How Could You

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WARNING: There are a lot of feels in this chapter

Almwen's Ponit Of View:

I was walking around in the snow looking for Thranduil. I was trying so hard to hold back my tears. How could he do that to Emarilia. After about 10 minutes of searching, I found him with Legolas.

"Thranduil...I need to speak with you." I said, trying to keep the pain out of my voice.

Thranduil stood up and answered worriedly "Of Course"

I nodded and began to walk extremely fast to our room. Thranduil was trying to keep up and kept saying "Almwen, darling, slow down" I ignored him, and kept walking.

Once we arrived to our room, I opened the door for him, and shut it behind him.


Thranduil looked extremely worried and asked his wife "Darling...What's going on?"

Almwen now let her tears fall, and Slapped Thranduil.

Thranduil stepped back in shock. He was not angry, he just had a blank expression on his face.

Alwmen then said "How could you torment Emarilia when I was gone Thranduil!"

Almwen stopped to catch her breath because she was crying so hard. She then looked at Thranduil with wide eyes, lingering for an answer.

Thranduil was still in shock and stuttered "I-I....I was in pain Almwen. Ever since I was convinced that you were dead, My heart turned to ice..."

Almwen then said "Thranduil, that gives you no right to hurt her the way that you you know what she told me?!"

Thranduil shook his head, waiting for her to answer.

Almwen let out a cry and said "She told me that she felt worthless...betrayed! She wanted to die!"

Thranduil took a step back and gasped "W-What?"

Almwen nodded and replied "You have hurt her more than you can see with your own two eyes...Her heart is broken Thranduil. You need to be the father that you promised me you would be"

Thranduil's heart broke into a million pieces and he said "Do you have any idea what it feels like to raise two children on your own, without your signifigant other, thinking that they're dead?"

Almwen shook her head and said "No, I don't...but what I do know is that you need to make it up to your daughter, before it gets worse."

Thranduil scoffed and said "Maybe this never would've happened if you hadn't let Legolas run after me when I went to war!"

Almwen replied calmly "You don't need to blame Legolas, Thranduil, he was just a young ellon!"

Thranduil let out a laugh of disbeleif and replied "I'm not blaming Legolas Almwen! I'm blaming you!"

Almwen took a step back in shock and replied "Well, I'm sorry for willing to die to protect my son, and I'm sorry for driving this family apart, and I'm sorry that you cannot treat your daughter with respect. And I'm sorry for making your life miserable..."
Almwen started crying, and she left the room.

Thranduil started to run after her, but Almwen ran faster and locked herself into the library.

Thranduil knocked on the door, but she didn't answer. Thranduil started to cry and pleaded "Almwen please...I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I don't blame you..."

Almwen ignored his calls, and went up the secret stairs to the roof.

Almwen was staring down at the forest, letting her tears fall. 'Now I know how Emarilia felt right before she left Mirkwood' She thought to herself.

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