A Huge Argument, And Elrond's Arrival

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Thranduil was anxiously waiting for Elrond's arrival to help heal his daughter. Thranduil was pacing back and forth in the throne room. It had been two days since He had asked one of his guards to deliver the letter to Elrond, and he should be arriving any minute now. Thranduil was extremely worried for Emarilia's health, because she was getting weaker, and losing more weight. She still wasn't awake either. Emarilia would wake up occasionally to vomit, or cough up blood, then she would fall back unconscious. Thranduil decided to go to Emarilia's room, and stay with her until Elrond arrived. As Thranduil made his way down the hall, he remembered Legolas, and decided to go check on him. Legolas hasn't spoken to his father ever since the incident. When they ate at the dining table, Legolas ate, and didn't say a word to his father. Thranduil quietly approached his son's door, and knocked three times. There was no answer. Thranduil sighed and knocked again, but Legolas still didn't answer. Thranduil then spoke, and said "Legolas open, it's me.......I know you're in there." Legolas answered from the inside of his room, and shouted "Go away!". Thranduil then answered defeatedly, "Legolas.....please.....I need to speak with you." Thranduil leaned against the door, waiting for his son to answer. Legolas walked up to the door, and opened it. Thranduil almost fell back, but he quickly caught himself. Thranduil turned around to face his son. Legolas looked defeated, heart- broken, and his eyes were all red and puffy from crying so much. Thranduil's heart broke at the sight of his son, and he tried to pull him into a hug, but Legolas backed away and said "I only opened the door, because you wanted to talk to me, not so you could hug me." Thranduil sighed heavily, and stepped into his son's room. He then sat on his bed, and Legolas stood before him, not wanting to sit on the bed next to him. Thranduil then began "Legolas, I know you're mad at me, and you have every right to be. But you cannot continue with this hatred and anger towards me." Legolas's eyes began to fill with tears, and he protested full of anger "Do you not see what you have done?! Emarilia is dying and it's all your fault! How could you be so oblivious?!" Thranduil was getting angry, and shouted back "Do not talk to me with that tone young man!" Legolas scoffed in disbelief, and replied "Really?! Your daughter is dying, and all you're worried about is my tone! Do you even care about us anymore?!" Thranduil's eyes began to fill with tears, and he replied "Of course I care about you and Emarilia! Don't be silly Legolas!" Legolas was now crying, and he shouted back "Well you sure aren't showing it! You don't care about me, or Emarilia! Hell, I bet you didn't even Love mother either!" Thranduil couldn't believe what his son just said to him. Thranduil stood, grabbed Legolas's arm and said while crying "Legolas! You know that's not true! I love you and your mother more than anything. Take it back, and apologize this instant!" Legolas shouted "Let go of me!" Thranduil replied "No!" Legolas broke free of his fathers grip, and ran, he ran out of the palace, and away from his father, and he dissappeared into the forest. Thranduil's mind couldn't process everything that just happend, and his heart was pounding. Thranduil then heard a knock on the door, and a guard entered. The guard bowed, and said "My lord. Lord Elrond is here."
Thranduil stood up quickly, and said "Thank you, send him into Emarilia's room now." The guard bowed and replied "As you wish my lord" and left. Thranduil quickly went to the bathroom, to wipe his tears, and splashed water in his face to calm down. When his breathing became normal again, he called over five of his guards and ordered to them "Find Legolas, If he is not in the palace, search for him outside!" The guards then bowed, and ran off. Thranduil walked to his daughter's room. As he entered, He saw Elrond examining his daughter, with a nurse standing by the door. Elrond looked up to Thranduil, and said "This child needed more medical attention than I thought." Thranduil became worried, and asked Elrond, "Can you heal her." Elrond replied "I can only do so much, and I will try." Thranduil walked to Elrond's side, but he kept his distace. Elrond continued to examine her, with extreme caution. He Then placed his hand on Emarilia's forehead, and began to speak ancient, elvish words and phrases. Then he turned to Thranduil and the nurse, and asked them, "Has she been vomiting?" The nurse quickly answered, and said "Yes my lord, She has been vomiting whatever nutrients her body has left, and also she is vomiting....b..blood." Elrond sighed, turned to Emarilia, pressed his hand to her cheek, and said "Poor child, She's extremely weak, I don't know how much more her body can take. Her health is declining rapidly." He sighed, and said "I'm sorry but there is nothing more I can do." Thranduil sighed heavily, trying to hold back tears, and remembering what Legolas had said to him. Thranduil broke the silence, and said "Elrond, please, There must be something we can do?! I can't loose her too!" Elrond Placed his hand on Thranduil's shoulder, and said "There is only one other thing......."

Sorry for the cliff hanger
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