The Fall

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One month later:

Emarilia stayed in her room most of the time, and she rarely spoke with anyone. She was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling trying to remember who her father was. She was beginning to get frustrated and started to cry. "Why can't I remember you A-Ada?" She said to herself.

She flipped over and buried her face into her pillow, crying. Suddenly there was a knock at her door. Emarilia sat up and quickly wiped her tears.

When Emarilia opened the door, she saw that it was Thranduil.

He noticed that she had been crying "Are you alright?" he asked.

Emarilia didn't say anything, she only nodded.

Thranduil smiled and said "Would you like to go on a walk with me through the forest, just the two of us."

Emarilia gave him a confused look and asked "Why?"

Thranduil gazed into her eyes and asked "Don't you want to clear your mind and get some fresh air?"

Emarilia became slightly offended and said "My mind has alredy been cleared! And I am in the process of trying to get my memory back!"

Thranduil realized that that wasn't a very smart thing to say and said "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean it like that..."

Emarilia realized that she shouldn't of shouted said "No, it's alright, I shouldn't of raised my voice. You are right. I will walk with you."

Thranduil smiled weakly, but on the inside he was beaming with joy. He then gestured for her to follow him, and she did.

The two of them walked around in silence, admiring the scenery that surrounded them.

Thranduil kept opening his mouth to say something to her, but nothing came out, he was so afraid, afraid that he would drive her farther away from him. 'I cannot talk to her, but maybe I can make her smile' he thought to himself.

Thranduil smiled and made a snowball. He made sure Emarilia wasn't looking, and threw it at her back, because she was ahead of him.

Emarilia's Point of view:

I was walking when I felt something cold hit my back. I turned around and saw Thranduil smirking at me. I smiled at him and turned back around, continuing to walk. I would get revenge soon. Thranduil furrowed his eyebrows and asked "Why aren't you throwing a snowball at me?". I shrugged and said "I'm not in the mood for a snowball fight, plus you are an adult and I am not, so It wouldn't be appropriate for me to hit you..." Thranduil began to laugh so hard, and I just shrugged and kept walking. When I noticed that he wasn't paying attention, I ran off and hid to get revenge. I barely knew this man, but I did recognize his personality which made me like him(as a father). While I was looking for a good place to hide, to raid him with snowballs, there was a cliff nearby that I did not know of. I was stepping back slowly, keeping my eyes on Thranduil, when I should've been keeping my eyes on where I was going. I slipped on the ice, and fell back with a scream. I was falling and frantically searching for something to hold onto. Luckily there was a branch and I grabbed it, holding onto it with my life.

Thranduil's Point of view:

I heard Emarilia scream, and that was when I noticed that she was gone. My heart dropped, and I began to search for her. I was screaming her name, but I didn't see her anywhere. Right when I was about to lose hope, I heard her yelp in pain. I doubted looking over the cliff, thinking that she wasn't there, but she was. I gasped and got onto my hands and knees, stretching my arm out as far as it would go for her to grasp, but she was too far down. Emarilia was in agony and she said helplessly " me!". I filled with fear and said "I am going to get help, hold on!" I jumped up onto my feet and was about to run off, but Emarilia said "No! No Thranduil, I cannot hold on much longer, If you leave I will let go...". I started to cry and reached my arm out to her again, using all of my strength. I was beginning to slide off the cliff, but I didn't care. Luckiliy, Emarilia grasped onto my hand, but I could not pull her up. I was too far off the cliff and my strength was running out, but I didn't care, I began to pull in agony, no matter how much it hurt. I was not going to lose my Emarilia, not again. Emarilia looked up at me in fear, and tears were pooling her eyes. I looked down at her and said "I am going to save you..." Emarilia's hand began to slip, but I clutched onto her wrist. Suddenly, the branch she was holding onto broke, and she began to slip father down, pulling me down as well. My shoulder popped, making me yell in agony. My arm was barely connected to my shoulder now, but my adrenaline kept me from letting go of her hand. Emarilia lost all hope and said "Thranduil...let me go...". I shook my head and said "No, I can save you!". Emarilia shook her head, and released her grip on my wrist, but I clutched her wrist tighter and said "I'm not going to let you die this way!" Emarilia let out a cry and said "Then let me save you Ada..." I gasped she called me Ada, she remembers me!

Emarilia's Point of view:

I just called Thranduil Ada, I didn't know why, but I had to find out. I gazed into his icy blues eyes, searching for my memories of him, anything. I closed my eyes and it all came back to me. Thranduil is my father, THRANDUIL IS MY FATHER! My mind was screaming those words at me, but it was too late, I was already faced with death.

Thranduil's Point of view:

I held onto her with the only strength left in my body. Emarilia grabbed a rock from the side of the cliff and said "King Thranduil, son of Oropher, you truly are an idiot if you think that you can get me out of this mess..." She then smashed the rock against my hand, causing me to cry out in pain and release my grip on her. Emarilia fell, I let go of her! She fell looking me in the eyes, never breaking her gaze away from me. I was screaming as she fell, WHY DID I LET GO OF HER?! I couldn't do anything to help her now, except watch her fall to her death or look away....but then, the impossible happened. An eagle came and caught her, setting her carefully onto the ground which was several feet below from me. I cried out in releif and ran down to her, screaming her name. When I finally made it down to where she was lying, she was propping herself up on her elbows and she was in shock and afraid. I knew that Emarilia knew she would be dead if it wasn't for the eagle. I ran to her and pulled her into my arms. Emarilia cried against my shoulder and said "I remember now, I remember you Ada..." I could feel her body shaking, and I held her closer, stroking her hair. I told her that I love her about a hundred times in that moment then and there. She kissed my cheek and said "I-I almost d-died". I started to cry and replied "Why did you smash the rock against my hand? Did you want to die?". Emarilia shook her head and cried out "Ada, I was hurting you, I-I had to make you let go of me. I knew that you couldn't pull me up, and now your shoulder is badly injured and so is your arm. It's all my fault Ada, I'm so sorry."


Thranduil caressed his daughter's cheek and said "No, it's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself, If that eagle had not saved you, I don't know what I would've done with myself....Emarilia I love you, with all my heart, you know that. I am always here for you"

Emarilia hugged her father with all her might and said while crying "I love you Ada, so much. I am sorry for not believing that you love me. You are the best father I could ask for."

Thranduil smiled from ear to ear and showered her with kisses. He then picked her up and said "Let's go home..."

Emarilia became worried and said "Ada! but your are badly injured. Put me down, I am hurting you..."

Thranduil simply shook his head and said "No, I am not putting you down, I don't care how painful it is. I will carry you."

Emarilia was still worried and asked him "Are you sure?"

Thranduil kissed her cheek and replied "I am positive"

Emarilia smiled and laid her head against her father's other shoulder that wasn't injured.


When the two of them re-entered Mirkwood, Thranduil walked straight to his daughter's room. He set Emarilia onto her bed, and got in next to her. Emarilia sat up and said "Ada...what are you doing?"

Thranduil chuckled softly and said "I am going to bed with you..."

Emarilia frowned and said "But Ada, you need to go to the healer, you are in pain..."

Thranduil looked Emarilia in the eyes and said "The pain in my shoulder will not ever amount to the pain I faced when my daughter forgot who I was..."

Emarilia started to cry and said "I love you so much..."

Thranduil held her close and said "I love you more...I will go to the healer in the morning, I promise, but for now sleep."

Emarilia kissed her father goodnight, even though it was the middle of the day, but they both needed to rest after what happened.

The two of them soon drifted off to sleep.

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