I Cannot Stay

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Emarilia and Kili had fell asleep together, close to the fire. It was very early in the morning, and Emarilia heard the sound of twigs breaking. She began to stir, but ignored the sound. But then the sound started again and it was louder. She began to hear footsteps, but these were no ordinary footsteps, with every step the creature took, it shook the ground. Emarilia could hear mumbling in a very deep, raspy voice. She began to become afraid, but she didn't dare open her eyes. Then the sound of someone unsheathing their sword filled the air, and Emarilia opened her eyes, she had to, something or someone was about to kill a member of Thorin's company. She gripped onto a dagger in her pocket, and opened her eyes. It was an Orc. Emarilia filled with disgust looking at it, but then fear when she noticed who the Orc was trying to kill, it was trying to kill Thorin. The Orc was smirking, ready to lodge its sword in Thorin's heart. Emarilia sprung up, and thrusted her dagger, hitting the orc in the face, making it cry in pain and fall dead. Surprisingly none of the dwarves woke up from the sound of the Orcs cries. They were heavier sleepers than she thought. But one dwarf woke up, and that dwarf was Thorin. He hopped up onto his feet, gripping his dagger, looking around with a confused expression. Thorin then noticed the dead Orc next to him, and then Emarilia who was standing across from him, looking at him with wide eyes. "Y..You did this?" Thorin asked her. Emarilia nodded vigirously, not knowing what to say. Thorin smiled and whispered to himself "You saved my life...You saved my life Emarilia!" She smiled faintly, and looked at the ground. Emarilia was then pulled into a hug from Thorin. "Thank you" he whispered. She nodded, and was about to respond until several other Orcs came rushing out of the bushes, ready to ambush them. Thorin's eyes widened with fear, and shouted to everyone "GET UP, QUICK! WE ARE BEING ATTACKED!" All the dwarves shot up, looking around confused and tired. When they saw the Orcs, they grabbed their weapons, and prepared to fight. Emarilia grabbed her bow and some arrows, helping the dwraves kill the Orcs. There were about 20 Orcs attacking them, but everyone seemed to have it under control, since there were 15 of them, including Emarilia and Bilbo. Emarilia began to kill some Orcs, but then she saw Fili busy fighting an Orc, not noticing the one sneaking up behind him. Emarilia's eyes widened with fear and shouted "FILI, BEHIND YOU!" Fili quickly turned around, and killed the Orc before it could swing at him. Within the next ten minutes, all the Orcs were dead. Thorin was releived that no one was hurt, and said "We need to leave, quickly! Pack our stuff!" Everyone was still out of breath, but they followed Thorin's orders and began to pack up. After they finished, Kili approached Emarilia and asked smirking "How does your leg feel?" Emarilia then realized that the pain was gone and she wasn't limping. She walked a few steps back and forth then said "Kili! The pain is gone!...what did you do?"

Kili began to chuckle and said "While you were asleep, I applied some of this to your wound..." Kili replied pulling a plant out of his pocket.

Emarilia held the plant in her hands and said "Thank you Kili, really" Kili smiled and hugged her.

"It was nothing" he shyly said. The dwarves then set off, riding their ponies, and Emarilia rode her horse. Everyone rode in silence, which gave Emarilia time to think. She was starting to regret joining the dwarves, and believe it or not, she wanted to go back home. 'No, I can't, I can't go back home, because Ada dosen't love me anymore, he called You a whore! remember?!' she thought to herself.


Legolas's Point of View:

It has now been 3 months since Emarilia left Mirkwood, and it's all my father's fault. What if she dies! I cannot lose her, not again. My father has been looking for her the past few weeks, and he has not returned home yet. I feel so empty and alone without her, and I would give anything to see her. I'm always in a bad mood, and I won't speak with anyone. My father keeps trying to comfort me, when my father need the comfort more than me. He hasn't been sleeping or eating, and I'm very afraid for him, even though he's the cause of Emarilia running away.


