Finding The Dwarves

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Emarilia began to follow the sound of the voices, and as she got closer, the voices became louder. Emarilia was beginning to get more and more excited, and when she turned the corner, her heart was lifted and filled with joy, it was the dwarves! The first dwarf who caughter her eye was Kili. "Kili!" Emarilia exclaimed, jumping off her horse. Kili quickly turned around and shouted "Emarilia?...EMARILIA!" The two of them smiled and hugged.
"Your leg, why are you limping? Are you hurt?!" Kili worriedly asked her.

"I..I'm fine, it's just a cut." Emarilia replied

"Let me look at it...." Kili replied as if he was asking permission. Emarilia sighed and nodded, allowing him to. Kili bent down onto his knees, carefully unwrapping her wound. Emarilia quietly winced in pain. "Sorry" Kili whispered.

"I..It's ok" Emarilia replied. She then looked up, and saw all 12 dwarves and a half-ling staring at her. Emarilia became embarrassed and her cheeks turned bright red. She looked at the ground, and whispered to Kili "Kili, everyone's staring at us" Kili turned red, and hopped up onto his feet, facing everyone. Thorin cleared his throat as if he was asking Kili what was going on (Which he was). Kili wrapped his arm around Emarilia's waist and confidently said "This is Emarilia, and she will be joining us on our journey to reclaim Erebor..." All the dwarves cut him off and began to protest by saying "But she's an elf!" or "She will slow us down!" or "She is weak!" and many other hurtful things. Thorin, Fili, and Bilbo were quiet, not saying anything. Emarilia became tense, and Kili was getting angry also. Emarilia wanted to prove them wrong, and said "I can fight!" the dwarves all broke out into laughter (except for Thorin, Fili, Kili and Bilbo) Emarilia wanted to prove them wrong, so she grabbed her bow and an arrow, then her eyes scanned around looking for something to shoot. She saw a very fat dwarf eating an apple, while laughing (AKA Bombur). She lifted her bow, and fired, shooting the apple right out of Bombur's hand, pinning it to a tree. The dwarves became dead silent, and everyone's eyes widened in shock, even Kili. Emarilia lowered her bow, waiting for someone to say something. Thorin stepped forward and said "You are all wrong, She is not weak, and yes, she is an elf, but she is an elf with a heart, so I say she is more than welcome to join us! WHO'S WITH ME?!" Kili stepped forward first and said "I am" giving Emarilia a caring smile.

Bilbo stepped forward as well and said "I don't see why not!"

Then Fili stepped forward and said "If my uncle and brother trust her, then I do too!" Emarilia, Kili, Thorin, Fili, and Bilbo stood in silence, waiting for the others to respond. After five minutes, no one stepped forward or said a thing. Thorin became angered and said "Why will you not join us?!" A dwarf stepped forward (Ori) and said "But Thorin! She is an elf! And Elves and Dwarves do not get along, and they never will" Emarilia was on the verge of tears, but she held them back. Thorin was now enraged and was about to say something, but Kili cut him off and said "So what if she's an elf! She does not hate dwarves, she wants to help us! Are you too blind to see that!" After a few minutes the dwarves apologized to Emarilia and changed their minds, but the majority of them still didn't like or trust her. The dwarves had a camp set up in that location, and they were going to spend the night there. A few hours later, when the sun was beginning to set, some dwarves set up a fire that everyone gathered around. Emarilia was staring at the fire, with a million thoughts going through her mind. She kept thinking about her father, and poor Legolas, She wanted to see her brother more than anything. Emarilia was distracted, until Kili came and sat next to her "Hey" he said with a smile.

"Hi" Emarilia kindly replied

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I was just thinking." Emarilia answered. Kili nodded and asked "Oh, yeah, can I look at your wound now?" She nodded. Kili carefully unwrapped it, and grabbed a few towels to clean the cut. "You've lost a lot of Blood Emarilia, are you dizzy?" Kili asked her full of worry. Emarilia shook her head and said "No, It just stings" Kili nodded, and finshed cleaning the cut, then carefully wrapped it with a clean piece of cloth. Once Kili finished, he scooted closer to her, and they watched the fire in silence. Emarilia layed her head on his shoulder and whispered "Thanks Kili". Kili smiled and whispered back "Anything for you" and they both drifted off to sleep.

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