A New Beginning And the struggle of broken hands

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Thranduil sat in the dungeon room for at least an hour trying to calm down. Meanwhile, Legolas and Emarilia were still in the room, waiting for their father to return.They were both very worried, but then Legolas said "I think we should go check on him..". Emarilia said "I guess so, come on let's go". They both hopped out of bed, and quietly walked together to the dungeon room. Once they arrived, there they saw their father sitting on the ground, and his eyes were all red and puffy from sobbing so much. Legolas and Emarilia were heartbroken at the sight of their upset father, and ran to his side. They both kissed his cheeks, and Emarilia asked him gently "Ada, are you alright?" Thranduil smiled weakly and caressed his daughter's cheek. Then he tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, and replied "I am fine my love". Legolas looked at his father in concern and said "No you're not! And by the way, where's Gilrond?" Thranduil looked to both his children, then said "I warned him to be quiet, but he wouldn't stop shouting threats, so one of the guards shot him with a bow and arrow." Legolas frowned, and said "Oh..." Thranduil smiled at his children, and said "It is ok now, you are safe, Now let us go back to bed." And with that, the three of them walked back to Thranduil's bedroom, and went back to bed.


The next Morning, was FINALLY the first official day of Emarilia's new life. They all awoke, and went to the dining room for breakfast. The table was huge, and could fit 100 people! Thranduil sat at the end of The table, Emarilia sat to his left, and Legolas sat to his right. Then the maids, and butlers brought out tons of food, that was definetly not going to be finished. There was eggs, toast, fruit, oatmeal, you name it! Emarilia wasn't that hungry, so she just decided eat a small bowl of fruit. She obviously couldn't feed herself, so Thranduil was feeding her, one spoonful at a time. Legolas then said "Can I help feed her now ?" Thranduil smiled, and replied "Of course my son". Legolas fed his sister, until she was all finished. After she finshed eating, Emarilia said "Thank you Legolas, and you too ada" Legolas and Thranduil smiled, and happily replied "You're very Welcome". After breakfast, Thranduil had some meetings to attend to, so Emarilia and Legolas were left alone at the table. Legolas looked up at his sister and asked her "So what do you want to do today?". Emarilia looked up at her brother and said "Can we go to the garden?". Legolas's face lit up with delight, and said "Sure! Come on, Let's go!". And they were off. Once they arrived to the garden, Emarilia was speechless, It was absolutely beautiful. There were beautiful flowers of different colors, huge trees that towered over them, and a beautiul fountain in the middle of it all. There was also a bench, and they both sat on it. After they sat, Emarilia nervosly asked her brother, "Legolas...Can
I ask You something?" Legolas looked at his sister, slightly concerned and said "Yeah, what is it?" Emarilia took a deep breath and asked "What was mom like?". Legolas became very sad, and said "She died when I was very young, but I know that she was beautiful, and was really nice. She made everyone smile, but when she passed away, father became deeply upset, and never really talked to anyone, not even me, but now that you're here he is extremely happy Emarilia, he loves you very, very much, and you remind him so much of mother." Emarilia was smiling, but when she looked over at Legolas, she saw tears streaming down his cheeks. She scooted closer to him, and hugged him with all her might. Legolas began to cry harder and said "I miss her Emarilia, I miss her so much!" . Emarilia began to stroke his hair, and rub his back, with her bandaged hands. It really hurt her hands, but she didn't care. She then said "I know Legolas, I miss her too. I never really got to meet her, but I know that she is in father's heart, your heart, and my heart." Legolas was hugging his sister tightly, and the two of them sat there, comforting each other for the next 30 minutes. After Legolas had calmed down, the two of them talked about random stuff. Then Thranduil showed up and put his hands on both his children's shoulders, and they both jumped up in fright, because he snuck up behind them. Thranduil chuckled and said "Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you two, but Emarilia it is time for your appointment with the healer, you will have to visit her at the end of each week, so she can help your hands heal faster." Emarila sighed and said "Ok", and Thranduil and Emarilia left to go to the healer, Leaving Legolas alone.


