I Saved Your Life

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After Emarilia's heart began to beat normally again, she rolled off of her father, and began to scream for help. Three guards rushed over to them, and carried Thranduil to his room. Elrond ran over to her and asked "What Happened?!" Emarilia was trembling and said "M..my f..father a..almost d..died!" she began to cry and Elrond pulled her into a hug "Shh...Shh it's alright, he's ok...it's all going to be ok" he cooed. Elrond held her face, looked into her eyes and repeated "It's all going to be okay" Emarilia nodded, and held him tightly. "H..He was walking towards the waterfall, and he was about to jump off the cliff. I..I was sreaming his name trying to stop him, b..but he would not listen, and I had to tackle him, throwing him to the ground so he wouldn't jump." Emarilia choked out. Elrond held her tighter and said "You did the right thing...now, come, you need some rest, let me walk you to your room." Emarilia nodded, wiped her tears, and stood up with the help of Elrond's hand. As the two of them walked to Emarilia's room, Emarilia said "Elrond thank you, really. You've always been there for me when no one else was. You are so kind to me, and you've even saved my life. I know I've already told you this, but you are like a second father to me. And I SWEAR I will make it up to you." Elrond stopped walking and looked at Emarilia with tears in his eyes. "What's wrong?" Emarilia worriedly asked him. Elrond wiped his tears and said "You do not need to return any favor Emarilia...You deserve the world, no less...now, goodnight" Emarilia was touched by his kind words and replied "Goodnight Elrond" walking into her room. Emarilia closed the door slowly, changed into her nightgown and slipped into bed, trying to fall asleep. After an hour, she fell into a deep sleep, and dreamed the most wonderful thing.

Emarilia's dream:
(Emarilia's Point of View)

It was a beautiful day In Mirkwood, and the sun was shining very brightly. I was sitting in the garden, watching my parents chase after each other laughing and smiling. My mother, Almwen was running away from my father laughing. Her eyes and hair were sparkling in the light. I could see why my father loved her so much. As the two of them were running, Thranduil eventually caught up to my mother, and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her into the air, making her laugh with joy. "Thranduil, put me down!" She ordered, while laughing. Thranduil set her down slowly and said "As you wish my queen, my world, my everything." They then leaned in very close to each other, and My father kissed her deeply, letting all of his sorrows fade. They then released their kiss, staring into each other's eyes and leaned their foreheads against eachother. Thranduil caressed my mother's cheek, looking at her with a loving smile. "I love you" my mother said. "And I love you more" Thranduil replied. The two of then turned their heads, noticing me smiling at them. They both began to blush, making me giggle. Then the two of them slowly approached me, and wrapped their arms around me in a hug, making me feel beyond safe. "Where's Legolas?" I asked as we released our hug. My parents looked at each other and shrugged. Shortly after my question, Legolas walked up to us and said "What do we have planned for today?" Thranduil put his hand on my brother's shoulder and said "How about some archery" Legolas nodded with delight, and the two of them left. My mother and I decided to walk to the river, enjoy the silence, and the sound of the running water that was crystal clear. We were sitting at the edge of the river with our feet in the cool water, and the two of us were talking about whatever came to mind. Suddenly I heard someone screaming "EMARILIA?! EMARILIA!!"
(End of dream)

Emarilia woke up, realizing that it was very early in the morning, but more importantly that someone really was screaming her name. She shot up out of bed, realizing that it was her father's voice. She ran down the hall, and entered his room, to find him on the bed, sweating and gasping for air. Emarilia ran into his arms and said "It's ok Ada, I'm here now." Thranduil held her tightly, with one arm protectively wrapped around her, and the other on the back of her head. Thranduil sighed and said "I'm so sorry for what I put you through last night, I was drunk and foolish." Emarilia started to cry and said "You almost died! I had to tackle you to the ground before you jumped to your death!" Thranduil started to tear up and said "I know...I wont do it again" Emarilia looked up into his icy blue eyes and said "Promise?" Thranduil kissed her cheek and said "I promise". Emarilia nodded in relief, and layed against his chest, trying to relax. Thranduil layed back down in bed, and Emarilia stayed with him, in his arms, slowly falling asleep again. After awhile of silence Emarilia said "I'm sorry too" Thranduil furrowed his eyebrows and said "For what?" Emarilia sighed and said "For telling you to leave, when I was walking alone, and you joined me." Thranduil replied "You do not need to apologize love, you needed your space." Emarilia became confused and asked "Then why did you get drunk? I thought you got drunk because you were upset with me." Thranduil bit his lip and replied "I was upset about something else, I was in greif" Emarilia realized what he was talking about and said "It was because of naneth, wasn't it?" Tears spilled down Thranduil's cheeks, and he nodded slowly. Emarilia wiped his tears and said calmly "Ada, if you are in greif, there is no need to get drunk. That is what Legolas and I are here for. We are all family, and we will help each other in times of distress. Don't turn to alcohol to solve your problems Ada, It could risk your life, like what happened last night." Thranduil pulled Emarilia into a hug, and said "What would I do without you..." Emarilia smiled and held him tightly. Shortly, they both fell asleep together, letting all of their worries fade.

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