Emarilia and the dwarves were riding quietly, not speaking. Emarilia now wanted to leave so badly, and she had a sad expression on her face. Elrond's words kept repeating themselves in her head which were "We only realize how much someone means to us when they are no longer with us" Emarilia wiped a few tears away that slipped from her eyes. Kili noticed and asked "Hey, are you alright?" Emarilia was about to fake a smile and tell him that she was perfectly fine, but she couldn't, beacuse that wasn't the truth. Suddenly everything came back to her. Her father's kind words and how he had protected her as best he could, and how he comforted her in times of distress, and how he told her that she meant everything to him. Emarilia stopped her horse, and her eyes widened, letting her tears fall that she had held in for all this time that she was away. Away from her father, away from her brother, and away from her home. "I'm such a fool" Emarilia said barely audible. Kili and all the company stopped their ponies, watching Emarilia. Kili filled with sadness and asked "W...What?". Emarilia began to back up and said a little louder "I'm such a fool." She then turned her horse around and began to ride away. Kili began to scream "EMARILIA! NO, DON'T LEAVE!" Thorin began to shout as well "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Emarilia stopped, turned around and said "I'm going home". Kili shook his head, and he was crying. "I'm sorry Kili" Emarilia whispered then took off. Kili began to scream "NO!" Tears blurred Emarilia's vision, but she kept going, and whispered to herself "Oh, Ada, will you ever forgive me?" She could hear Kili's cries from the distance, but she ignored them, even though they were breaking her heart.


Kili began to take off after Emarilia, but Thorin stopped him and shouted "Kili, where are you going?!" Kili turned around and confidently said "After my love". Thorin was getting angry and said "Kili, no, forget about her! Erebor is more important!" Kili shook his head and calmly said "No, it's not, the love of my life is." Thorin filled with fury and said "Do you even hear yourself Kili?!" Kili took a deep breath and replied "No, I hear my heart, and it's telling me to go to my love, goodbye uncle" Kili began to take off, and he heard all the dwarves scoffing in disbeleif that one of their own kind fell for an elf. Except for one, his brother, Fili. Fili didn't say anything, he was more than happy for his brother, but he was sad to see him go.


Kili was going as fast as his pony would, and he was screaming Emarilia's name. Kili soon caught up with her, but she ignored his calls. Kili was now forcing his pony even faster, and he stood is front of her horse making her stop. Emarilia's face was flooded with tears, so she turned away from his gaze. Kili's face was flooded with tears as well, but he didn't care, he wanted Emarilia to see how much she had hurt him. "Emarilia..." Kili called her name full of care and love. Emarilia didn't answer. "Emarilia, please...look at me" Kili pleaded. Emarilia finally turned her head and locked her eyes with his. Kili descended from his pony, and then carefully pulled Emarilia off of her horse, wrapping his arms around her waist. Kili caressed her cheek and wiped her tears away. Emarilia grabbed his hand lightly and slowly pulled it away from her face "Kili, no..." she said calmly. Kili nodded his head, heart-broken. Emarilia didn't make eye contact with him, and pulled the stone he gave her out of her pocket. She pressed it into Kili's hand and said "Give this to someone you love, and means alot to you." Emarilia began to mount onto her horse, but Kili grabbed her hand firmly and said "Emarilia, you're the one I love, and you mean alot to me...You-You make me feel alive!" Kili answered with a loving smile. Emarilia simply shook her head and said "Kili, no, this...You and I, it will never work." Kili began to plead and said "Emarilia, we can make it work, I don't care what anyone has to say!" Emarilia mounted onto her horse, began to cry shaking her head and said "No, no Kili, we cannot." Kili started to cry and said "Please Emarilia, please, I love you, more than anyone, more than anything." Emarilia jumped back, her father said those exact words to her years ago, and his image formed in her mind. Tears began to roll down her cheeks and she said "I'm sorry Kili, I have to go." She took off crying, but Kili started to cry even harder, collapsing to the ground sobbing at what he had lost.

Please don't hate me for not shipping them!

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