Apologizing For His Actions

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It had been two hours since Emarilia and Legolas went to their rooms. They were called for lunch, and they both slowly stepped out of their rooms at the same time. Emarilia and Legolas walked to the dining room together, afraid of what their father was going to say to them. Legolas spoke first in an annoyed tone and said "I bet he's going to scream his head off at us" Emarilia sighed and nodded, agreeing with her brother. Emarilia added "We didn't even do anything wrong, but whatever, It was my fault anyways." Legolas furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and replied "No it wasn't..." he added "Now, Come on, Let's go get this over with." Emarilia nodded, and they walked down the hall together to the dining room. As they reached the dining room, Thranduil was already there, and he stood when he saw them. Emarilia and Legolas wanted to sit at the very end of the table, farthest from their father, but they knew that if they did, they would be in even more trouble. They both slowly approached him, and sat in the chairs on his right and left. As they sat, Thranduil sat too. Emarilia and Legolas didn't want to look into his icy-blue eyes, so they both stared at their hands in their laps. Thranduil let out a sigh, and said "Legolas, Emarilia...I want to apologize for my behavior earlier today, it was wrong. I had a meeting today, and My coucil and I have been arguing all day, so it put me in a bad mood, and made me stressed. I let out all of my anger on you two. You both did absolutely nothing wrong, So I deeply apologize for my foolish actions." Emarilia could feel tears streaming down her cheeks, and she couldn't stop them. Her and Legolas looked up at each other, then at their father. Thranduil caressed Emarilia's cheek, and wiped her tears with his thumb, then said "Emarilia....You have every right to learn how to shoot with a bow and arrow, and you were right, it is better to be safe than sorry. I'm sorry I yelled at you." He then leaned close to her and kissed her cheek. Thranduil turned to Legolas, put a hand on his shoulder, then said "Legolas, Thank you for teaching your sister how to use the bow and arrow today, And I am also sorry for yelling at you..." Thranduil then looked at both of his children and said "Can you ever forgive me?" A smile formed on both of their faces, and they said at the same time "We forgive you Ada" Thranduil smiled, and said "Alright let's eat" As they ate, Thranduil spoke, and said "Legolas, After dinner, you and Emarilia can go out to the garden, and practice shooting. There is a lot she still needs to learn." Legolas replied "Actually, Emarilia has already learned everything. She's actually quite good." Thranduil almost choked on his wine, and said with disbeleif "Really? Well I guess you'll have to show me after lunch." Legolas and Emarilia smirked and said at the same time "Ok".


After lunch, the three of them walked to the garden. As they stepped outside, Thranduil took a seat on the bench, and watched his two children getting ready. Legolas was setting up targets on the trees, as Emarilia was getting a bow and some arrows. When Legolas finished, he ran back next to his sister, and notioned for her to start. Emarilia shot her first arrow, and hit the first target right in the middle, with ease. Thranduil couldn't beleive his eyes. He got up from the bench and stood next to her, to get a better look. Emarilia got her next arrow, and shot the second target right in the center. Thranduil's mouth was open in shock. Her Third, and final target was much further than the others, and Thranduil knew that she wouldn't be able to make this shot, So he grabbed a bow and arrow, then fired. He hit it right in the center before Emarilia even had a chance to shoot. He patted her shoulder, and said "Do not worry darling, you wouldn't of even been able to hit it, so I saved you the embarrassment." He then turned to leave, but he stopped, because he heard a craking noise, He quickly turned only to see that Emarilia had fired her arrow at the third target, and it split Thranduil's right in half, dead center. Legolas's mouth was wide open in shock. Thranduil dropped his bow in shock and whispered to himself "Impossible" He then ran over to the third target, and saw that indeed, his arrow was split in half, right down the middle. He was speechless. He walked back to her and said "How?! What?! How did you do that?!" Emarilia only shrugged and said "I don't know, I just-" She was cut off, because she was lifted in the air. Thranduil started to say "Emarilia that's amazing!" Emarilia started to laugh and said "Ada, put me down!" Thranduil finally put her down, and Legolas began to laugh with them. Thranduil finally spoke again, and said "Emarilia, you have the gift of Archery" Emarilia simply shook her head, and said "No I don't" Thranduil protested and said with excitement "Yes you do! It takes people years to learn how to do that, but it only took you an hour!" Emarilia sat up and said "Really?" Thranduil and Legolas nodded. Thranduil then said "Emarilia...With just a little training, you AND Legolas could be the greatest archers in all of Mirkwood." This time Legolas and Emarilia said "Really?!" Thranduil chuckled and nodded.

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