The Moment Continues

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Emarilia woke up very early, and to her surprise, Thranduil and Legolas were still there, sleeping. Her father's arm was wrapped around her tightly, as if he was trying to protect her. Emarilia smiled at the thought, She loved her father very much, and she knew that he loved her too. Emarilia was amazed that her and her father had become so close, even though they've only been together less than a week. She felt safe and warm in Thranduil's arms, and she wished she could lay there forever. She knew that was not possible, so she let out a long, sad sigh, almost like the one Thranduil had let out when he saw her a few days ago. But the sigh was louder than she intented it to be, and to her surprise, Thranduil woke up. He lifted himself from the bed very fast, and vigirously, sending Legolas and Emarilia flying off the bed and onto the hard ground. As his children landed on the ground, they both groaned in pain, not knowing what had sent them there so fast and hard. Thranduil immediately realized what he had done, so he jumped up out of bed and shouted "Emarilia!! Legolas!!". He quickly lifted both of them off the ground and into his arms, but it all happened so fast that Thranduil slipped on the smooth floor and fell onto his back, with both kids on top of him, sending them more pain from the previous fall. Thranduil let out a "oouuff" noise as the air left his lungs from all the pressure on top of him. Legolas and Emarilia then looked at each other, then at their father who they lay on top of, and began to giggle. "Hey! what's so funny?!" Thranduil questioned. Legolas now began to laugh and answered his father with "That's what you get for throwing me and Emarilia on the ground!. Thranduil looked at both of his children and said "It's not MY fault! If SOMEONE hadn't let out a sigh, waking me, I wouldn't of woken up in the first place!" he was now looking at Emarilia who turned red, but then she protested with "Well at least I don't wake up from little noises, or small movements!!". "Yeah!!" Legolas added, siding with his sister. Then added "Now,there's only one thing left to do to punish you father" now Emarilia and Legolas were making eye contact, ready to attack their father. Thranduil looked at both of his children confused and asked them "Oh yeah, what will you do to punish me?". Legolas and Emarilia looked at each other, then at their father and smirked. "Now!" Legolas shouted, and the tickling began. The king was being tickled all over his face and his chest. He began to laugh and holler for his kids to stop. "Hey! stop! enough!" Thranduil demanded trying to sound serious, but with his excessive laughter, it was hard for Legolas and Emarilia to take his order seriously, so they kept on tickling their father. Thranduil was now laughing so hard, that he could barely breath, and there were tears in his eyes. He tried to get up a few times, but his children pinned him to the ground sitting on his arms and legs. The sight was hilarious. All of the sudden the king broke free and said, laughing "That's it! I'm gonna catch you both, and lock you in the dungeons! for excessive tickling!". Obviously he was joking, and Legolas and Emarilia jumped up laughing and tried to run away, saying at the same time "Oh yeah! Well you have to catch us first!" and they were off! Sadly Legolas was caught before he could even set foot out of the room, and he yelled to Emarilia while laughing "Run, Emarilia, Run! hurry, before he catches you!". At this point the whole kingdom was awake by their laughter and yelling. Emarila answered Legolas saying "I'm going, I'm going!!". She began running down the hall as fast as her feet would allow her, but then she thought to herself "I'm healed! I'm all better!!". She snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Thranduil running around the corner at full speed with Legolas over his shoulder Laughing hysterically. Thranduil shouted "Hey, come back here! I'm going to get you!". "Oh no you're not!" Emarilia answered confidently, while smiling. But then her smile was wiped off her face when Thranduil jumped
in front of her laughing, ready to grab her, and throw her over his shoulder. She immediately stopped and turned to run in another direction, but she was too late. She felt her fathers arms wrap around her waist, and she was lifted into the air, and onto her fathers shoulder. "Hey! put me down!" Emarilia demanded squrming in her fathers arms, trying to break free. "Never!" Thranduil shouted. With both
kids on his shoulders, he ran to the dungeon room, and Emarilia and Legolas looked at each other in horror, thinking that their father was about to lock them in a cellar. Thranduil set them both down, and began to open a cellar, "What are you doing ada?" Legolas asked his father nervously. "I'm checking the locks my son, why do you ask?" Thranduil replied with a large smile on his face, facing away from his kids, so they couldn't see his facial expression. Legolas replied " and Em......Emarilia thought were about to lock us in a cellar." Thranduil tried to contain his laughter, and then turned around to face his children, but before he turned, he immediately changed his facial expression to look serious and angered. Emarilia added "We're s.....sorry ada, we.....we did not mean to hurt and upset you". Thranduil saw the fright in his childrens faces, and he could not contain his laughter anymore, Thranduil began to laugh hysterically at his two frightened, now annoyed children. Legolas began with "Why did you do that! It's not funny!". Thranduil replied "Oh, yes it is!! you should have seen the looks on your faces! Do you really think your own father would lock you in a dungeon for tickling him?". Legolas and Emarilia looked at their father blankly, and Emarilia said "No, I guess not". Thranduil wrapped his arms around both of his children and they began to walk back to the king's room. As they walked, Legolas stole one of his fathers rings and ran off shouting "If you want it back, You have to catch me first!". Thranduil was too tired to run, and said chuckling, "Ah! I'll get it later, I'm too tired to chase after him". Emarilia giggled, and moved closer to her father, he held her tightly and they continued down the hall to his room. "I love you" Emarilia said into her fathers chest, "I love you more" Thranduil replied smiling ear to ear. As they entered the king's room, Thranduil wrapped his arm Legolas who was waiting for them in there, and wriggled his ring off his sons finger. They were exhausted from all their running, and laughter, so they all threw theirselves onto the bed and lay together in silence, staring at the ceiling. After a few minutes, Thranduil jumped up and said "Alright! Time to get up! You must get ready for the party!" Emarilia and Legolas sat up and looked at each other confused, and asked together "Party?". Thranduil chuckled and said "To celebrate the return of the lost princess of the Woodland realm, I've been secretly planning it for the past three days" looking at Emarilia. Legolas shot up with excitement, and ran to his room to get ready, but Emarilia sat there looking very scared and confused, "I am not a princess, and I deserve no party" she said. Thranduil turned to his daughter, sat down next to her on the bed, and wrapped his arm around her, questioning her "What on earth makes you think that you are not a princess, and what makes you think that you don't deserve a party my love?". Emarilia began giving her father dozens of answers such as, "I have no clothes", "We'll get you plenty" he replied, she added "No one knows who
I am", Thranduil chuckled and said "That's why we're having this party". She added "Everyone will stare at me, and make me feel uncomfortable". Thranduil answered "I will be right there by your side, and people will only stare at you because of your beauty". Emarilia smiled, and opened her mouth to speak, but she was silenced by her father, and he said chuckling "You will never win an argument with me, no one ever does, now go, get dressed". Emarilia said "But, I don't have any clothes, except this dress that I'm wearing". Thranduil smiled and said "I'll have someone get you some new ones, only the finest dresses in middle earth, for my princess". Emarilia smiled and said "Thank you, for everything, Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have you as a father". Thranduil hugged his daughter tightly and said "That's how I feel about you, only ten times stronger"


Sorry this chapter is so bad😔

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