Our Only Choice

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Thranduil stood, looking at Elrond, and his eyes were lingering for an answer. Elrond became nervous, and said "The only way to heal your daughter, is to have the elves with the greatest power and magic, to gather in this very room, and perform a very risky healing session........Thranduil, are you sure you want to do this?" Thranduil took a deep breath, and answered "If it's the only choice I have, then yes." Elrond
sighed and said "Very well, To do the healing, It will be me, Galadriel, Haldir, and Aegnor. I will contact them, and make sure that they are here before the end of the week." Thranduil's heart filled with hope, and said "Elrond, thank you. You may stay here until they arrive, or as long as you like. You are always welcome here." Elrond smiled, and was taken to a spare room, by the nurse that was at the door. As they left, Thranduil pulled up a chair next to his daughter, and stayed with her, holding her hand, and speaking to her. Thranduil said to her "Please, Please Emarilia don't leave me. I know you are strong, and that you will make it. I love y-" Thranduil was cut off, because a guard came rushing in, and said "My lord! We've searched everywhere! Legolas is nowhere to be found!" Thranduil stood up in shock, and replied "Keep looking! Do not stop until you find him. I don't care if you have to go beyond the forest! Find my son! Take seven more guards with you!" The guard had a shameful looking on his face, bowed his head, and said "Yes, my lord." Thranduil began to have a headache. He looked back down at Emarilia, and kissed her goodbye. Thranduil left his daughter's room, and walked to the kitchen to get some wine. As he was walking to the kitchen, he stopped, and remembered That Elarinya was still in the dungeon. He then walked to her cellar, and she was staring at the wall, but when she heard his footsteps, she turned to look at him. Thranduil cleared his throat and said "I have decided your punishment.....You are to leave Mirkwood, and never return. And If you do return here, you will be killed. Is that understood?" Elarinya sighed and responded "Yes, my lord". Thranduil replied "You will be escorted out of the palace tomorrow morning by some guards. Do you understand? Elarinya lowered her head, and said "Yes, my lord".

Sorry this chapter is so short. I'll make the next one longer, I promise.

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