Leaving Rivendell

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Emarilia woke up the next morning, and her eyes were red because she had cried herself to sleep. She tried to get out of bed, but her body was aching from slamming against the water, off the bridge, the day before. She rolled out of bed and got dressed. She was really starting to get sick of Rivendell and she wanted to leave. She knew that her father was going to come looking for her soon, and obviously Rivendell would be the first place he would check. Emarilia decided to leave. She couldn't pack anything, because none of the clothes Elrond gave her belonged to her. All she could take was the dress she had on, and her horse. It was very early in the morning, and Emarilia decided not to tell Elrond because he would stop her or try to talk her out of her decision. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, and quickly began to write a letter for Elrond.

Emarilia's Letter:

Dear Elrond,

I have decided to leave Rivendell. You have done nothing wrong, It was my choice. Thank you for allowing me to stay in Rivendell, but now I must go. I do not know where I will go, but I will be fine. I cannot stay any longer because I know that my father will come looking for me very soon. Goodbye Elrond.

~ Emarilia

Emarilia took the stone Kili had given to her and slipped it into her pocket. She then quietly exited her room, and began looking for weapons in the training room. She grabbed a bow and some arrows, a few daggers, and a sword. Once she had everything she needed, she found her horse in the stables, saddled it, and attached her weapons to the saddle. She mounted onto her horse then took off, having no idea where she was going. 'I could join the dwarves on their journey' she thought to herself, 'Or, I could go to Lothlórien where Galadriel and Celeborn are'. Emarilia began to debate in her mind on where to go, and she began to argue with herself 'Wait, No! I cannot go to Lothlórien, because Galadriel or Celeborn will tell my father that I am there....The dwarves it is then!...If I can find them' She thought to herself. Emarilia had no idea where to go 'Where did Kili say they were going?' she began to think, but all she remembered him saying was that they wanted to reclaim Erebor. 'Wait! he said that they would have to go through the Misty Mountains, that's where they must be!" Emarilia looked out over the horizon, and she could barely see the peaks of The Misty Mountains, so she began to ride in that direction. She felt so free and alive as the breeze blew her blonde hair. She continued to ride for hours, not stopping once.


6 Hours Later (It is now noon):

Elrond's Point of View-

I was walking around Rivendell, and I expected Emarilia to be roaming around also, but I could not find her.
She was probably in her room, upset about what I had said to her the day before. As I reached her door, I knocked lightly, but there was no answer. I knocked again, a little louder this time, but there still was no answer. I became worried and slowly opened to door. She wasn't in there, and I was about to leave to go looking for her, until something caught my eye. There was a note on her bed. I quickly picked it up and began to read it. After I read it, I began to panic, why would she leave? and where is she going? I began to ask myself several questions, until I heard the sound of several horses hooves coming from outside. I looked out the window, and there I saw Thranduil with several guards. I began to panic, but remained calm, and approached him slowly. "What brings you to Rivendell My lord, Thranduil?" I asked.

"I think you know why I am here, do not take me for a fool, Elrond" Thranduil replied coldly. "Now, tell me, Where Is my daughter." he added.

I could hear the pain in his voice, and I could see the pain in his face when He mentioned his daughter.

"I am sorry my Lord, but she is not here."


Thranduil was on the verge of tears, and I could feel his pain. I remained calm and answered "Thranduil, I am so sorry. Emarilia was here, for about a month, but she left last night or this morning, I cannot be sure."

"How do you know?" Thranduil asked

I pulled out the note she wrote "Because she left this..." I answered handing it to him. Thranduil's eyes widened, and took the note. His eyes scanned over the letter, and I could see his bottom lip quiverly slightly. Once he finished reading it, he turned to his guards and ordered them "FIND MY DAUGHTER, I DO NOT CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES! DON'T RETURN UNTIL SHE IS FOUND! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!" His guards nodded and replied "Yes my lord" galloping away. Thranduil then turned to look at me and said "I need to speak with you"


Later That Evening:

Thranduil wanted to speak with Elrond about Emarilia. They both decided to a speak in the room held for meetings. The two of them sat down and Thranduil began with "What did Emarilia s..say about me?" Elrond sighed and replied "She is convinced that you do not love her anymore. Thranduil, I tried to make her realize that you do love her, but she only became even more upset."

Thranduil sighed and replied, heart-broken "But I do love her, more than anything."

Elrond stood to leave and said "Then make it up to her, that's all that needed to be said" Elrond began to walk out, but Thranduil stopped him by saying "Elrond, I am sorry for the way I treated you fifty years ago, I...I acted that way because you were taking Emarilia from me, she's all I have left of my wife and I cannot lose her, and now she is gone." Elrond slowly approached Thranduil, and put his hand on his shoulder "You are forgiven my friend, and I understand, I apologize as well, I did not know you felt that way." Elrond said. Thranduil nodded, knowing that they had mended their frienship.

(The picture for this chapter is a picture of Emarilia's horse)

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