Arriving Home

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Everyone rode in silence, and they were also going very slow. Thranduil became annoyed and said "Come on, pick up the pace! If we go faster we will make it back to Mirkwood today." The guards nodded, and lifted their reins, causing the horses to run. Legolas and Thranduil did the same. At this pace, they would be in Mirkwood in a few hours. As they were riding, Emarilia began to feel extremely nauseious, and her face became pale. Legolas noticed and said "Emarilia?! Are you alright?" Everyone stopped, Emarilia broke free from her fathers grip, and ran behind a bush to throw up. She began to puke and Legolas ran to her side, rubbing her back trying to comfort her, and he held her hair back out of her face with his hand. Emarilia would throw up, and try to catch her breath, but then she would just puke again. It wouldn't stop, and she was in pain. Legolas turned and looked at his father with a worried look on his face "Ada, she is very sick" Legolas said to his father. Thranduil became very worried and ran to her side. Emarilia finally finished puking, and she was gasping for air. Thranduil lifted her into his arms, put her back on his elk, and the two of them rode off, ahead of the others. Before Thranduil left he said "I need to get Emarilia back to Mirkwood as soon as possible. I will have to ride ahead of you, but you continue on and be careful." The Three guards and Legolas nodded. Thranduil nodded as well, then rode off to Mirkwood, as fast as his elk would go.


As Thranduil and Emarilia were riding, Emarilia was getting worse, and her face became even more pale. Her father was getting even more worried. He kissed the top of her head and said "Don't worry, we will be home soon." The two of Them arrived in Mirkwood an hour later, and it was noon. Thranduil jumped off his elk first, and was about to lift Emarilia off it, but She got down by herself, slowly sliding down. She was still awake, but on the verge of passing out. When her feet reached the ground, she almost fell, but she held onto the side of elk, and was wincing in pain. Thranduil lifted her into his arms and carried her to her room. After Thranduil lay her in bed, he ran to go find the healer. A few minutes later the healer rushed in with Thranduil, and said "What happened?!" Thranduil was scared and replied "I do not know, we were riding home, and then she said that she felt nauseious and she began to throw up, alot. Her body is also very cold." The healer put a wet cloth on Emarilia's forehead. She then checked her temperature and said "My Lord, she has a very high fever." Thranduil walked up to Emarilia, bent down on his knees, and kissed her cheek. He turned to the healer and said "Please, do everything you can to heal her..." Thranduil started to cry and whispered "...please...." The healer nodded and replied "I will do everything I can, now go, you need to rest." Thranduil nodded, stroked Emarilia's hair, leaned closer to her and whispered "I am sorry, for everything." With that, he left the room, allowing The healer to take care of Emarilia. As Thranduil walked down the hall, he desperately wanted to go to bed, but he waited for Legolas and the guards arrive. He needed to make sure that his son was safe. Thranduil sat on his balcony, watching from below, waiting for the four of them to arrive. After an hour of waiting, Thranduil saw them riding over the hill, and he sighed in releif. Thranduil ran to the front gate to greet them. Legolas jumped off of his horse, and began to sprint to Emarilia's room. Thranduil stopped Legolas and said "She is with the healer, You cannot see her now" Legolas filled with sorrow, and nodded his head. The two of them decided to go walk around Mirkwood until Emarilia woke up. While they were walking, they found a bench and sat on it. After they sat, Legolas said "Ada...Emarilia is convinced that you hate her. Why are you so hard on her, Last night she couldn't stop crying......Ada, you're breaking her heart." Thranduil looked at Legolas and tears were streaming down his face. "E..Elrond is t..taking her a..away from me, I cannot l...lose her again Legolas!" Legolas nodded and said "I understand, but what you did to her yesterday was wrong, you never should've put your hands on her...Ada you tried to hit her!" Thranduil started to cry and said "I'm a failure as a father" he then buried his face into the palms of his hands and cried. Legolas put his hand on his father's should and said "Ada, you're not a failure as a just need to control your temper." Thranduil looked up at His son, and Legolas was regretting what he said, because he knew that he was going to get in trouble. Instead of yelling at him, Thranduil pulled him into a hug and said "You are very right, Io Nîn, you are very right." Legolas was surprised, but he hugged his father back. "All I do is screw up, and I make your lives miserable, especially Emarilia's" Legolas didn't reply, because it was true. They released their hug, and they were interrupted by the healer. "My Lord, she is awake" Thranduil nodded, and got up to go see Emarilia. Legolas on the other hand quickly stood up, and was sprinting to her room. Legolas ran in her room, and Emarilia was lying in bed, with her back pressed to the bed frame, and her legs were on the bed. She was slouching, she looked awful. Her face was even more pale than before, and her eyes were red. She looked like she was dying. Legolas was heart broken, and he hugged his sister then kissed her forehead. "How are you feeling?" he worriedly asked her. Emarilia replied weakly "I..I'm exhausted" Legolas started to cry, and buried his face into her blanket. "L...Legolas?" Emarilia asked weakly. Legolas looked up at her and said "Yes?". Emarilia sat up with extreme difficulty and replied "C...Can you l..lock the door I don't want to see a..ada, and I..I'm sure h...he dosen't want to s...see me either, h..he's going hit Legolas, I..I'm scared" Legolas started to cry even harder and said "Emarilia that's not true, he loves you" Emarilia started to cry as well, and pleaded "Legolas...please" Legolas nodded in defeat, and walked to the door to lock it, but he was too late. Just as Legolas's hand was on the knob, his father turned it, and opened the door. As Thranduil entered the room, Emarilia's eyes widened in horror, and tears were spilling down her cheeks. Legolas saw the fear in his helpless sister's face, and he mouthed the words 'It's going to be okay' Emarilia only started to cry harder. Thranduil quickly walked to her side, and said "It's alright Emarilia, It's just me" Emarilia scooted away from him and cried out "P..Please don't hit!" Thranduil's heart tore into two pieces, and he clutched at his heart, from how shocked he was. His heart was aching. He couldn't beleive what she just said to him, and he was crying so hard "Why on earth w..would I h..hit you?" He choked out. Emarilia started to cry even harder and said "B..because you tried to h..hit me in R..Rivendell, a..and you were mad at me w..when we were c..coming home." Thranduil tried to pull her into a hug, but she moved away from him. Thranduil was now pleading and said "Emarilia, I am your father, I'm not going to hurt you, please, there is no need to be afraid." Emarilia shook her head and said "B..But you h..hate me" Thranduil let out a cry and said "Emarilia, My love, My world, My everything I do not hate you. Don't think like that, I..I lost my temper. I have always had a problem with controlling my temper, I'm an idiot and foolish, I shouldn't have even layed a finger on you, and yet I tried to hit you. I'm sorry Emarilia.....I...I was jealous. You were always with Elrond, and not spending time with me, It broke my heart Emarilia. I thought you were going to ask me if you could stay in Rivendell forever, so Elrond would be your father and treat you as his own. I'm sorry Emarilia, I truly am. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." Emarilia didn't know what to say. She scooter into her father's lap, and hugged him tightly. "Ada, I would never let someone else be my father. My father is you. And I'm sorry I spent so much tine with Elrond. I love you and I forgive you" Thranduil showered her with kisses and replied "I love you more." Emarilia noticed her brother standing akwardly in the corner, and she held out her hand for him to hold. Legolas smiled, and gladly took her hand. Emarilia then pulled him closer, and the three of them hugged.

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Io nîn: My son

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