A Long Night Full Of Sorrow And Danger

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After Emarilia had been tucked in, she tried to go to sleep, but it was useless. Everyone was so loud and they were all on the verge of getting drunk. Emarilia could hear everyone holler, and they were singing really loud. Plus people were now playing music on instruments. Every once in awhile she could hear the loud pitter-patter of drunk elves running down the hall, while laughing hysterically at particularly nothing. Emarilia sighed, and pulled the covers over her head, trying to block out the sound. After 15 minutes she gave up, and decided to get out of bed and explore. Luckily her dizziness faded, and she still had her dress on. She exited her room, and walked down the hall. She didn't want to join the party now, because they were playing slow music, and everyone was dancing with a partner or their signifigant other. Emarilia decided to explore Rivendell, but she found herself going to the waterfall. She loved the waterfall more than anything, it was beautiful, plus her parents used to go there all the time. She was looking at the beautiful view, but then she entered the cave behind the waterfall to see the engraving her parents made years ago. She gingerly ran her fingers over it, and felt tears blurring her vision.


Down at the party, Thranduil was sitting, happiliy watching the couples dance to the music. He suddenly filled with guilt 'No way Emarilia can sleep through all this noise!' He thought to himself, and decided to go check on her. He rose from his seat, and began to walk to her room. As he approached her door, he knocked, but there was no answer. He knocked again and said "Emarilia open, It's your father." but there still was no answer, so he opened the door, and panicked slightly when she wasn't in bed. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and walked back to the party to find Legolas. He found Legolas stuffing his face with sweets, Making Thranduil chuckle. Thranduil put his hand on Legolas's shoulder and asked "Legolas, have you seen your sister?" Legolas mouth was full, but he shook his head, finished chewing and said "No". Thranduil nodded, and turned to keep looking for her 'Where could she be?' he thought to himself. Thranduil continued to search, but the longer it took to find her, the more worried he got. While he was looking in the garden, he filled with realization, and decided to go to the waterfall to look for her. When he approached the waterfall, he saw her there, sitting on the ground and looking up at the beautiful night sky. Thranduil sighed in relief and approached her slowly, not realizing that she was crying. Emarilia had her hand on the necklace that used to belong to her mother, that Thranduil gave to her months ago. She was caressing it, but the more she felt it, more tears were filling her eyes. Emarilia missed her mother so much, and she would give anything to meet her, or to even see her. Thranduil now realized that his daugter was crying, and he began to approach her, but he stopped when Emarilia began to speak. Her voice was very small and quiet because she was crying so hard "Nana I miss you so much, it's not fair...." Emarilia stopped to wipe her tears and sniffed "Why must it be this way? I want to see you so much, I want you to tell me that it's going to be okay" Emarilia layed down and began to rock herself back and forth, trying to calm down, but she just couldn't. Emarilia clasped the necklace in her hand and pressed it to her heart. Thranduil was crying watching his daughter, and he was covering his mouth with his hand, trying to silence his sobs. Emarilia caught her breath and said "I wish I could join you wherever you are nana.......I'm trying to be strong everyday...strong for Ada and Legolas, b..but I don't know how much more I can take....Nana..please tell me it's going to be okay?!" Thranduil was crying so hard that he could barely breathe, and he wrapped his arms around Emarilia, trying to comfort her. Emarilia didn't care, she just let out her sobs, and leaned against her father's chest trying to calm down. She was crying against him, shaking. Thranduil managed to say "E.Emarilia w..why have you n..never told me this?" Emarilia ignored his question and asked "Why does it hurt so much!?" Thranduil didn't answer and let out a cry, burying his face into his palms and cried even more. Emarilia started to cry again, and stood up, beginning to walk away. "W..Where are you going?" Thranduil asked drying his tears. "I..I just need to take a walk....to calm down" Thranduil stood up and began to walk next to her, wrapping his arm around her waist. Emarilia started to cry again