Why are you doing this

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Emarilia stayed in her room for the rest of the day. It was now night, and she was lying in bed, crying. She could not believe that her family didn't believe her. Emarilia already knew that Carrie and her were not going to get along, but Legolas loved her, and she didn't want to break his heart.

She desperately wanted to leave her room to get some fresh air, but she decided not to. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, but Emarilia ignored it. "My lady, your father requests your presence at dinner." It was a maid. Emarilia ignored her and stared out the window.

She heard the maid sigh and walk off.


Thranduil was sitting in the dining room with his family, waiting for Emarilia. The maid walked in and said "My lord, she is not coming".

Thranduil sighed heavily and said "Let me go speak with her..."

Carrie stood up and said "No, let me talk to her. I-I think that would be best."

Thranduil looked at Almwen and her face was blank. "I-I guess that would be alright, go ahead" he said to her.

Carrie was about to walk off, but Legolas grabbed her hand and said "Carrie no, I-I don't you two to get into a fight."

She faked a smile and replied "Don't worry, I'll be fine Legolas"

Legolas sighed and let go of her hand, then she walked out of the dining room.

"I-I don't trust her, s-something dosen't seem right." Almwen blurted out.

Legolas became angry and said "Naneth! She is my wife, She means us no harm, I think it's Emarilia who needs to get her priorities straight!"

Thranduil cut in and said "Legolas! Do not speak to your mother in that tone!"

Legolas and Almwen seemed to ignore Thranduil's comment.

Almwen replied "Legolas! Stop blaming your sister, you have absolutely no proof of what she has and has not done...You should be ashamed of yourself"


When Carrie approached Emarilia's door, she began to knock lightly.

Emarilia ignored the knocking and went into the bathroom.

Carrie began to fidget with the handle, trying to unlock the door.

After Emarilia exited the bathroom, she noticed someone trying to unlock the door. She quickly pressed her body against the door, so if the person on the other side unlocked it, they would not be able to come in.

After several minutes of trying, Carrie finally got the door unlocked with a click. Emarilia's heart dropped and she pressed herself against the door with more force and pressure.

When Carrie turned the knob, the door wouldn't budge, at first she was confused but then she realized that someone or something was leaning against the other side of the door.

Carrie began to push the door with all her strength. On the other hand, Emarilia was struggling, because she had not eaten anything that day and she was weak.

After a few tries, Carrie finally got the door open with a huge push that threw Emarilia to the ground.

Emarilia winced in pain and slowly sat up. When she saw Carrie standing before her, her heart dropped and she was so scared.

"W-Why are you doing th-this to m-me?" Emarilia asked her helplessly.

Carrie ignored her question and punched her so hard that she fell back and hit the ground hard.

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