Looking for the Dwarves

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The next day:

Emarilia had been riding for a day, and she was about to enter a forest that led into the Misty Mountains. She had an uneasy feeling about that forest, because it was dark and looked enchanted. She knew that the Orcs were gone, but she wasn't so sure, also there could be giant spiders lurking nearby. She cringed at the thought, but she took a deep breath and entered the forest. It was mostly quiet, but every once in awhile she would hear brances snapping. Her heart began to beat a little faster, but she remained calm, until she heard a hissing noise. Emarilia began to panic, and spun her horse around to see where the noise was coming from. After five minutes of searching, she realized that there was nothing, and she began to get away at a faster pace. But the hissing became louder, and suddenly a huge spider leaped in front of her. Emarilia's eyes widened in fear, and the spider began to run towards her. Emarilia screamed, and grabbed all of her weapons. Her horse became spooked, and stood on its hind legs, making Emarilia fall off. Her horse ran off in fear, and Emarilia stood up, gripping onto a dagger. The hideous creature was hissing and drooling while running towards her. Emarilia aimed the dagger and threw it at the spider, hitting it in the face, making it shreik and fall dead. Emarilia looked at the spider in disgust and ran off to find her horse to see where it had went. Luckily her horse had not run very far, so Emarilia quickly mounted onto it, gathered her weapons and ran off with her horse before any more spiders showed up. As she was riding away from the dead spider, Emarilia began to doubt if she was ever going to find the dwarves. She unknowingly slipped her hand into her pocket, and felt the stone Kili had given to her a month ago. A smile spread across Emarilia's lips, which gave her hope, encouraging her to continue on.


Thranduil's Point Of View:

After I had spoken with Elrond, and mended our frienship, I soon left to go Looking for Emarilia. I have no idea where my guards are, and I have no idea where to go looking for my daughter. I am wandering around Middle Earth, screaming my daughter's name, hoping that I will find her. Each day without her, I am losing more and more hope that I will find her. I am trying to stay strong for Legolas, but my strength is fading. I regret everything I have done to upset her, and I have decieved her so many times. I wish I could take it all back, but it's too late, and I must make it up to her. I am hoping and praying that she is alright, because if she isn't, I will never forgive myself. I miss her so much, and If I find her I will be the happiest I've ever been in the past 100 years. I will not stop looking for my beloved Emarilia, I need to find her, I have to.


Emarilia had been riding as fast as she could for the next few hours. She soon found a stream, and began to follow it, but she first needed to take a break. She descended from her horse, and once her feet touched the ground, Emarilia felt a searing pain in her leg, and winced in pain, grabbing onto her horse to steady herself. She walked over to the stream, sat along its bank and slowly lifted her dress to see where the pain was coming from. There was a deep cut above her ankle, and Emarilia then realized that she must've cut herself when she fell off her horse with the dagger that she was holding. She groned in frustration, cleaned her wound with the water from the stream, ripped a piece off the bottom of her dress, and tightly wrapped it around her wound. As she was tying it, she winced in pain, but she fought through it, limped back to her horse, and climbed onto it with extreme difficulty. She continued to ride, following the stream, but then she heard several voices coming from nearby. Emarilia was filling with hope and thought to herself 'Maybe it's the Dwarves!'

Sorry for the cliff hanger

Any feedback?

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