and said "Ada...alone" Thranduil's heart ripped into two pieces, and he nodded, walking away. Emarilia took a deep breath and walked around Rivendell alone, in the night. She could hear the faint laughs and the music coming from the party going on. She felt bad for pushing her father away, but she needed to be alone at the moment. She sighed and enjoyed the silence while it lasted, but she just ended up crying again. "Emarilia?..." She heard someome say from behind. She quickly wiped her tears as the figure approached her. It was Elrond "Oh, Elrond!" She cried out and hugged him. Elrond began to stroke her hair and asked "What's wrong darling?" Emarilia started to cry and said "I miss my mother so much a..and I wish I could've met her" Elrond hugged her tightly and said "You poor thing...I knew your mother, and she was an amazing woman, just like you." Emarilia smiled weakly and said "Thank you Elrond" Elrond smiled and said "Would you like to walk with me?" Emarilia nodded, but felt bad because she rejected her father earlier. The two of them walked for about half an hour before Elrond said "I have to go now to make sure the party is running smoothly, you can join me if you like, or I can walk you to your room if you are tired..." Emarilia smiled and said "No thank you, I'm just going to stay out here for a little longer." Elrond nodded, kissed her on the cheek and said "Goodbye" walking away. As he was walking, Emarilia called after him and said "Elrond..." He turned around and said "Yes?" Emarilia took a deep breath and said "This is a dumb question, but I was wondering if you could look into my future and tell me if you see any trace of my mother, you know...if........she.......came back." Elrond furrowed his eyebrows, and Emarilia shamefully looked at the ground and said "I know...it's silly" Elrond approached her, began to caress her cheek and said "No...it's not silly, and yes I could" Emarilia filled with joy and said "Really?!" hugging him tightly. Elrond chuckled, and replied "Really". It then became silent, and he looked into Emarilia's eyes, then closed his eye's concentraiting on her future. After a few minutes he opened his eyes and said "I'm so sorry Emarilia, but I saw nothing of your mother." Emarilia filled with sadness and said "Oh...well at least you tried, thank you" Elrond felt extremely bad, and said "I'm very sorry" Emarilia looked into his eyes and said "It's ok, no need to apologize, It's not your fault." Elrond hugged her and began to walk away. Emarilia changed her mind, and decided to go back and join the party. Elrond smiled when he noticed her beside him, and asked "Are you coming back to join the party?" Emarilia smiled weakly and nodded. As they made it back to the party, Emarilia was looking for her father, because she wanted to apologize to him. Once she spotted him, he was chugging a glass of wine and people were cheering for him. She noticed that there were adults and only a few elves her age that were still awake, and It was 11:30 p.m. Emarilia knew that she couldn't speak to him now, because he was intoxicated. She sat down and watched everyone get drunk, It was quite funny actually. She was sitting in a chair watching a group of drunk elves sing and they would stop every few minutes and laugh at each other for no reason. Emarilia was distracted watching them until she noticed that her father was gone. She began to panic and frantically run around looking for him. She was in the woods, and saw someone with long blonde/silver hair approching the waterfall mumbling to themself with a glass of wine in their hand. Emarilia soon realized that is was Thranduil, and began to breathe normally again, until he kept walking, and was about to fall off the cliff of the waterfall. "ADA!" Emarilia screamed, but he kept walking. She began to run as fast as she could, trying to stop him. He was now on the ledge, and Emarilia was right next to him, tears filling her eyes. Thranduil looked at her and said "Don't come any closer or else I'll jump!" Emarilia began to cry and said "Thranduil please! Step back you are drunk!" Thranduil looked at her in confusion and said "How do you know my name?!" He was more drunk than she thought. She began to slowly approach him and said calmly "I'll explain everything if you step off the ledge." Thranduil looked at the water then at Emarilia, and he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, lifted his arms, ready to jump. "NO!!" Emarilia screamed tackling her father to the ground before he jumped. Thranduil fell back, and Emarilia was on top of him breathing hard, and her heart was beating a million times a second.

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