The Unwanted Companion

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Thranduil and his two children woke up early, and at the same time. Thranduil hopped out of bed first, and said "Rise and shine! Time for breakfast!" Emarilia shot up in excitement, eager to eat, because she could finally feed herself. Legolas on the other hand, didn't want to get up, so Thranduil picked him up, and threw him over his shoulder. Legolas shouted
in shock and said "Put me down!" Thranduil began to laugh, and said "Not until you say you will get up" Legolas became annoyed, and said, while still drowsy "Ok, fine!" Thranduil replied "That's more like it!" Legolas had no choice, but to wake up, so he went to the bathroom, while Emarilia and Thranduil waited for him, outside the bathroom door. Emarilia jumped up and down in excitement, eager to feed herself, and said "Hurry up Legolas, Hurry up!" Legolas was annoyed, and said "Stop shouting, or else I'll take even longer." Thranduil began to chuckle and said to Emarilia "Calm down my love! Why are you so excited!" Emarilia looked at her father in disbelief and said "Don't you see ada! I can finally feed myself! This will be the first time in five months where I will be able to eat all by myself!" Thranduil looked at his daughter with a smirk on his face, and said "Oohhhh, I see you're not thankful for me feeding you." Emarilia became confused and replied "What? that's not it at all! I'm just happy that-" Emarilia was cut off, because Thranduil started to tickle her, as he tickled her, he said "This is your punishment for not being greatful!" Emarilia began to laugh loudly and said "I am grateful!" They stopped laughing, when Legolas stepped out of the bathroom, with his hair all messy, and a dumb look on his face. Thranduil and Emarilia tried to hold back their laughter at the sight of him, but they couldn't. Legolas rolled his eyes, and made his way to the dining room. Thranduil and Emarilia quickly followed. As they entered the dining room, the three of them took their seats, and began to eat. The whole time, Emarilia had a huge smile on her face, because she was feeding herself. Thranduil and Legolas just chuckled, and shook their heads. As they continued eating, Thranduil said "Oh! Emarilia I have some news to tell you" Emarilia and Legolas jumped a little, because of their fathers sudden announcement. Emarilia looked at him worriedly, and said "what is it?". Thranduil chuckled, and said "Well, I've noticed that you never really have a girl, or older woman to talk or hang out with, so I hired a woman to be your new........companion!" Emarilia was sipping on her water, and almost choked, "A compainion!" she shouted. "Yes!" Thranduil excitedly replied. Emarilia became slightly upset and said "Ada, I appreciate you doing this, but I don't need a.......companion, I always hang out with Legolas, and-" Emarilia was silenced by her father. He lifted his hand and said "Emarilia, you should be happy. I beleive she is in your room right now, waiting for you. Go
meet her!" Emarilia sighed, pushed her chair back, and slowly shuffled her feet to her room." As Emarilia left, Legolas looked to his father in concern, and said "Ada, why did you do this, you know Emarilia doesn't need a....companion. We both have lots of fun together." Thranduil chukled and said "Nonsense Legolas, all you talk about are weapons, and your bow and arrow." Legolas scoffed in disbeleif, and repiled, "So! Emarilia likes the bow and arrow, and I'm teaching her how to use one. She is getting very good at it. Are you trying to take her away from me?" Thranduil chuckled again and placed his hand on his son's shoulder. "Legolas, I know you don't like this idea, but we'll see how it goes. If Emarilia doesn't like her, then I'll simply tell her companion to leave." Legolas nodded, and said "Oh yeah, by the way, what is her name?". Thranduil replied "Oh! I almost forgot! her name is Elarinya, and she is a grown woman."