Thranduila and Emarilia walked down the hall to the healer's office. As they were walking Thranduil asked Emarilia "How do your hands feel?". Emarilia sighed and answered "They still hurt". Thranduil also sighed, and said "I hope you get better soon, I cannot stand to see you in pain." Emarilia smiled, and leaned close to her father, he nuzzled her to his side, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. As they entered the healer's office, She told Emarilia to sit on a bed. Then the healer began to unwrap her hands. Emarilia quietly winced in pain, because she was taking the cloth off too fast and aggressively. Thranduil noticed, and shouted "Slow down! You are hurting her!". "Sorry my lord" the healer shamefully said and continued, but much more carefully and slowly. Emarilia kind of felt bad now, but she couldn't focus, because her hands were throbbing. The healer FINALLY finshed unwrapping Emarilia's hands, after what felt like an hour. She then began to examine her hands, EXTREMELY carefully for the next few hours! then she FINALLY said "I do see progress, but it still will take a while before her hands are fully healed." Emarilia sighed, because she was so annoyed and aggrivated that she had to go through extreme pain for multiple months to come. As her father and the healer spoke about the medicine, Emarilia was scolding herself in her mind, she was thinking, STUPID! STUPID! why couldn't you just have kicked him, and broke free! Now I have to suffer! She snapped out of it, when Thranduil said "Are you ready to go?". "Yeah" Emarilia said. As they left, Legolas was waiting outside the room for them , and he said "Finally!". Thranduil and Emarilia chuckled, then Thranduil said "It's time for lunch" Thranduil and Legolas began to walk to the dining room, but Emarilia stayed behind. Thranduil quickly noticed, then turned around and said "Emarilia, aren't you coming?" . Emarilia said "I'm not that hungry, and I just want to go to bed, you guys go without me." Thranduil looked concerned at his daughter, walked back to her, and placed his hand on her forehead checking if she had a fever. Emarilia giggled, and said "Ada, I'm fine, I'm just tired". Thranduil sighed in releif, and asked "Do you want me to walk with you to your room?" Emarilia smiled kindly and replied "No, I'm fine" Thranduil smiled, then turned back to Legolas, and they both walked to the dining room. Emarilia walked back to her room, and got into bed. The truth was, that Emarilia was starving! She just didn't want to go, because she was embarrassed that Thranduil and Legolas had to feed her. She felt like a baby when they did. She just had to forget about lunch, and dinner.


A few hours later, Emarilia was awoken, because she felt kisses on her cheek. It was Thranduil, He then began to stroke her hair, and worriedly asked her "Are you alright my love?". Emarilia said "Yes ada, I'm fine". Thranduil got up, and said "Ok, well come on, It's dinner time. You must be starving!" Emarilia WAS starving! She lied to him, and said, "I took some medicine earlier, and It has taken my appetite away, eat without me." Thranduil was frowing at her, and said "Emarilia, you had a tiny breakfast, skipped lunch, and now you want to skip dinner!?" He checked her forehead again for a fever, and Emarilia was becoming a little annoyed, and said "I already told you, I'm not sick, I'm just not hungry!" Thranduil was becoming angry, he lifted her up into his arms, and started to walk out the door. Emarilia was getting mad and said "Ada! No! Put me Down!" Thranduil said "No! You need to Eat!" Emarilia was now yelling and said "I already told you! I am not Hungry!!" Thranduil looked at his daughter in disbelief, but then she started to cry. Thranduil put her down, then said "Something is wrong!" He then ran to the healer, and told her "There is something wrong with Emarilia, she won't eat!!" They both ran back to her room, and as they entered, they saw Emarilia sitting in the middle of her bed, with an angry look on her face, and wiping some tears. The healer checked her for almost 20 minutes, then said "My lord, there is nothing wrong with her" Thranduil looked at her in disbelief, and said "No! Check again!" The healer was now deeply annoyed and said "I already did my lord, she is absolutely fine!" She then left. Thranduil stood there staring at Emarilia, crossed his arms, then asked her in a serious tone, "Do you want to tell me what is going on?"

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