Bolg.


Lindir and Èomer finally made it back to the kingdom, and ran to find Thranduil. They found him in his office, looking over paper work. They barged in, causing Thranduil to look up from his paper. Lindir and Èomer were panting and out of breath. They kept on trying to speak, but all that came out was "M....My Lord..E..Emarilia......." Thranduil stood up in fear, Thinking that his daughter was hurt. Thranduil shouted with a shaky voice "Tell Me! What is it?!". Èomer caught his breath first and said "There is nothing wrong my Lord, But you never told me that Emarilia was a master archer! It took me years to do what she did! And she does it even better than me!" Thranduil sighed in releif, began to chuckle, and replied "Yes, She is a very skilled archer indeed. She's a natural." Lindir finally caught his breath and added "She's amazing! How long has she been training?" "About an hour" Thranduil replied. Èomer and Lindir looked at him in disbelief, Then they realized that he was a King, and King's never lie. "Amazing" they both whispered to themselves. After a few moments of silence, they snapped out of it, and said "Well, we better go back now." They said their farewells, and started to walk back to the forest, but they got lost many times.


"Bolg" Legolas and Emarilia said under their breath in disgust. Bolg smirked, and said in his deep, raspy voice "So..You two are the filthy descendants of King Thranduil....." Legolas and Emarilia cringed that the sound of his voice. Bolg then added "...Long ago, the filth you call your father killed my father, Azog..." A huge smirk formed on his hideous face, and then he continied "....So in return I swore to take the life of one of his children...." He began to circle around them on his Warg, and finished by saying "......And I choose you, SHE-ELF!" Emarilia could feel tears beginning to fill her eyes, but she quickly wiped them. Bolg saw, and said "Aww, do not worry...It will all be over soon." He lifted his axe, ready to strike at her, and his warg began to charge at her. Legolas was out of arrows, because they were all stuck to a tree, which was out of his reach. He picked up a rock, and thrusted it at the warg, hitting it in the nose, causing it to stop, and whimper in pain. "Leave my sister alone....FILTH!" Legolas yelled. Bolg turned to face Legolas, and said "Why not just kill her, I'LL KILL BOTH OF YOU!" He began to charge at Legolas atop his warg, ready to kill him. Emarilia panicked, lifted her bow, grabbed an arrow, and shot at them. She hit the Warg in the abdomen, causing it to falter, and limp. She needed to finish it. She positioned her next arrow, and shot it in the face. Now, the warg was dead, and it toppled to the ground, causing Bolg to fall with it. Bolg quickly got up, cursed under his breath, in a language she could not understand, and began to charge at her, with his axe in the air, ready to kill. She Lifted her bow and arrow ready to fire, hoping he would stop, but he wouldn't, he kept charging at her. Legolas on the other hand was having a panic attack, and he couldn't move. Tears were streaming down his face, and he was shaking. Emarilia's eyes widened with fear, and she released her bow. It hit him in the leg, causing him to cry out in pain, and fall. He soon got up again, and limped at her with huge strides, and a face full of anger. This made Emarilia even more afraid, but she didn't show it. She kept her facial expression calm and angry. She Lifted her bow once again with an arrow ready to fire, this time causing Bolg to stop. "IF YOU TAKE ONE MORE STEP NEAR ME, I'LL FIRE THE NEXT ONE RIGHT INBETWEEN YOUR EYES!" Emarilia shouted. Bolg only smirked, and took another step towards her. "I'M WARNING YOU!" Emarilia screamed. Bolg began to laugh, and kept approaching her, but he said "You deserve to DIE, JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER! SHE NEVER LOVED YOU!" Emarilia couldn't take it anymore, she let her tears fall, and they blurred her vision. Big mistake. Bolg was now right in front of her, and he knocked her to the ground, leaving a bloody gash on the side of her face. He then lifted his axe, and said "First you die, then your brother!" Emarilia closed her eyes, waiting for the moment to be over. She then remembered she had a dagger with her. She quickly took it out, and jabbed it into Bolg's leg, causing him to curse, and scream out in pain. She was in so much pain, that she couldn't stand, so she dragged herself to her bow and an arrow, As she was about to grab them, she was being dragged by her hair, away from her weapon, and she screamed in pain. Bolg got ahold of her, Lifted her by the neck into the air almost 7 feet from the ground. She was gasping for air, and she tried to scream for help, but she couldn't, because her air was leaving her lungs. Bolg was laughing, and he said "Yes, pain, feel it! DIE!" Emarilia was struggling for air, and tears were spilling down her cheeks. She thought to herself 'No, I can't die...Not this way! Fight! Fight him! For Mother!' Emarilia decided to fight him with all the strength she had left in her body. She moved one of her dangling legs back as far as she could, and kicked him in the stomach. He winced in pain, dropping her, which only caused her more pain, and she was gasping for air. She had to ignore all of those feelings, and she ran for her bow and arrow, no matter how painful it was. Luickly she made it to them in time. She quickly lifted her bow positioned her arrow, and shot him exactly where she promised, right in between his eyes. She grabbed more arrows, and kept shooting him. She shot him until his breath was gone. Then she felt all of the pain of her body, and collapsed as her vision turned black.

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