Leaving Rivendell After A Huge Fight

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Emarilia woke up early to find that her father was gone. She stepped out of bed, and walked to her room to change. After she changed into a new dress, she rembered that she would be leaving Rivendell today. Emarilia grew very sad and sighed. Suddenly there was a knock at her door, "Come in" Emarilia said. The door slowly opened, and Lindir entered. Emarilia was quite surprised, because she had not seen him since he gave her the ointment for her wound (which was now gone) "Hey, I heard that you're leaving Rivendell today." Lindir said. Emarilia sighed and nodded "I'm really going to miss this place..." Emarilia said full of sorrow. Lindir pulled her into a hug and said "I hope you come back and visit us soon" Emarilia smiled and said "I hope so" As they released their hug Lindir noticed that her scar was gone and said "Emarilia! Your scar is gone!" Emarilia nodded and said "Thanks to you". Lindir chuckled and said "You should start packing, I'll leave you to it" and he left. Emarilia sighed and began to pack her stuff. She finished packing in about 20 minutes, then left her room to see what everyone was doing. She was mainly looking for Legolas, but while she was looking she found her father and Elrond having a small conversation. She smiled and the two of them, but only Elrond retured a smile as she walked off, Emarilia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but contined her search for her brother. Eventually she found him in the forest, and approached him slowly. "Hey" She said, Legolas turned around, smiled and replied "Hi", "Can I join you?" Emarilia asked her brother. Legolas nodded and said "Sure". Emarilia smiled, and the two of them walked around the forest in silence, admiring the nature around them. "I..I'm sorry that we didn't really get to hang out while we were here..." Emarilia said apologetically. Legolas turned his head to look at her and said "It's fine, besides Ada needed you....I..I heard what happened last night." Emarilia lowered her head and replied very quietly "Yeah..." Legolas wrapped his arm around her shoulders and said "Hey, It's not your fault...he was drunk." Emarilia nodded and leaned on his shoulder. They continued to walk, and enjoyed the silence. After about half an hour, Legolas and Emarilia heard their father calling their names. Legolas stopped and said "Come on, it's time to go back." Emarilia nodded, and they both turned around, making their way back to where they came from. Once they emerged from the forest, They were met by Thranduil, "I have been looking everywhere for you two! We are leaving Rivendell in an hour, now go, pack your bags" Thranduil said. Legolas nodded, and walked off to his room. Emarilia stood there, not knowing where to go, because her bag was already packed. "Why aren't you going to pack Emarilia?" Thranduil asked. "I already packed earlier today" Emarilia replied. Thranduil nodded and changed the subject by saying "Elrond has grown very fond of you..." Emarilia smiled, but she was confused of why her father would bring that up in their conversation. Thranduil became angry and said "Do not forget that he is not your father Emarilia, he is just a friend, you don't always need to rely on him, that's what I'm here for, and I believe you have grown even more fond of him....I suggest that you do not bid him farewell when we leave" Emarilia felt tears streaming down her cheeks "But Ada!...That's not fair!" she shouted. "Do not raise your voice at me! I am your father, not him!" Thranduil shouted back. Emarilia started to cry and said quietly "If you're my father, then start acting like one" She began to walk away, but Thranduil grabbed her arm, making her stop. Thranduil's eyes were full of fury and he asked "What did you say?!" Emarilia became scared and tried to get away from him, but Thranduil became even more angry and shouted "TELL ME!" Emarilia wiped her tears with her free hand and replied "I said, if you're my father, then YOU SHOULD START ACTING LIKE ONE!" Thranduil lost it. He lifted his hand to slap her, but before he hit her, Emarilia let out a cry, turning her face away, waiting for it to be over. Suddenly someone shouted "RELEASE HER!" Emarilia turned to see who it was, it was Elrond. Thranduil tightened his grip on her arm, causing her to wince in pain. Elrond was enraged and yelled "THRANDUIL! RELEASE HER THIS INSTANT OR ELSE YOU WILL NEVER ENTER RIVENDELL UNTIL THE END OF YOUR DAYS! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE THRANDUIL I USED TO KNOW?!" Thranduil relaesed his grip on Emarilia, and she ran into Elrond's arms crying. Elrond stroked her hair, trying to calm her down. Thranduil was staring at the two of them with anger, with tears in his eyes. Legolas came running to see what all the noise was about. Thranduil walked past his son, and said "Come on Legolas, we're leaving." Legolas's eyes widened with fear and he replied "What about Emarilia?!" Thranduil stopped walking, and pulled Emarilia away from Elrond. He lifted her on his shoulder and started to walk to their horses and elk. Emarilia started to cry even harder, screaming Elrond's name, trying to get away from her father. Thranduil put Emarilia on his elk, because he knew that if he put her on her horse that she would jump off it, and run back to Elrond. Thranduil sat behind her, with his arms wrapped around her, and his hands were on the elk's reins, so there was no way Emarilia could get away. She was crying and kept her head down. Legolas looked at his father in fear and felt extremely bad for his sister. Elrond tried to stop Thranduil, but he couldn't. Elrond was staring at Emarilia with tears in his eyes and said "Thranduil...If you hurt her..." he couldn't continue because he started crying. Emarilia looked up to face him, and Elrond mouthed the words 'I am sorry'. Emarilia smiled weakly and mouthed the words 'It is not your fault'. Thranduil lifted the reins, making his elk walk, and Legolas followed on his horse. They were accompainied by a few guards, and one of them was riding Emarilia's horse. They exited Rivendell, and Emarilia turned around to look at Elrond, One last time. She had a feeling that she would not get to go back to Rivendell any time soon.

Sorry for such an upsetting chapter

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