I Thought you were....Dead

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Thranduil slowly stepped into his son's room, And his heart was beating at no normal rate. "L...Legolas" Thranduil called trying to hold back tears. He slowly walked to the window and peered outside. And as
he looked out over the ledge, he saw legolas clothes, but not his body. Thranduil let out a cry, and began to scream "LEGOLAS...LEGOLAS!" Thranduil plopped onto the ground, buried his face into his palms, and began to cry. All of the sudden he heard someone say "Ada, what are you doing in my room?" Thranduil looked up, and sighed out in releif. Legolas was standing before him, in only his tunic. Legolas's eyes were all red, and he was shaking from crying so hard. Thranduil walked up to Legolas, and hugged him with all his might, and said "Io nîn, I.....I thought you were dead" Legolas tried to pull away from his fathers grip, but it was no use. Leglas gave in, then he began to cry on his fathers shoulder, soaking his robe with tears. Legolas finally spoke and said "I....I can't beleive she's gone." Thranduil smiled, and said "About that.....There's someone in her room waiting to see you." Legolas looked up at his father, and saw a huge grin on his face. Legolas then pulled away from his fathers arms, and ran to his sisters room, while drying his tears. He ran to her room, and opened the door. Legolas stepped into her room slowly. As he entered, he saw his sister laying in her bed, wide awake. Legolas opened his mouth in shock. He then realized that his sister was ok. Legolas shouted "Emarilia!" and he ran to her side, hugging her with all his might. Emarilia was in so much pain, but she didn't care. Legolas began to shower her with kisses, and said "I love you, Don't ever leave me again." Emarilia smiled from ear to ear, and she said "I won't, I Promise." Thranduil stepped into the room, unnoticed by his children, and he stood there watching them, trying to hold back tears of joy. As Thranduil watched them, he
knew that Legolas and Emarilia were inseparable ,they had an extremely strong bond. Legolas and Emarilia didn't release their hug, until Emarilia winced in pain. Legolas backed out of the hug immediately, and said "You're hurt! I'm sorry!" Emarilia gave him a little smile and said "No, Legolas, It's not your fault. I'm just weak." Legolas nodded slowly, and then Thranduil rushed over to them. As Thranduil walked to them, Legolas and Emarilia began to blush, and Legolas asked his father, "Were you here that whole time." Thrandiul said nothing, he just nodded his head, smiled, and kissed his two children. He then looked at Emarilia, and asked her, "Are you alright, My love?" Emarilia carefully leaned back against her pillow, and nodded slowly. Legolas broke the silence and said "You must be starving!" Thranduil remembered that his daughter hadn't eaten anything since the incident. He shot up, and
said to his son "Legolas, go tell the cooks to begin making lunch." Legolas nodded, and sprinted to the kitchen. Thranduil looked back at Emarilia, sat next to her on the bed, and wrapped his arm around her. He then kissed her cheek and forehead then said "I'm so glad you're alright. I don't know what I would've done if I lost you." Emarilia smiled, then said "I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier" Thranduil kissed her again, and replied "Don't be, I deserved it." They both sat in silence for the next 20 minutes, only leaning on each other. Suddenly, Legolas came into the room, and said "Lunch is ready!" Thranduil nodded, and said "We're coming" Then Legolas left. Thranduil slid off the bed, Lifted Emarilia into his arms, and he walked to the dining room, while carrying Emarilia.

Io Nîn: My son
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