The awful news

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The next morning:

Thranduil decided last night that he was going to talk to Legolas and Carrie in the morning, which was now. He slipped out of bed, kissing Almwen on her forehead, then walked to Legoals and Carrie's room.

He knocked on their door three times lightly, waiting for someone to open the door. Thranduil could hear feet shuffling to the door, and Legolas opened it, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Yes ada..." Legolas asked groggily

"I-I need to speak with You and Carrie, but if you're still asleep or if it's not a good time, I will return later" Thranduil replied

"N-No ada, now is fine, come in..." Legolas said, ushering for his father to come into the room.

Carrie was now sitting up in bed, and Legolas sat next to her, waiting to hear what Thranduil had to say.

Thranduil pulled up a chair and sat at the end of their bed. "It has come to my knowledge Carrie, that you have insulted and physically hurt Emarilia, would you like to explain?" Thranduil asked, raising his eyebrows.

Carrie began to stutter, looking for something to say, but Legolas cut her off and said "Ada! Carrie would not do such a thing! How dare you blame her!"

Thranduil sighed heavily, Legolas was too oblivious to see what his wife was doing to his little sister.

Thranduil played along and said "You may be right Legolas, but I need to find out the truth so I do not place blame on the wrong person."

Legolas nodded and stared down at his hands.

"Now, Carrie, would you like to tell me what is going on?" Thranduil asked once again.

", I-I did hit her, but you don't understand! She was trying to hit me! I-I was defending myself, my lord. I'm sure she was about to pull out a dagger and stab me!" Carrie protested

Thranduil became tense, he knew Carrie was lying, he could see it in her eyes "Carrie...tell the truth" He demanded, anger in his voice.

"But I am, my lord! Would I lie to you?!" Carrie protested.

Thranduil stood up and spat "Yes, apparently you would, you have been telling lies and only lies for the past two days!"

Carrie pretended to be upset and started to cry.

"Get out ada..." Legolas said to Thranduil full of anger.

Thranduil was shocked and took a step back "I said, GET OUT!" Legolas screamed

Thranduil bolted out of their room full of anger, and sorrow that his son would yell at him like that. He rushed into the library for some peace and quiet.

He slouched down into a chair and looked at the ceiling, scared that his family was beginning to fall apart.

Emarilia stepped into the library, not seeing her father and started to look through the books on the shelf, while singing to herself.

Thranduil smiled. Emarilia was the one who was always positive in times of distress, and he could definetly learn from her. He sometimes wished that his heart was as big as hers. "You have a beautiful voice..." he said loud enough for her to hear.

Emarilia jumped, dropping the book in her hands. She turned around and smiled when she saw Thranduil. "Good morning ada" She said smiling brightly.

But Thranduil wasn't smiling, worry was etched in his face. He now saw what the small light blue mark turned into today, it was a huge black and purple mark under her eye.

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