A Huge Misunderstanding

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"YOU'RE SUCH A FOOL KILI! Emarilia and I were convinced that you loved her, but then you go along and cheat on her like it was nothing!" Fili shouted at his little brother

"Fili, you don't understand, just let me explain!" Kili pleaded

"Fine!" Fili groaned

"I wanted to have a perfect wedding for Emarilia and I, and I needed the money, but Thorin wouldn't give me any gold or jewels, not even one piece of it. So that woman you saw me with, the only reason I kissed her and said those things is because her father is rich. I thought that if I got close to her I could get the things I needed for my beloved, Emarilia. That woman meant NOTHING to me, Emarilia is my everything, and now look at what has happened, she's gone!" Kili began to cry and buried his face in the palms of his hands and cried.

Fili gasped and took a step back in shock. He then sat next to Kili and rubbed his back. "Kili, you and I both know that you didn't have to get with that woman for the money, there are several other things you could've done, and I would've helped you."

Kili cried out "I know! I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't have done that, but now it's too late."

"Maybe it's not Kili, why don't you go to Mirkwood and explain everything to Emarilia..." Fili said gently

Kili then said "There's no way the gaurds are letting me through the front gate and I know if Thranduil sees me, he will strangle me. Besides, I'm sure Emarilia won't want to speak with me or listen to what I have to say...I deserve it, I made a foolish mistake and now I have to suffer the consequences...." Kili stood up and began to shuffle to his room.

Fili stood up and said "So that's it! You're giving up?!"

Kili ignored his brother's comment and slammed his room door shut.


The next morning in Mirkwood:

Yesterday was amazing, it was the most beautiful wedding ever. Several elves ended up getting drunk, and others chose not to drink at all. Legolas and Carrie were finally one and they decided that they would remain in Mirkwood now that they were married.
Emarilia and Elandorr only became closer, and they really did like eachother. Almost everyone noticed that Emarilia was much more happy and cheerful now. Galadriel and Celeborn had decided to stay in Mirkwood for a week, then they would go back to Lothlórien.

Emarilia was happy that she could spend more time with Elandorr, but she was sad that he would be leaving soon.

This morning, after she changed, she walked to the dining room, and Thranduil, Almwen, Legolas, Carrie, Galadriel, Celeborn, and Elandorr were already there, having breakfast. Emarilia akwardly walked in and sat down next to Elandorr.

"Good Morning" Elandorr said to her, smiling

"Good Morning" Emarilia replied.

"Good moring dear, did you sleep well?" Almwen asked her.

"Yes nana" Emarilia replied smiling

Thranduil and Celeborn were talking in their own conversation as well as Almwen and Galadriel. Legolas and Carrie were speaking to eachother as well, and Emarilia was looking at them, smiling, They truly were a perfect couple.

Elandorr tapped her shoulder and said "You look lovely this morning"

Emarilia smiled shyly and said "Thanks....Oh, how's your hand?"

"Much better, thanks to you" Elandorr replied smiling.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that" Emarilia replied

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