The Hurtful Choice

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It was 9 am, and Merildis woke up with a painful headache "Probably from all the tough decision making" she thought to herself, So she got up and went to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, first noticing that her eyes were all red from crying so much the night before. She knew her desicion, and she was sure that it was the right choice. All she had left to do was to tell her parents, she shivered at the thought of the look on their faces, or their reaction when she told them her decision. She took a deep breath, got dressed, took a bath, and then quietly stepped out of her room, Merildis was shaking uncontrollably, and all she could hear was her heart beating faster and faster. Deep inside her heart she wanted to meet her older brother, Legolas, and her Beloved father, the King. Merildis immediately snapped out of her thoughts when she realized that she was now in the kitchen standing before her Parents(now guardians), and they were both staring at her with wide eyes, and holding hands, lingering for an answer. Her father took a deep breath and asked "Have you made up your mind my dear? Remember we will not love you any less no matter what you choose" he said trying to smile, but he was saddened by his own words. Merildis began "First of all, I just wanted to thank both of you for taking me in as one of your own, and caring for me as true parents should...but I have chosen to go and live with my father" before her parents could protest Merildis added "I deserve to be with my true family, and I want to meet and see my father so badly....please don't be mad at me!" Merildis was cut off my her mothers words which were "I knew it", she whispered those three words to herself before she began to cry, but this was not any kind of cry Merildis has ever seen or heard before, her mother was crying, but crying so hard like she had just lost a loved one. She was shaking and gasping for air, while her father shouted "Elarinya! are you alright?!" but then her mother fell to the floor and began to shake uncontrollably with tears streaming down her face. "Elarinya!?" her father shouted again, but there was no answer, Merildis's father suddenly became furious at Merildis, and said these following words, these words that she would never be able to forget for as long she lived, he said "Look at what you have done!you have sickened your mother with your foolish decision!you are no daughter of mine, and you never will be!you are filth! Leave this house and never return! Go live with with your foolish father! You are just like him! You both only care about yourself!Now leave, LEAVE!!" Merildis began to sob, and she felt her heart being torn into two pieces, she had never been more hurt in her life, so all she did was run. She ran as fast as she could, she ran through the woods that led to Her father's(the king's) palace. The whole time that she was running she was sobbing, and she didn't wipe her tears until her vision began to blur. She ran so fast, that it looked as if she was being chased by orcs! She was becoming faint and dizzy, and her mind kept telling her to stop, but her adrenaline kept her going, and so did her heart, she was losing her balance that she couldn't see where she was going, and she hit the branch of a tree so hard that it left a huge gash right next to her eye. She fell to the ground so hard, but she got back up and continued to run, she was running from her hateful guardian's words, as if they were going to hurt her. Finally she was at the entrance of the palace, and she began to bang on the doors, and she began to cry even harder, and shouted "Open the door, It's me father, It's me please open, I miss you, I love you"

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