Emarilia was now standing in front of the door to her room. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, and she didn't want to open the door. She shook her head at the thought, and said to herself "I can do this." She extended her arm to the handle, and slowly began to turn it. She was even more scared than when she had to present herself in front of all of Mirkwood at the party months ago. The door then clicked, and it was open! She stepped into her room, and saw a woman sitting on her bed, not facing her, with a cloak, and hood on, hiding her face. As Emarilia entered, she said "H....hello I...I'm E..Emarilia." She carefully approached the figure sitting on her bed, and it slowly stood. Their face was covered, but Emarilia could've sworn that she felt a smirk, coming from their hidden face. Emarilia stood there, staring at her, not knowing what to do. Finally, after what had felt like hours of silence, The figure walked past Emarilia, and locked the door. Emarilia's heart dropped. The figure then stood before Emarilia, and slowly took off the cloak they were wearing. As the cloak fell, Emarilia immediately recognized who it was, and she felt tears fill her eyes. Emarilia was so enraged and said "You! You betrayed me and lied to me!" Elarinya was smirking, and then slapped Emarilia so hard that she hit the ground hard "You whore! You had my husband killed! You had your own father killed, because you are such a foolish idiot!" Emarilia was now lifted from her throat, and she was gasping for air, while tears filled her eyes. Emarilia could barely breathe, but she managed to say "Gilrond is not my father" Elarinya spat in Emarilia's face. Then there was a knock at the door. Elarinya became frantic, ran to the bathroom, opened the door, then threw her in there, but before closing the door, she pulled out a dagger, held it to Emarilia's throat, and said "Not a sound from you, or else I'll kill you right here, right now." Emarilia was then locked in, and she lay on the ground, helpless, hurt, and gasping for air. Elarinya quickly hid the dagger, faked a smile and opened the door. It was Thranduil. "How's everything going?!" he excitedly asked. Elarinya made her fake smile even bigger, and said "Everything is absolutely perfect me lord! We are having a great time!". Thranduil then frowned, looked around the room, and asked "Where is she?" Elarinya began to panic a little, but did not show it. She replied "She is in the bathroom, my lord." Thranduil then questioned "Is she alright?" Elarinya replied "Oh, Yes, yes! she's absolutely fine!" Thranduil sighed in releif, and said "Alright, well I'm happy that you two are getting along." and with that he left. Emarilia heard everything from the inside of the bathroom, and her tears only multiplied, she whispered to herself "Help me ada, help me". The door was then shut, and The bathroom door was open. Elarinya dragged Emarilia out by her hands, and then sat on the bed, with Emarilia sitting at her feet, on her knees, still gasping for air. Elarinya spat at her again, then continued saying "I could kill you right now you know, but I want to see you you suffer!" Emarilia's tears grew, and Elarinya punched her, sending her to the ground once again. Emarilia cried out in pain. Her mouth was all bloody. Emarilia was swimming in her own thoughts, and she was thinking to herself 'How could my father be so oblivious!' She went back to reality, when she felt a leg plummit into her stomach. Elarinya kicked Emarilia in the stomach, and she began to cough up blood. Emarilia was gasping for air, and she said " bitch". Elarinya lifted Emarilia from her throat and said "Now, now my dear, you wouldn't speak to your own mother like that would you?" Emarilia was now disgusted, and said "You're not my mother, your're a monster" Elarinya was now enraged, and began to choke her again. Emarilia couldn't breath, and in her mind she thought, 'this is it, this is how i'm going to die'. Tears began to fill Emarilia's eyes, as her air was leaving her lungs. Her face was extremely red, and then suddenly Elarinya released her, letting her fall onto the hard ground. Emarilia was coughing heavily, and she felt her breakfast leaving her body. Emarilia threw up three times. Then there was a knock at the door. Emarilia's heart filled with a little hope that she might be saved. Elarinya on the other hand was so frustrated, and tried to drag Emarilia into the bathroom, but with her excessive vomiting, and coughing up blood, she chose not to. Elarinya walked up to the door, and opened it, there was a maid "I heard someone vomiting and coughing, is everything okay?" the maid nervously asked. Elarinya faked a smile, and said "Yes! Everything is perfectly fine! Do not worry!" The maid looked through the door, but Elarinya blocked it. The maid knew that Elarinya was lying to her, and shoved her out of the way. As the maid entered, she saw a helpless Emarilia lying on the floor covered in vomit,blood, and scars and cuts. The maid covered her mouth holding back tears and said "What have you done, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" loud enough for the whole kingdom to hear, the maid then began to scream for Thranduil, but she was immediately silenced by the dagger in her back. Elarinya stabbed her. Emarilia watched as the helpless maid fell dead to the ground, she tried to scream, but she was in so much shock, and in so much pain, that not even a sound left her mouth. Elarinya was still in shock about what she had just done, so she ran as fast as she could through the palace, and some curious guards ran after her, suspecting that she just did something wrong. On the other hand, Thranduil heard all the screams, and ran to his daughters room. When he was at the entrance he saw his daughter on the hard ground, surrounded by her own vomit and blood. Thranduil's heart was torn into two pieces, and he began to sob. He ran next to Emarilia's side, and slowly lifted her head in his lap. Thranduil was convinced that his daughter was dying, and he was shouting "No!" over and over again. Emarilia had no emotion on her face, but on the inside, she was heart-broken, because her father had sworn to protect her, and here she was now. She opened her mouth to speak, and her father watching in anticipation asked her "What is it my love?" Emarilia said with extreme difficulty "". Then she fell unconscious in his arms. Nurses began to rush in the room, and lifted Emarilia onto her bed. Thranduil sat there on the ground in shock, not moving. Those six words pierced his heart like 1,000 knives.

Sorry for the cliff hanger
Sorry for the language
Sorry for such a gruesome, and
sad chapter
Sorry for making their names so similar, just to clarify

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