Trying to Get Back Home

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Several Weeks Later:

Emarilia didn't want to admit it, but she was lost. She had been wandering around all of Middle Earth not knowing where to go. Emarilia had no idea how to get back to Mirkwood, and she was starting to become afraid, because she was all alone without any food or shelter, only her horse.


Thranduil would go searching for his daughter everyday, but he couldn't anymore. He didn't have the energy to, because he couldn't go to sleep at night and he wasn't eating. It has now been five months since Emarilia left, and he couldn't take it anymore, he even considered taking his own life a few times, but he couldn't. Thranduil had to stay strong for Legolas and his kingdom. The whole palace knew their king was in pain, but sadly there was nothing they could do. Many people were begining to think Emarilia was dead, but Thranduil didn't beleive them, he couldn't. Tonight the palace was planning to have a feast to try to cheer him up, but Thranduil refused. The palace would not give up so easily, and they told him that he had to attend. It was 6:00 p.m. and Thranduil was sitting on his throne, slouching in it, looking tired as ever. Suddenly a little elleth ran into the throne room, looking for Thranduil. Thranduil smiled weakly at the elleth who stood before him, grinning widely. She looked very farmiliar, then Thranduil realized that it was Mira. She was hopping up and down and asked him "King Thranduil, where's my friend, Princess Emarilia? I cannot find her. There's so many things I want to tell her!" Thranduil's chin began to quiver, and he was trying not to cry. Mira noticed and said "I'm sorry my Lord, I did not mean to upset you." Mira's mother then came running in and said "Mira! You should not be in here, leave the King alone" Mira's mother bowed before Thranduil and said "I am sorry about Mira disturbing you, and I am sorry for your loss." Thranduil became confused, but then he realized what she meant and he became angry. He clenched his fists and said "My Lady, my daughter is not dead." Mira's mother nodded in respect then left with her daughter. Thranduil buried his face into the palms of his hands and began to cry. "My poor Emarilia, my poor, poor Emarilia" he choked out. He then felt a hand on his shoulder, and looked up to see Legolas. Legolas looked worried and tired as well. Thranduil pulled Legolas into a hug, and cried against his son's shoulder. Thranduil was shaking and said "I cannot do this anymore Legolas, I need her!" Thranduil cried out. Legolas started to cry as well and said "Ada, why did you have to yell at her. She's gone now, and I-I'm never going to see my sister again." Thranduil pulled out of the hug, looked Legolas in the eyes and said "Don't say that, you know it's not true, the guards are look-" Legolas cut him off and said "If it's not true then why haven't the guards found her Ada?! I-I can't take it anymore! I need my sister, more than anyone! I can't lose her..." Legolas stopped because he was crying so hard. He stepped away from his father and left the throne room. Thranduil began to call his son's name, but Legolas ignored his calls. Thranduil wanted to cancel the feast tonight so badly, because Legolas and him weren't in the mood, and they looked awful both physically and mentaly. Thranduil sunk back down into his thrown, and cried.


Emarilia had made it out of the forest a few weeks ago, but now, she was wandering around not knowing how to get back to Mirkwood. She was extremely weak and tired, because she hasn't had anything to eat since she left the dwarves two months ago, and she didn't sleep because there was nowhere to, it was not safe at night, and she was all alone. At this point she was looking for anybody who could help her get back home. After about an hour of searching, she finally found a small house in a beautiful forest with huge trees with yellow leaves, unlike the forest with the dwarves. Emarilia slowly descended from her horse, then slowly walked to the door, because she felt like she was going to pass out and she was extremely weak. She knocked three times, and then a little Hobbit woman opened. "Yes?" she kindly asked. Emarilia was now holding onto the doorframe for support. She then stuttered "C-Can you h-help me get to M-Mirkwood?". The Hobbit woman said "You poor thing, come in, come in! you look exhausted!"

"T-Thank y-you" Emarilia replied. The Hobbit then sat Emarilia onto a bed. The house was smaller than Emarilia thought, but she didn't mind. The hobbit then asked "What brings you here?" Emarilia slowly sat up and said "It's a long story". The Hobbit woman then said kindly "Sweetheart, I have all the time in the world." Emarilia smiled weakly and told her the whole story. "......then I left, and luckily I found you. If I hadn't come here, I'd probably be dead by now." Emarilia said finishing off her story.

The Woman was shaking her head and said "You poor thing. I'm so sorry, I don't know how to get to Mirkwood."

Emarilia nodded, smiling weakly and said "It's alright"

The Hobbit woman held out her hand and said "I'm Levia"

Emarilia smiled and shook her hand saying "I'm Emarilia".

Levia's eyes widened and said "Y-You mean, P-Princess Emarilia of Mirkwood! I am so sorry your majesty, I did not know, I should have know from your beauty!" Levia said while bowing.

Emarilia smiled and said "Thank you, but there is no need to bow, you have already done more than enough for me."

Levia nodded and said "Alright, but you need to rest, and I will bring you some food."

Emarilia nodded, pulling the covers over her, and Thanked Levia.


Three hours Later:

The feast was about to begin, and all the guests were arriving. Thranduil was inside his room, curled up in his bed, on the verge of tears. "My Emarilia is not dead, she can't be" he whispered to himself. Suddenly there was a knock at his door. "Go away!" he shouted. "My lord, I need to speak with you" a guard said from outside the door. Thranduil ignored him. The guard knocked again and said "My lord, it''s about E..Emarilia" Thranduil shot up out of bed, and ran to the door, opening it. The guard was quite shocked by Thranduil's appereance, he looked exhausted and his eyes were red. The guard cleared his throat and said "We were looking in a forest, and there was a stream with a trail of blood by it. Then we found some dead orcs, and they were killed with arrows from Rivendell. Elrond said that he noticed that Emarilia had taken some weapons with her when she left Rivendell. And we found several bloody rags near there. Thranduil, I'm so sorry." Thranduil's eye's widened and said "How do you know that it was Emarilia's blood or her arrows, you have no proof." the guard sighed and pulled something out of his pocket. "We found this my lord" he said handing the rip of Emarilia's dress that was covered in blood. "Elrond gave her this dress when she was staying in Rivendell, and when we asked Elrond he said that this was the dress. I am so sorry my Lord. We followed the trail of blood, but it kept getting bigger and bigger. She lost alot of blood, too much to survive." Thranduil took the ripped piece of Emarilia's dress, and shut his door. He wasn't going downstairs to the feast, That was the last place he wanted to be. He stayed in his room, mourning over his daughter, crying himself to sleep, pressing the bloody piece of cloth to his heart.

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