She's back

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Elrond and Thranduil looked up at each other with wide eyes. "Did you hear that?!" Elrond asked Thranduil excitedly. Thranduil nodded his head vigirously. Elrond replied "There is still life left in her. We must hurry!" Elrond and Thranduil stood up, and walked back to the dining table. Thranduil then sat Emarilia down, carefully onto the table. Elrond then pulled a tiny bottle out of his pocket that had a blue liquid inside of it. He then opened it, and poured a little in Emarilia's mouth. Thranduil looked at Elrond and asked "What is that?". "It is an antidote for unconsciousness. It should wake her" Elrond replied. He then began to speak in ancient Elvish once again, but then he stopped. Thranduil looked at Elrond with a worried look on his face, and asked "What's wrong?" Elrond made a face of realization and replied "I know why our magic hasn't been working on Emarilia....." Thranduil looked up at Elrond, lingering for an answer, and asked "Why?!". Elrond replied "Because we need you, Thranduil! Only your love for your daughter can bring her back!" Thranduil began to smile from ear to ear and said "What do I need to do?". Elrond smiled in return, and said, "You must do the healing with me." Thranduil becaame worried and replied "B...but I don't know how to do it...". "Do not worry, my lord. I will help you, and guide you through it." Elrond replied. Thraduil took a deep breath, and said "Alright". Elrond smiled, and said "Here, hold my hands, and repeat after me..." Thranduil nodded, walked to
the other side of the table, and He held
Elrond's hands over Emarilia like a blanket. Elrond took a deep breath and said "Alright, repeat after me...." Elrond was saying elvish phrases, and Thranduil joined in. Soon Thranduil got the hang of it, and he was speaking on his own. Elrond and Thranduil continued doing this for several minutes. Then, suddenly Emarilia began to stir, and her eyes slowly opened. Thranduil's heart filled with joy, and he shouted "Emarilia!" She
was at first confused and dizzy, but then she realized what had happened, she squealed "Ada!" she jumped into his arms. Thranduil hugged her with all his might, and tears were streaming down his cheeks. He looked up at Elrond, and quietly said "Thank you" Elrond smiled, and left the room. Thranduil looked at Emarilia, showered her with kisses, then he whispered into her ear "I almost lost you, Don't you ever do that again. I don't know what I would've done if I lost you." Emarilia was crying against her fathers chest, but she slowly nodded her head. Thranduil began to stroke her hair, and sing to her. Emarilia looked up at her father with tears in her eyes, then said "Why didn't you keep your promise.......To protect me?"

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