The Return Journey

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Everyone traveled not saying a word to each other, especially Emarilia. She stared down at her hands the whole time, heart broken and afraid. And to top it all, she was sitting with her back pressed against her father's chest when she wanted to be as far away from him as she could. She didn't make eye contact with anyone, nor did she speak with anyone. She just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry forever. After their first day of traveling, they needed to unpack, make a small camp and rest for the night. The guards climed down from their horses first, and set up a small, simple camp where they would rest for only a few hours, until the sun rose. They then started a fire, and Thranduil descended from his elk, then Legolas. Emarilia stayed on her father's elk, not wanting to move or join them. When Thranduil noticed that she wasn't joining them, he said in annoyed tone "If you choose to stay there for the next five hours because you are upset with me, so be it. It's your loss, not mine." Emarilia tried not to cry, because those words pierced her heart. She wanted to get back home as soon as possible, and her father was making her feel awful. She wished she could take off with her father's elk, and ride home by herself, but if she did, she knew that she would be in even more trouble, even though she didn't do anything wrong in the first place. She sighed and lowered her head, so no one would see her tears. Legolas noticed, and walked up to his sister, gently slid her off the elk, and pulled her into a hug. Emarilia started to cry even harder and whispered to Legolas "W...Why does a..ada hate" Legolas kissed her forehead slowly and whispered "He dosen't hate you Emarilia, he's just being an ass" Emarilia giggled lightly at her brother's comment. Legolas noticed her smile and said "There's that smile, I didn't think I'd be seeing one from you anytime soon." Emarilia held her brother tighter and said "Thanks for comforting me" Legolas kissed her cheek and said "Anything for you...I can't stand to see you upset." Emarilia smiled and said "I love you, you're the best big brother in the world" Legolas wiped her tears and said "I love you too, and you're the best little sister I could ask for." The two of them found a place to sit, away from their father, and talked for the next few hours.


The sun started to rise, and Legolas and Emarilia knew that they would be leaving soon. Suddenly Emarilia felt arms around her waist, and she was lifted onto her father's elk, It was Thranduil. He was the last person that she wanted to talk to, so she didn't say anything. Legolas got on his horse, and so did the guards, and they were off, continuing their journey home.

Sorry for such a short chapter and the Language

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