It's Really You

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Thranduil caressed the woman's cheek who stood before him, and tears were filling both of their eyes. Thranduil was crying so hard and said "A-Almwen, is it really you". She placed her hand over her husband's hand that was on her cheek. She nodded and said "It's me meleth nin". Thranduil was shaking. He pulled her closer and kissed her deeply not ever wanting to release their kiss. A minute later they released their kiss, breathless, and layed their foreheads against eachother. Thranduil lifted her into the air and spun her around "It's really you!" he shouted with joy. Thranduil put her back down and held his wife tightly and closely as if she was going to disappear. She then cried against her husbands shoulder and cried out "My Emarilia is dead! She's gone Thranduil, I'm never going to see her!"

Thranduil kissed her temple repeatedly and said "I know my love, It's going to be alright. Emarilia felt the same way when you were gone."

Almwen nodded, and took in her husband's scent. She broke down and said "Why is it that when one comes, one must go....Thranduil, I-I want to see my Emarilia, I never got to see her grow up, I never got to see the beautiful Elleth that she has become! It's-It's not fair!"

Thranduil started to cry again, and buried his face in his wife's hair. "A-Almwen, I-I know it's not fair, and It's all my fault. I was always so hard on her, and then s-she ran away. She was badly injured and she lost a lot of blood, too much to survive-" Thranduil let out a cry then said "I'm so sorry my love, ever since you were gone, I was always upset and unkind to everyone, including our Emarilia, our poor Emarilia. P-Please forgive me."

Almwen fell to her knees and cried even harder. Thranduil sat on the ground with his wife, wrapped his arms around her and kept pleading "P-Please forgive me"

Almwen wiped her tears and said "I-I forgive you, Thranduil" Thranduil knew that she was still upset with him, and she had every right to be. Almwen looked into his eyes and asked "Where is my son..."

Thranduil lightly kissed her on the lips and said "I will go get him"

As Thranduil walked off to get Legolas, Almwen was shaking and began to ask herself 'What if he dosen't remember me?' or 'What if he dosen't love me anymore?'


"Where are you taking me?" Legolas asked wiping his tears

"There's someone who wants to see you Legolas..." Thranduil answered smiling weakly.

"Is it Emarilia?" Legolas asked full of hope

Thranduil shook his head, then stopped. Almwen was 10 feet away from them, staring at Legolas with wide eyes.

Legolad looked at his father, not noticing his mother standing before them. "Ada, what is it, what are you look-" Thranduil cut him off by pointing at his wife. Legolas turned his head and saw her. He knew exactly who it was "NANA!!!" he screamed and ran into her arms. Almwen wrapped her arms around her son and started crying.

"Legolas, my little leaf." she cooed while stroking his hair.

Legolas looked into his mother's eyes and said "Is this a dream?"

Almwen smiled lovingly at Legolas and kissed his cheek "This is not a dream, Io nîn"

Legolas hugged his mother tighter and said "I missed you so much!"

Almwen held him tighter and said "I missed you more"

Legoals cried against his mother's shoulder and said "If only Emarilia was here."

Almwen nodded and said "If only..." Thranduil joined them and wrapped his arms around his Wife and son.

Legolas looked up at his father, and asked while wiping his tears "A-Ada, can we go home now."

Thranduil nodded and said "Of Course" leading his wife to his elk. Legolas mounted onto his horse while Thranduil lifted his wife onto his elk, and he sat behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist and the other held the reins.


When Thranduil, Almwen, and Legolas entered Mirkwood, everyone froze in shock "It cannot be!" people began to say or "The queen is alive!" People began to rejoice and said "We must have a feast!". Thranduil walked the halls of Mirkwood with his arm wrapped around his wife's waist and he whispered into her ear "See, they love you"

Almwen smiled and said "It's good to be back."

Thranduil chuckled and lifted Almwen into his strong arms, carrying her to their room. Almwen giggled and said "Thranduil! put me down!"

Thranduil laughed and said "Never! my queen!" As they reached their door, Thranduil kicked it open and plopped her onto their bed.

"I missed this" Almwen said laying on her back.

Thranduil smiled, held her hand, and slowly sat down on the bed. He looked her straight in the eyes and said "How? How did you live when I buried you, and how did you get the necklace? Please, tell me everything..."

Almwen slowly sat up, nodded and said "I will explain everything"

Thranduil nodded as well and kissed her forehead slowly. Almwen layed her head on his shoulder, and Thranduil wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. Almwen took a deep breath and began "When you buried me, I wasn't dead...yet. I became unconscious from the pain, and I was barely breathing. I think about an hour after the war, someone saw the blood I had lost, and it led to where you buried me, and they saw a piece of my dress from under the dirt, So they began to dig, and they found me unconscious, I was nearly dead, but luckily they found a healer, and she saved my life. I lived with her for almost 100, and she told me everything that happened. But sadly she passed because she was human and mortal. I lived in her house for almost 20 more years and then I left, looking for you. I tried to get back to Mirkwood Thranduil, for many years, but I couldn't because I was so far from home, and I was lost, but one day when I was walking through a forest, I found the necklace on the ground, and it gave me hope to keep looking. And from there, I found almost all of the people of Mirkwood in the garden for the-the f-funeral." Almwen started crying, and Thranduil pulled her closer to him and said "Shh...Shh it's alright. my love, it's all going to be alright."

I uploaded this chapter today, because so many of you kept asking me to.

Meleth Nin: my love
Io Nîn: My son

Any feedback?

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