The Wonderful News and an Unexpected Visitor delivering awful news

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Three years later:

Thranduil's shoulder had fully healed. Legolas was now 350 (23 in human years) and Emarilia was now 250 (20 in human years). Legolas was in a relationship with a beautiful elleth who everyone adored named carrie. Emarilia and her mother had spoken several times about telling Thranduil about Kili, but Emarilia was too afraid. After years of convincing, Emarilia decided to tell her father tonight at dinner with a little help from her mother. Emarilia had been waiting for Kili to return to her for three years, but she was beginning to lose hope that he would return or if he loved her anymore.


All four of them were seated at the dinner table, eating in silence. Emarilia was so scared, while Legolas had a huge grin on his face. Thranduil smirked at Legolas and asked "What are you smiling about?"

Legolas exchanged looks between his parents and said "I need to tell you something..."

Thranduil, Almwen, and Emarilia all put down their spoons and forks, waiting for Legolas to answer.

Legolas smiled brightly and said "Carrie and I are engaged! We are going to get married!"

Almwen shot up out of her seat and hugged Legolas with all her might. "I am so happy for you, my leaf!" she squealed.

Legolas chuckled, but it soon faded when his father approached him. Legolas looked into his father's eyes, afraid of what he was going to say. Thranduil smiled from ear to ear and pulled his son into a hug. Legolas sighed with releif.

Thranduil chuckled lightly and "I am so proud of you, Io nîn"

Legolas's cheeks turned red and he said "Thanks Ada..."

Almwen clapped her hands with joy and said "When is the wedding?!"

Legolas smiled and replied "We do not know yet nana..."

Almwen nodded with a smile and sat down.

Emarilia hugged her brother tightly and whispered into his ear "I'm so happy for you Legolas"

Legolas smiled brightly and said "Thank you, Em (Short for Emarilia)...but what about you?"

Emarilia furrowed her eyebrows and asked "What about me?"

Legolas replied "Are you not in a relationship?"

Emarilia blushed and answered "No, I guess none of the elves in Mirkwood like me..."

Legolas and Thranduil scoffed in disbelief at the same time. Thranduil cut into their conversation and said "Emarilia, nonsense! You are a beautiful elleth! I am sure that any ellon would be more than lucky to have you as their own!"

Emarilia tucked a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear and mumbled "Thanks Ada..."

Legolas looked at his sister and said "Emarilia, Ada is right. You deserve only the best."

Emarilia kissed her brother's cheek and said "Thank you Legolas, and congratulations!"


Legolas and Thranduil were speaking with eachother, While Almwen pulled Emarilia to the corner of the room and whispered to her very quietly "Emarilia, you need to tell your father, about Kili...."

Emarilia became worried and said "B-But what if he gets mad at me, or what if he dosen't approve."

Almwen hugged her daughter and said "It's worth a try Emarilia. And if he gets mad or disapproves, I will speak to him...I promise."

Emarilia nodded, hugged her mother and took a deep breath.

Almwen rubbed Emarilia's arms and said encouragingly "You can do this..."

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